Publication of 2023 Annual Report delayed due to illness

Source: GlobeNewswire
Publication of 2023 Annual Report delayed due to illness

Company Announcement no. 145 – 2024
Copenhagen, March 1st, 2024

Publication of 2023 Annual Report delayed due to illness

According to its financial calendar and planning, GreenMobility’s 2023 Annual Report was planned for publication on 7 March 2024. However, due to illness in the team, the internal processes have been delayed more than planned for.

Therefore, GreenMobility will postpone the publication of the 2023 Annual Report until 14 March 2024.

The postponement is not related to the report or the audit process.

Contact and further information

Jan Helleskov Head of Communications & PR, +45 31 10 14 08,

About GreenMobility
GreenMobility offers modern urbanites easy, flexible, and sustainable transport in the form of electric shared city cars. Users have access to these cars via the GreenMobility app. Trips are paid per minute, through minute packages, on a daily basis or through a subscription. Today, GreenMobility operates a total of 1,500 EVs in Copenhagen, Aarhus & Antwerp. More than 250,000 people are registered as customers at GreenMobility.

Driven by global megatrends, GreenMobility sees a rapidly growing market for carsharing in large cities that demand green transport for their citizens and aim to reduce the number of private cars. GreenMobility’s ambition is to be among the leading global operators of green shared mobility solutions. GreenMobility is publicly listed for trading on the Nasdaq Main Market Copenhagen in Denmark.
