Fidelity China Special Situations Plc - Annual Financial Report


Final Results for the year ended 31 March 2024


Financial Highlights:


    --  The Board of Fidelity China Special Situations PLC (the “Company”)
        recommends an annual dividend of 6.40 pence per share.
    --  During the year ended 31 March 2024, the Company reported a Net Asset
        Value (“NAV”) total return of -16.3% and an ordinary share price total
        return of -16.4%.


    --  This was ahead of the Benchmark Index, the MSCI China Index, which
        returned a total return of -18.8% (in UK sterling terms) over the same


    --  Four of the top ten relative performers were in the consumer
        discretionary space, while the Portfolio Manager continues to find
        opportunities in the industrials sector.







For further information, please contact:


George Bayer

Company Secretary

0207 961 4240

FIL Investments International



With global uncertainties and geopolitical concerns remaining heightened, as well as a softer-than-expected economy recovery in the wake of COVID restrictions being lifted, investors in China have once more faced a challenging year. Overall returns were negative during the year with the small consolation that your Company did manage again to outperform its Benchmark Index, the MSCI China Index (in UK sterling terms).

In the reporting year to 31 March 2024, the net asset value (“NAV”) per share total return of your Company was -16.3%, while the Benchmark Index returned -18.8%. The share price total return was -16.4%. After widening during the previous financial year, the share price discount to NAV was relatively stable beginning the period at 9.7% and ending it at 10.2%. Noticeably Chinese companies – even in the state-owned sector – are becoming increasingly focused on rewarding minority shareholders, including through the payment of dividends. While we have always expected your Company to generate the majority of its returns from capital, dividends from underlying companies also make a meaningful contribution to the total return. This has helped us to grow the dividend paid each year since launch.

The current Chinese Year of the Dragon marks Dale Nicholls’ 10th anniversary as your Portfolio Manager. While there have undoubtedly been ups and downs for investors during this time (particularly during 2021 and 2022), Dale has built an impressive record, with the NAV outperforming the Benchmark Index over one, five and 10 years. Over his tenure, he has generated a total shareholder return of 125.7% (NAV total return of 123.0%), some 75 percentage points ahead of the Benchmark Index return of 49.3%.

A notable event during the year was the transaction by your Company with the abrdn China Investment Company Limited (“ACIC”). The transaction was concluded on 14 March 2024 and provides benefits to both existing shareholders of Fidelity China Special Situations PLC (“FCSS”) and former holders of ACIC. Upon conclusion of the transaction (which was supported by 99.9% of ACIC shareholders voting at their shareholders meeting) the Company’s assets grew by £126m, which brings greater liquidity to our shares and a larger asset base (now well over £1 billion) over which to spread the Company’s fixed costs, helping to otherwise reduce the level of ongoing charges for all investors. As part of the transaction, the Manager (FIL Investment Services (UK) Limited) contributed to the transaction costs, waiving eight months of management fees on the assets transferred from ACIC, thereby offsetting direct expenses to the Company. It also reduced the fee level at the higher tier of assets (above £1.5 billion) from 0.70% to 0.65%. This is expected to lower the ongoing costs of the Company further as it grows over the longer-term. We welcome the former ACIC shareholders and look forward to their continued support being rewarded. The very short-term experience since the transaction has been encouraging for both new and existing shareholders with the share price rising from 197.40 pence on 14 March 2024 to 222.00 pence per share on 31 May 2024, an increase of 12.5%.

The main driving force of the Chinese economy in the past 10 years has been investment – whether at the government, business or household level – leading to improvements in infrastructure, strong export growth and a property boom. In the current environment, export growth has weakened as a result of global supply chain diversification away from China as well as US trade reluctance (expressed via tariffs and sanctions), and infrastructure is now developed to the point where the marginal impact of additional investment is reduced. Concerns in the property market – particularly in the new-build sector, which has a stronger contribution to overall growth – have been well documented in recent years. With these three stalwarts of economic growth curtailed a 5% GDP growth target – would be a good outcome that underscores China’s resilience. While a US plan to further restrict sales of advanced semiconductors to China adds an element of uncertainty, particularly in some areas of technology and automation, it is leading to a wave of Chinese invention and investment to compensate. So far, China has surprised in its ability to keep innovating in microchips in particular. It is also leading the world in electric vehicles, green energy technologies and battery technology and is making strong progress with AI. All these are becoming increasingly important industries that China could seek to lead globally in the future.

Meanwhile, the Chinese stock market remains one of the most lowly-valued large, liquid markets in the world. Market-level performance has been disappointing for three years now, and it is always difficult to know when share prices will start to reflect intrinsic value rather than being marked down on poor sentiment. However, the companies in the portfolio continue to show strong earnings growth, and we remain confident that the market will come to appreciate the value on offer in the future; it may already have started to happen. As ever, having a large research team on the ground in China is fundamental to success in seeking out the best opportunities, particularly among smaller and medium-sized companies, where the relatively higher growth potential has yet to be reflected in share prices, and investor awareness is low.

Being structured as a closed-ended investment company means that your Company does not have the liquidity constraints of an open-ended fund, and it can use this flexibility to invest in less liquid assets with a longer-term view of returns. Up to 15% of Net Assets plus Borrowings may be invested in unquoted companies (those not yet listed on a stock exchange), allowing the Manager to take advantage of the faster growth trajectory of earlier-stage businesses before they are potentially listed on the public markets. During the period under review, the number of unquoted companies held in the portfolio reduced from nine to six, following the IPOs of Beisen, Cutia Therapeutics and Tuhu Car in April, June and September 2023 respectively. Unlisted holdings now make up 12.8% of Net Assets, compared with 13.6% on 31 March 2023. If the Company were to reach the 15% limit in unquoted companies, it does not preclude us from further investment in existing holdings if fresh capital was required by them. However, with valuations in the listed equity market currently at historically low levels, Dale has said that any potential new private investments would have to be very attractive in order to win a place in the portfolio.

We have confidence in the strength of the detailed process for the valuation of our unlisted holdings. They are assessed regularly by Fidelity’s dedicated Fair Value Committee (“FVC”), with advice from Kroll, a third-party valuation specialist, as well as from the Fidelity analysts who follow the companies and the sectors in which they operate. The valuation process is set out in more detail in the Annual Report. The Board receives regular updates from the FVC, with Alastair Bruce, our Audit and Risk Committee Chairman, also providing expertise in the area, having for many years been involved professionally in private equity investing.

The Board is mindful of the risks of investing in a single emerging market, however large and diverse it may be, and monitors both current risks and its perception of emerging risks. Dale’s focus on consumption and the domestic economy mitigates much of the geopolitical risk that has increased in the last few years. In particular, a greater focus on the opportunities in the domestic market generated by industrial and technology companies is helping Chinese businesses continue to innovate and grow, even in a period of continued strain in the relationship between China and the US.

While your Company is not a ‘green’ or ‘ethical’ fund, ESG factors remain an important part of the work of the Portfolio Manager, as continuing deterioration in the climate and other social and governance concerns present a potential investment risk to your portfolio. Chinese businesses are under increasing pressure to ensure that their activities are environmentally sustainable and demonstrate social responsibility and good corporate governance. Although there is progress in the form of commitments and initiatives across a wide range of areas, more needs to be done. Fidelity has a sustainable investing approach, including engagement and voting principles and guidelines, as well as having developed its own proprietary forward-looking ESG ratings. The ratings of the companies in the portfolio are ahead of the broader market and continue to improve. Details of ESG engagements by the management team in the year under review are included in the Portfolio Manager’s Review below, and an explanation of how Fidelity has embedded ESG factors in its investment decision-making can be found in the Annual Report.

During the year, the Company repaid its US$100m loan from The Bank of Nova Scotia and replaced it with additional gearing by way of contracts for difference (“CFDs”). Previously CFDs accounted for around two-thirds of gearing and for the time being this has risen to 100% to control costs. We continue to believe that the judicious use of gearing (another benefit of the investment trust structure) can enhance long-term capital and income returns, although being more than 100% invested also means that the NAV and share price may be more volatile and can accentuate losses in a falling market. The overall level of gearing remains broadly unchanged, with net gearing beginning the year at 21.1% and ending it at 20.8%. Gearing in the past has typically been in the range of 10% to 25%, and the current level reflects Dale’s view that the low valuation of the Chinese equity market means that there are many attractive investment opportunities available on a bottom-up basis. Going forward, the upper limit for net gearing will be 20% of Net Assets. Your Board will continue to monitor the cost of fixed term debt, with the ambition of reinstating an element of it in the future.

Although the Company’s investment objective is to achieve long-term capital growth, it has paid an increased dividend each year since its inception, growing from 0.25 pence per share in 2011 to 6.25 pence per share in 2023, which is a compound annualised growth rate of 25.8%.

The Board is pleased to recommend once again an increased final dividend of 6.40 pence per share for the year ended 31 March 2024 for approval by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) to be held on 23 July 2024.

This represents an increase of 2.4% over the 6.25 pence paid in respect of the prior year. The dividend will be payable on 31 July 2024 to shareholders on the register on 21 June 2024 (ex-dividend date 20 June 2024).

The revenue per share earned by the Company during the year was 5.78 pence, which is a decrease of 18.0% compared with the 7.05 pence earned in the prior year. This is primarily due to the higher cost of gearing. This revenue per share does not fully cover the recommended dividend for the year and as a result Revenue Reserves, which have been built up over the years, will be used to cover the shortfall. Following this, there will remain 3.78 pence per share in Revenue Reserves.

The Board believes that investors are best served when the share price trades close to the Company’s NAV per share. However, we recognise that the share price is affected by the interaction of supply and demand in the market based on investor sentiment towards China, as well as the performance of the Company’s portfolio. A discount control mechanism is in place whereby we seek to maintain the Company’s discount in single digits in normal market conditions. Historically, shares bought back were held in Treasury and could be issued at a later date should the share price move to a premium to NAV per share. As the number of shares held in Treasury equated to 15% of the issued share capital by 11 May 2023, shares repurchased since then have been cancelled.

The Company’s discount was broadly stable during the reporting year, widening marginally from 9.7% on 31 March 2023 to 10.2% at the end of the period. This is perhaps notable in a period in which many investment trusts saw their discounts widen, sometimes materially. With sentiment towards China in particular and investment trusts in general remaining challenging, the Board authorised the repurchase of 21,650,191 shares (the majority for cancellation) at a cost of £45,933,000, representing 3.5% of the issued share capital of the Company. Just under half of the repurchases (by number of shares) took place between August and November 2023. As well as helping to limit discount volatility, share repurchases are of benefit to the remaining shareholders, as the NAV per share is increased by purchasing shares at a discount. Since the year end and as at the latest practicable date of this report, the Company has repurchased a further 2,696,249 shares for cancellation. The graph in the in the Annual Report shows the movement of the Company’s discount during the year.


At the forthcoming AGM, the Board is seeking to renew the annual authority to repurchase up to 14.99% of the Company’s shares, to be either cancelled or held in Treasury, as it has done each year previously.

The Ongoing Charges Ratio (the costs of running the Company) for the year was 0.98% (2023: 0.98%). The variable element of the management fee (due to outperformance of the Benchmark Index) was a charge of 0.15% (2023: 0.20%). Therefore, the Ongoing Charges Ratio, including this variable element, for the year was 1.13% (2023: 1.18%).

Your Board continues to focus on achieving good value for the Company’s shareholders. During the year under review, the management fee paid to the Manager, FIL Investment Services (UK) Limited, on the first £1.5 billion of Net Assets was reduced from 0.90% to 0.85% (effective 1 July 2023). As mentioned above, in tandem with the transaction with ACIC, the fee payable on Net Assets should they exceed £1.5 billion has also been renegotiated, falling from 0.70% to 0.65%. The variable element of the fee of +/-0.20% remains unchanged.


Following the completion of the transaction with abrdn China Investment Company Limited, your Board has committed to give shareholders the opportunity to vote on the continuation of the Company. The first vote will be at the AGM in 2029 and every five years thereafter.


After a programme of Board refreshment in recent years (with all the Directors, including myself, having been appointed since 2020 as the Company’s founding Directors retired), there have been no changes to the Board of Directors in the year under review. We are pleased that your Company’s Board includes a real diversity and balance of relevant skills and experience, covering China itself, accountancy, investment management (including private equity and private equity valuations) and marketing expertise. I noted in last year’s Annual Report that with two women and four men, our Board currently falls short of the voluntary target of 40% of FTSE 350 board members to be women, as set by the new FCA Listing Rules. It should, however, be noted that from July 2019 to January 2023 at least 40% of the Board was comprised of women. In order to meet this target in the near term, we would need to increase the number of Directors from six to seven, a move that we have carefully assessed – in consultation with some of our larger shareholders – and concluded that it would not currently represent the best value for shareholders. It remains our longer-term ambition to move closer to gender parity as and when any of our current Directors retire from the Board.

In accordance with the UK Corporate Governance Code for Directors of FTSE 350 companies, all Directors are subject to annual re-election at the AGM on 23 July 2024. The Directors’ biographies can be found in the Annual Report, and, between them, they have a wide range of appropriate skills and experience to form a balanced Board to support and oversee the Company in the best interests of all shareholders.

The Company’s AGM is at 11.00 am on Tuesday, 23 July 2024. While the meeting will once again be hybrid in format, with online attendance available, the Board and I hope to see as many of you as possible in person on the day to mark Dale’s 10-year record of outperformance. Details of the AGM are below.

While the Chinese economy remains sluggish, having failed to reap fully the benefits from the post-COVID reopening, there are undoubtedly signs of improvement. The March PMI figure – a measure of the economic health of the manufacturing sector – moved into positive territory (a reading above 50) for the first time in six months, reaching its highest level since March 2023 and potentially signalling a more sustained period of improvement. April trade data was good and showed a rise in imports, indicating a possible rise in domestic demand. At the same time, it is heartening to see that the Chinese authorities have not been panicked into implementing one-off large measures to boost the economy. They are going about things in a gradually stimulating fashion on both the fiscal and the monetary side, which will hopefully lead to a more balanced outcome. Meanwhile, with Chinese equity market valuations at particularly low levels, both relative to their own history and in a global context, there should be many opportunities for investors to participate profitably in the recovery.

Perhaps the major risk to our cautiously positive outlook is the forthcoming US Presidential election. US relations with China have stabilised somewhat, although increasing tariffs and trade restrictions remain a concern. There is a significant risk that relations could worsen and US may implement measures such as raising tariffs on imports from China to 60%, which would significantly harm Chinese exporters and would depress global trade and exacerbate US inflation trends.

In Chinese culture, the Year of the Dragon is associated with great change, good fortune and prosperity, to such an extent that Dragon years have historically experienced ‘baby booms’. While there can be no certainty that the Chinese equity market is itself on the verge of a boom, the structural trends at play in the economy, coupled with Dale and his team’s focus on selecting the stocks best positioned to deliver value to shareholders, should continue to support our positive medium to long-term view.

Meanwhile, we hope to see you, in person or virtually, at our Annual General Meeting on 23 July 2024.



10 June 2024

The AGM of the Company will be held at 11.00 am on Tuesday, 23 July 2024 at 4 Cannon Street, London EC4M 5AB (nearest tube stations are St Paul’s or Mansion House) and virtually via the online Lumi AGM meeting platform. Full details of the meeting are given in the Notice of Meeting in the Annual Report.

For those shareholders who are unable to attend in person, we will live-stream the formal business and presentations of the meeting online.

Dale Nicholls, the Portfolio Manager, will be making a presentation to shareholders highlighting the achievements and challenges of the year past and the prospects for the year to come. He and the Board will be very happy to answer any questions that shareholders may have. Copies of his presentation can be requested by email at or in writing to the Secretary at FIL Investments International, Beech Gate, Millfield Lane, Lower Kingswood, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 6RP.

Properly registered shareholders joining the AGM virtually will be able to vote on the proposed resolutions. Please see Note 9 to the Notes to the Notice of Meeting in the Annual Report for details on how to vote virtually. Investors viewing the AGM online will be able to submit live written questions to the Board and the Portfolio Manager and we will answer as many of these as possible at an appropriate juncture during the meeting.

Further information and links to the Lumi platform may be found on the Company’s website at . On the day of the AGM, in order to join electronically and ask questions via the Lumi platform, shareholders will need to connect to the website .

Please note that investors on platforms, such as Fidelity Personal Investing, Hargreaves Lansdown, Interactive Investor or AJ Bell Youinvest, will need to request attendance at the AGM in accordance with the policies of your chosen platform. They may request that you submit electronic votes in advance of the meeting. If you are unable to obtain a unique IVC and PIN from your nominee or platform, we will also welcome your online participation as a guest. Once you have accessed from your web browser on a tablet or computer, you will need to enter the Lumi Meeting ID which is 134-206-210 . You should then select the ‘Guest Access’ option before entering your name and who you are representing, if applicable. This will allow you to view the meeting and ask questions, but you will not be able to vote.


How has the investment company performed in the year to 31 March 2024?

The Company’s NAV delivered a total return of -16.3% for the financial year ended 31 March 2024, outperforming the MSCI China Index (the Benchmark Index), which returned -18.8%. While overall returns were negative, the biggest contributors to outperformance were stock selection in the consumer discretionary (our largest sector weighting), industrials and consumer staples sectors. We were overweight in all these sectors compared to the Benchmark. In absolute terms, our energy stocks were the best performers, although their weighting is a very small part of the portfolio (c. 2% of total net assets), and is underweight versus the Benchmark. Our overweight exposures to financials and materials were the biggest drag on relative returns, while the worst absolute performance was in real estate – perhaps unsurprisingly, given another year of negative headlines – although our exposure did outperform the Benchmark. This is another small weighting, at only around 3% of total net assets.

What stocks have been the main drivers of performance during the period and why?

Four of our top 10 relative performers are consumer discretionary stocks, the best of which has been Hisense Home Appliances Group. While the ‘white collar’ area of the consumer market has had a tougher time, the lower end has been much more resilient, supported by government stimulus in the case of home appliances. Hisense has executed well in the mass-market segment, growing its market share and margins in both 2023 and so far in 2024. It had also been trading at a very cheap valuation. The market began to recognise the value on offer with the share price almost doubling in the year under review. It is also among our best performing shares over the past 10 years.

Elsewhere in the consumer space, two clothing companies – Crystal International Group and JNBY Design – were also notable contributors. Crystal International is an apparel manufacturer, with strong growth in sportswear, supported by excellent relationships with the likes of Adidas and lululemon. JNBY is a designer fashion brand offering a good value proposition for its niche higher-end customers, and has been posting resilient sales numbers despite economic headwinds. Its loyal and sophisticated customer base with high fashion awareness helps mitigate macro risks.

Logistics firm Sinotrans falls into the industrial sector, but also benefits from consumer trends, with an increase in international e-commerce transportation leading to strong performance. Disruption in the Red Sea has also provided some support as air transportation freight rates have increased.

HollySys Automation Technologies, a firm engaged in industrial automation, was also among the largest contributors to positive returns in the year. The company is in the process of being taken private after a bid from a Hong Kong-based private equity group. We decided to exit the position following its share price strength prompted by the bid.

The portfolio does not have heavy exposure to Chinese auto makers, mostly on the back of competition concerns, but, as a global leader in the electric vehicle (EV) market, China offers many opportunities to participate in growth. Our two biggest detractors have exposure to the autos value chain. Hesai Group is a global leader in three-dimensional LiDAR (laser range determining) sensors, which are an important component in the development of autonomous vehicles. While Hesai’s stock price suffered over the reporting period, and was the largest detractor to performance, we still see this as a structural growth opportunity over the long-term. Intron Technology’s automotive electronic components are applied in new energy, body control, safety and power train systems. It detracted from performance amid a tough market environment, with a price war in auto parts putting pressure on margins.

Relative returns were also hurt by not holding state-owned banks, China Construction Bank and Bank of China. We preferred not to own these stocks given a poor outlook for their net interest margins, due to falling lending rates, weak loan growth and the potential impact on credit quality, if the government steps up policies to encourage more lending. The portfolio did include China Merchants Bank to mitigate this risk and for its consumer lending franchise.

The expected recovery of the Chinese consumer has been somewhat disappointing. Could 2024 see a change in both consumer confidence and retail sales?

Consumer confidence has indeed been weak but there are reasons to anticipate an improvement. Bank deposits saw huge growth during COVID and household balance sheets are very strong, so there is spending power available, but people need confidence to unlock it. Deposit growth has slowed down more recently, which suggests a more optimistic outlook on spending. There has been a bifurcation in confidence, with the white-collar area suffering most, presumably hurt by bigger redundancies. In general, lower-end products have performed better. Job cuts by the big technology companies may now be largely behind us, and a slowly improving employment picture could bring back some confidence.

Consumer services have also outperformed consumer goods, for example in the growth of travel since the lifting of COVID restrictions. For now, we believe service-led consumption will continue to dominate the recovery in China. Recent data has shown that Chinese tourists spent more per trip now than the pre-pandemic era. Railway travel has doubled year-to-date, and air travel has almost tripled compared with 2023. Sectors such as Macau gaming, tourism and internet platforms related to services are well positioned to benefit. On the consumer goods side, the government has announced measures to encourage durable goods upgrades through subsidies or targeted credit support, such as lowering the down payment requirement for car purchases. We believe this should support increased industrial production and manufacturing opportunities.

Weakness in the property sector has clearly been a significant drag on overall economic growth, including the obvious impact on consumer sentiment. Although retail sales have been more volatile in the post-COVID period than previously, they continue on a broadly upward trend, indicating some resilience in the face of falling property sales. We feel confident that we will continue to see ongoing policy loosening to support the property sector.

We are reading about challenges in the region with potential higher tariffs being explored in the US and Europe, along with other domestic challenges. How are you managing this risk, and does this bring with it opportunities?

With regard to US executive orders and sanctions, we are working closely with Fidelity International’s legal and regulatory experts to understand the policy direction and potential policy response. In general, we believe that China would be keen to have better relations with the US, and the greater dialogue between Presidents Xi and Biden is encouraging. There is no denying, however, that strategic competition between the two countries is going to be a factor that will be with us for decades. The good thing is that the market is becoming more comfortable with this reality. China has been dealing with US tariffs for years, and companies are well aware of the prospect that they might be higher in the future. Former President Trump has even suggested raising import tariffs to 60%, although one has to think that stickier inflation in the US could mean it will be harder for the government there to implement hikes of this magnitude.

In terms of corporate-level geopolitical risk, it is something we look at on a stock by stock basis. For example, we try to incorporate sanction risks on companies with any significant technology exporting from China to the US into our analysis. In general, within our portfolio, revenue exposure to the US is limited and any risk would appear to be mostly priced in. While the video platform TikTok has again been in the headlines because of a new US bill that would require it to be sold off or risk being banned, it is important to remember that as a percentage of its parent company ByteDance’s operations, TikTok is relatively small and also loss-making, whereas the domestic business is highly profitable and growing strongly. Meanwhile, the vast majority of companies are largely unaffected by such geopolitical concerns.

How have you utilised the investment company structure this year? Has it been beneficial?

Our approach to managing the gearing of the Company mostly reflects the opportunity set that we see at any one time. Gearing will naturally be higher when that opportunity set is plentiful and vice versa. Given the significant swings in sentiment towards the China market, we tend to see better risk-reward prospects when sentiment is weak and valuations are lower. Gearing is primarily deployed using contracts for difference (“CFDs”), which are low-cost and represent a flexible way of increasing investment exposure. During the year, we repaid the fixed-term loan facility, and all gearing is currently via CFDs. However, this is something we continue to evaluate and may look to reinstate an element of fixed-term borrowing in the future if the terms are attractive.

We like to utilise all the tools the investment company structure gives us, with historically a working maximum net exposure of around 25% and a hard limit of 30% of gross assets. At the start of the period under review, net gearing was 21.1%, which rose over the following months, peaking at 25.5% by the end of August 2023 before falling slightly. At 31 March 2024, the portfolio’s net market exposure was 120.8% (net gearing of 20.8%), which, while marginally lower than at the start of the period, is still a notable increase since late 2021, reflecting the compellingly attractive valuations of the Chinese market and, therefore, the relative appeal of greater levels of gearing to take advantage of opportunities on offer. It is not anticipated that net gearing will materially exceed 20% in the future, following a change of the Board’s policy.

Because gearing increases market exposure, it magnifies returns in strong market conditions, but also acts as a drag in times of poor returns. As such, it was a negative contributor to relative performance in the period under review, detracting by 3.75 percentage points. Nevertheless, we continue to believe that the judicious use of gearing can be accretive to long-term capital and income returns, allowing us the opportunity to capitalise on the volatility in the Chinese market.

Looking longer-term, what do you see as the drivers of returns for China equities?

At a basic level, returns will be driven by a Company’s earnings and the multiple that the market is willing to put on those earnings. As mentioned, this multiple can swing significantly depending on sentiment, which is often influenced by factors such as geopolitics, which in many cases bear little influence on a company’s earnings outlook. This is why we spend most of our efforts analysing company fundamentals, and looking to capitalise at times when these fundamentals are underappreciated.

While China’s economy is forecast to slow from its current growth rate of around 5%, it is expected to remain one of the fastest growing major economies in the world. Its gradual shift towards consumption-driven growth, fuelled by an expanding middle class, rising incomes and technological innovation, provides a solid backdrop for companies to thrive.

However, China’s financial markets in the shorter-term are often heavily influenced by geopolitics and macro decisions, which have been more of an issue in the last few years, amid one of the longest and harshest regulatory environments. Despite this, regulation trends are typically somewhat cyclical, and the government is now increasingly focused on economic growth.

What is often not appreciated is the level of change that is apparent on the ground, with winners emerging and innovation flourishing across sectors, reflecting companies’ commitment to building a competitive edge. Coupled with trends such as rapid automation implementation driven by an aging population and the energy transition, this continues to create interesting investment opportunities. Consumer trends like experience-based spending, health consciousness and premiumisation continue to grow. There is also an increasing preference among Chinese consumers and corporates for Chinese brands and local suppliers, resulting in domestic companies taking ever greater market share in what remains one of the world’s largest markets.

At the same time, and importantly, companies are increasingly rewarding shareholders through dividends and share buybacks, supported by recent government policy reforms and shareholders demands. This trend is particularly prominent in the financial sector, where state-owned enterprise companies have increased dividend payout ratios, while smaller financial companies have engaged in buybacks or boosted dividends.

Companies have started to recognise the potential value accretion when valuations are at extreme levels. Internet companies like Alibaba Group Holding and Tencent Holdings have been some of the most aggressive in hiking both dividends and buybacks. For many of these companies, we are seeing shares outstanding decline for the first time.

The Japanese equity market has been in the headlines in the past year as a similar focus on boosting shareholder returns has helped the main index to finally regain highs last seen more than 30 years ago. We have been closely monitoring Chinese companies’ dividend payouts, buybacks and restricted share units (RSU) for many years and believe that across the board – be it state-owned or private companies, large or small-cap, utilities, internet stocks or consumer names – management teams are emphasising returns for minority shareholders.

In addition to this encouraging trend towards increasing shareholder value, the Chinese stock markets also offer earnings growth opportunities that compare well to other markets. However, there will be differences across sectors and companies, which underscores the importance of bottom-up stock selection. Identifying companies with good long-term growth prospects, that are cash generative and have strong management teams, remains key to constructing a resilient portfolio that compounds growth over the long-term.

Which sectors are you particularly excited about?

We continue to find companies offering compelling long-term growth prospects within the industrial sector, driven by factors such as ongoing industry consolidation and the continued fast pace of innovation. China’s share of global patent applications is approaching 50%, and companies are investing ever more into research and development (R&D), which over time should feed through into improved competitiveness, pricing power and returns on capital. This is clear in areas like robotics and the related supply chain. Fragmented industries like building materials, including paint, pipes and waterproofing, are poised for further consolidation, following the trajectory seen in more developed markets. Moreover, many businesses are also benefiting from the re-orientation of global supply chains and an increasing preference for local suppliers.

In emerging sectors such as EVs and renewable energy, we are finding opportunities among enablers in the EV value chain, particularly those providing key components and services, such as EV battery manufacturers or auto parts suppliers. Healthcare also presents opportunities, especially in areas with low penetration like medical devices. Chinese companies also now have the third-largest number of innovative drugs in development globally, and are fast catching up with Europe, which currently lies second behind the US.

In addition, despite macroeconomic challenges, many companies will continue to benefit from China’s long-term shift from export and investment-led growth towards higher-quality growth driven by consumption. Urbanisation and a growing middle class are important factors underlying stronger consumer purchasing power, offering notable structural growth opportunities for under-penetrated products and services. Therefore, we are equally excited about long-term structural beneficiaries in the consumption space, with an abundance of investment opportunities given many companies have seen their valuations dragged down by weak overall market sentiment.

You have just reached the milestone of 10 years managing the Trust. With strong NAV and share price comparative performance versus the Benchmark Index, outperforming by over 76% since your tenure, what has been the key to that success over the longer-term?

For me, the past 10 years has underlined how important it is for us to stay focused on company level fundamentals. We operate in a volatile market with significant swings in sentiment. Even through tough markets of the last few years, we have had huge winners driven by great market opportunities supported by great management execution.

Supporting this is the calibre of the team of people we have on the ground in China. Our analysts understand the DNA of companies; they have long-standing relationships with the companies they cover, and they understand the nuances of trends. The ‘challenge’ of stock price volatility is also the opportunity, and we are now finding many great companies trading at bargain valuations. As long as our earnings forecasts are accurate, we believe share prices will reflect the delivery of those growth opportunities in the long-term.

The main driver of the Company’s performance has always been – and will always be – the individual stocks that we invest in, the ability to choose from the whole market cap spectrum, from tech giants through to entrepreneurial small and medium-sized companies, and even new businesses yet to launch on the stock market. This all-cap strategy allows me to unearth and invest in a multitude of stocks that play into the growth and development of the domestic consumer. While confidence remains weak, spending power is significant, and we see the ongoing emergence of strong domestic brands leveraging a deep understanding of the local consumer and operating environment.

Environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) themes are very topical among investors. How do you approach ESG, and can you outline specific examples where engagement has resulted in good outcomes for stakeholders?

Fidelity International integrates ESG factors into its investment process, with research analysts incorporating ESG into company assessments using proprietary Sustainability Rating and Climate Rating frameworks. We also actively engage with companies to improve their ESG practices.

Chinese companies have not historically performed well in third-party ESG assessments, but a great deal of this is about disclosure. If a company is not transparent about its supply chains or its emissions, then the market will tend to assume the worst. We have been working with the companies in our portfolio to improve their disclosures, and this is resulting in good progress on the governance front.

One such example through the review period was our engagement with Medlive Technology, one of the largest online physician platforms. The engagement focused on their cybersecurity and data privacy practices, which had been lacking in the past. We found that while the company places a strong emphasis on data systems and policies, this was not adequately reflected in their disclosures. Therefore, we recommended that the company improves its transparency for all stakeholders, strengthens cybersecurity privacy practices and increases engagements with rating agencies. Subsequently, Medlive took proactive steps, leading to enhanced cybersecurity, privacy management and disclosures. These efforts were recognised by rating agencies, contributing to an upgrade of the company’s ESG rating. Additionally, Medlive established a board-level committee to oversee key areas of information and data security.

Other noteworthy progress included our multi-year engagement with leading Chinese sports equipment company ANTA Sports Products. We encouraged enhancements in sustainable supply chain management, an area that we identified as lagging global best practices. By explaining essential aspects of industry leading supply chain practices during our discussions, the company was open to suggestions and proactively made improvements and new commitments. For example, the company committed to further measures for improving labour supply chain management, workforce disclosure, publishing health and safety practices, and supporting suppliers in obtaining ISO/Bluesign certifications.

As discussed in the question above on the drivers of returns for China equities, better capital management is a key aspect of improving governance. We actively engaged with many of the companies we hold, and it is positive to see increased buyback and dividend activity across the whole market. For example, we encouraged wealth management firm Noah Holdings to improve its capital allocation, for which, in our view, returns have been held back by an over-capitalised balance sheet. Over the past year, the company has made some improvements, including the removal of dual share classes and the introduction of a (small) dividend. In its most recent earnings release, it announced a 50% payout ratio (which was at the top end of the newly announced policy), as well as an additional 50% special dividend payout.

Finally, with the completion of the combining of assets with abrdn China Investment Company Limited (ACIC), how have you allocated these assets within the portfolio?

The transaction of with ACIC was a real team effort and thank you to all involved. From a portfolio management perspective, I was involved in the transition of assets throughout the transaction process, making sure individual companies that I already owned or would own came across ‘in-specie’ and the residual cash from the ACIC portfolio was implemented into my best ideas. This cash was invested as soon as the transaction was completed.

The key benefits of the transaction for the Company were greater scale, an enhanced profile and increased liquidity. While we were already by some way the largest in our Association of Investment Companies (AIC) sector, the increased scale and liquidity should help to bring Fidelity China Special Situations PLC to the attention of more professional fund buyers, many of whom may not consider investing in a portfolio below £1 billion.


Portfolio Manager

10 June 2024

Principal Risks and Uncertainties and Risk Management
As required by provisions 28 and 29 of the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code, the Board has a robust ongoing process for identifying, evaluating and managing the principal risks and uncertainties faced by the Company, including those that could threaten its business model, future performance, solvency or liquidity. The Board, with the assistance of the Alternative Investment Fund Manager (FIL Investment Services (UK) Limited/the “Manager”), has developed a risk matrix which, as part of the risk management and internal controls process, identifies the key existing and emerging risks and uncertainties that the Company faces. The Audit and Risk Committee continues to identify any new emerging risks and take any action necessary to mitigate their potential impact. The risks identified are placed on the Company’s risk matrix and graded appropriately. This process, together with the policies and procedures for the mitigation of existing and emerging risks, is updated and reviewed regularly in the form of comprehensive reports by the Audit and Risk Committee. The Board determines the nature and extent of any risks it is willing to take in order to achieve its strategic objectives.

Climate change, which refers to a large scale shift in the planet’s weather patterns and average temperatures, continues to be a key emerging as well as a principal risk confronting asset managers and their investors. Globally, climate change effects are already being experienced in the form of changing weather patterns. Extreme weather events can potentially impact the operations of investee companies, their supply chains and their customers. The Board notes that the Manager has integrated ESG considerations, including climate change, into the Company’s investment process. Further details are in the Annual Report. The Board will continue to monitor how this may impact the Company as a risk to investment valuations and potentially shareholder returns.

Other emerging risks may continue to evolve from unforeseen geopolitical and economic events.

The Board, together with the Manager, is also monitoring the emerging risks posed by the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (“AI”) and technology and how it may threaten the Company’s activities and its potential impact on the portfolio and investee companies. Although advances in computing power mean that AI is a powerful tool that will impact society, there are risks from its increasing use and manipulation with the potential to harm, including a heightened threat to cybersecurity.

The Manager also has responsibility for risk management for the Company. It works with the Board to identify and manage the principal and emerging risks and uncertainties and to ensure that the Board can continue to meet its UK corporate governance obligations.

The Board considers the risks listed below as the principal risks and uncertainties faced by the Company.

Principal Risks        Risk Description and   Risk Mitigation         Trend

                       · Impact on the value
                       of investments and the
                       Manager’s ability to
                       access markets freely.

                       · Continuing political
                       and trade tensions
                       between China and the
                       US, e.g. trade

                       · Challenging
                       regulatory environment
                       hindering foreign
                       investment, including
                       US Executive Orders
                       transactions by US
                       persons in certain
                       publicly traded
                       Chinese companies.

                       · The ongoing
                       conflict remains a
                       driver of uncertainty
                       impacting the global
                       landscape, consumer    · The Board receives
                       spending and           insights and
                       industrial activity    information, including
                       with the potential for research notes, from
                       increased energy       the Manager and
                       costs, rising food     independent sources on
                       prices and currency    a regular basis.
                                              · The portfolio is
                       · The escalation of    tilted to domestic
                       the Middle East        Chinese markets.
Geopolitical Risk      conflict has added                             Increasing
                       another source of      · The Board receives
                       geopolitical risks and and reviews reports
                       economic instability,  from the Portfolio
                       elevating oil supply   Manager on a regular
                       concerns and driving   basis.
                       prices upwards. China
                       is a major trading     · Major adverse market
                       partner with countries events are
                       in the region and any  stress-tested for
                       disruption in trade    operational resilience
                       may have an impact on  and financial impact.
                       exports/imports and
                       the shipping sector.

                       · A South China Sea
                       dispute could have a
                       negative impact on
                       Chinese companies,
                       including reduced
                       access to global
                       markets and
                       technology, potential
                       sanctions and
                       retaliatory measures
                       and possible weakening
                       of investment and
                       confidence in Chinese

                       · Implications of
                       tensions in the Taiwan
                       Strait region for
                       China include
                       potential military
                       conflict and increased
                       tensions over trade
                       and economic issues
                       over competing
                       territorial claims.

                       · Whilst China’s
                       outlook for
                       stabilisation” is
                       supported by targeted
                       policy measures, the
                       property sector is a
                       source of increased
                       uncertainty. Growth in
                       consumption remains

                       · The momentum from
                       the growth in size and
                       wealth of the middle
                       class depends on
                       China’s ability to
                       generate sustained
                       productivity gains.

                       · China’s economy is
                       vulnerable to
                       uncertain world growth
                       prospects, tightening  · Growth may still
                       in global financial    exceed economic targets
                       conditions, energy     as the stable policy
                       costs, rising food     setting may help
                       prices, currency       restore private sector
                       instability and        confidence after a
                       challenging regulatory policy-induced slowdown
                       environment.           in the prior year.

                       · China faces several  · The Portfolio Manager
                       economic headwinds,    and the Manager’s
                       including an aging     ability to understand
                       population,            and predict events in
Market and Economic    environmental          China. Independent risk
Risks (including       pollution, isolation   management insight is   Stable
Currency Risk)         of the financial       provided on a regular
                       system and debt        basis.
                       concerns in its
                       corporate and local    · The Company holds a
                       government sectors.    diversified portfolio
                                              emphasising sectors of
                       · China’s economy is   strategic importance to
                       vulnerable to          China.
                       uncertain world growth
                       prospects, tightening  · Current projections
                       in global financial    are for China’s GDP to
                       conditions, energy     continue to grow at
                       costs, rising food     above the global
                       prices and currency    average.

                       · The ability of
                       China’s centralised
                       government system to
                       enact regulation
                       rapidly can adversely
                       affect sectors or
                       individual companies
                       and as a result affect
                       their stock market
                       prices negatively.

                       · The currency in
                       which the Company
                       reports its results is
                       sterling and its
                       ordinary shares trade
                       in sterling, whilst
                       the underlying
                       investments are in
                       different currencies.
                       The Company does not
                       hedge currencies.

                                              · An investment
                                              strategy overseen by
                                              the Board to optimise
                                              returns from investing
                                              in China.
                       · The Portfolio
                       Manager may fail to    · Diversification of
                       outperform the         investments through
                       Benchmark Index and    investment restrictions
                       peers over the         and guidelines which
                       longer-term.           are monitored and
                                              reported upon by the
Investment Performance · High gearing levels  Investment Manager.
Risk (including        in a falling market                            Stable
Gearing Risk)          accentuates share      · A well-resourced team
                       price weakness. NAV    of experienced analysts
                       performance can be     covering the market.
                       affected by selling
                       stock in a falling     · Board scrutiny of the
                       market to keep the     Manager and the ability
                       gearing level within   in extreme
                       pre-agreed limits.     circumstances to change
                                              the Manager.

                                              · Limit on gearing and
                                              oversight of the
                                              Manager’s use of
                                              gearing by the Board.

                       · The Board may fail   · The Company’s
                       to implement its       discount management
                       discount management    policy is aimed at
                       policy successfully to keeping the discount in
                       keep the level of the  single digits during
                       discount in single     normal market
                       digits and in the face conditions.
                       of heavy selling
                       pressure, may exhaust  · Continuing scrutiny
                       its authorised buyback by the Board, the
                       facility. The impact   Manager and the
Discount Management    of excessive market    Company’s Broker within Stable
Risk                   volatility on the      parameters set.
                       Company’s NAV may also
                       lead to a widening of  · Maintaining a
                       the discount.          reputation for standing
                                              in the marketplace when
                       · If investor          required in order to
                       perception towards     keep the discount in
                       China is negative,     single digits.
                       then the shares in the
                       Company may trade at   · Maintaining close
                       an increasing discount communications with
                       to its underlying NAV. major shareholders.

                       · Valuations of
                       unlisted securities    · The Company has set a
                       may be adversely       limit on the level of
                       affected by market     investments in unlisted
                       conditions.            companies and the
                                              Manager has a track
                       · Initial public       record of identifying
                       offering (IPO) of the  profitable
                       unlisted companies may opportunities.
                       face delays leading to
Unlisted Securities    longer holding         · The Board’s Audit and
Risk                   periods.               Risk Committee          Stable
                                              scrutinises the
                       · Potential for less   carrying value of
                       stringent standards of unlisted investments,
                       governance compared    and this is supported
                       with those of listed   by the Manager,
                       entities.              Fidelity’s unlisted
                                              investments specialist
                       · The valuation of     and an external
                       unlisted shares relies advisor.
                       on third-party

                                              · The Board is provided
                                              with insights and
                                              reports by the
                                              investment management
                       · Impact on investment
                       valuations, business   · Fidelity uses a
                       operations, the supply proprietary climate
                       chain of investee      rating designed to
                       companies and          complement broader
                       shareholder            sustainability ratings
                       expectations.          and is considered in
                                              the investment process
                       · China’s climate      where appropriate.
                       change credentials are
Climate Change Risk    likely to be less      · Fidelity’s climate    Stable
                       favourable when        rating analyses
                       compared to similar    companies in three core
                       economies in developed areas - net zero target
                       western markets.       alignment, climate
                                              governance and capital
                       · Reputational impact  allocation to the
                       may arise by being     transition - which are
                       invested in a company  in line with the
                       with poor climate      guidance from the Task
                       change performance.    Force on
                                              Financial Disclosures
                                              (TCFD) and the
                                              Institutional Investors
                                              Group on Climate Change

                                              · Whilst the investment
                                              portfolio does not
                                              target or employ any
                                              set limit on ESG
                                              investments, the
                                              Manager is expected to
                                              engage with companies
                                              where sustainability
                                              issues arise.
                       · Investor
                       expectations and/or    · Fidelity carries out
                       regulatory             ESG considerations at
                       requirements related   the fundamental
                       to ESG factors of the  research level.
                       underlying investee
Environmental, Social  companies and the      · The Portfolio Manager
and Governance (“ESG”) portfolio are not      and analysts carry out  Stable
Risk                   perceived to be met.   additional quantitative
                                              and qualitative
                       · Reputational damage  analysis of potential
                       to the Company may     investments to form a
                       arise from perception  view on ESG
                       in the marketplace.    characteristics of
                                              every investee company.

                                              · The Manager has
                                              developed an ESG
                                              investment risk
                                              oversight framework to
                                              reinforce its
                                              Investment Risk Policy
                                              to set minimum

                                              · The Manager has
                       · Loss of the          succession plans for
                       Portfolio Manager or   key dependencies.
                       other key individuals
Key Person Risk        could lead to          · The depth of the team Stable
                       potential performance  within Fidelity.
                       and/or operational
                       issues.                · The experience of the
                                              analysts covering

                                              · The risk is monitored
                                              by the Board with the
                       · Cybersecurity risk   help of the Manager’s
                       from cyberattacks or   global cybersecurity
                       threats to the         team and their
                       functioning of global  extensive Strategic
                       markets and to the     Cyber and Information
                       Manager’s own business Security program and
                       model, including its   assurances from
Cybercrime and         and the Company’s      outsourced suppliers.
Information Security   outsourced suppliers.                          Stable
Risks                                         · Key performance
                       · Risk of cybercrime   indicators and metrics
                       such as phishing,      have been developed by
                       remote access threats, the Manager to monitor
                       extortion and          the overall efficacy of
                       denial-of-services     cybersecurity processes
                       attacks from           and controls and to
                       geopolitically         further enhance the
                       motivated attacks.     Manager’s cybersecurity
                                              strategy and
                                              operational resilience.

                       · Business process
                       disruption risk from
                       continued threats of
                       cyberattacks,          · Fidelity has Business
                       geopolitical threats   Continuity and Crisis
Business Continuity    and natural events,    Management Frameworks
Risk                   such as earthquakes,   in place to deal with   Stable
                       resulting in financial business disruption and
                       and/or reputational    assure operational
                       impact to the Company  resilience.
                       affecting the
                       functioning of the

                                              · Fidelity’s
                                              Operational Risk
                                              Management Framework is
                                              designed to
                                              pro-actively prevent,
                       · Financial losses or  identify and manage
                       reputationaldamage     operational risks
                       from inadequate or     inherent in most
                       failed internal        activities.
Operational Risk       processes, people and                          Decreasing
                       systems or from        · Fidelity uses robust
                       external parties and   systems and procedures
                       events.                dedicated to its
                                              operational processes.
                                              Its risk management
                                              structure is designed
                                              according to the FCA’s
                                              three lines of defence

                       · The Company’s
                       exposure to a number
                       of companies with all
                       or part of their
                       businesses in Variable
                       Interest Entities
                       (“VIEs”) is expected
                       to remain significant.
                       The ability of         · Whilst it is not
                       overseas investors to  expected that China
Variable Interest      invest in VIEs could   will change the rules
Entity Structures Risk be amended.            to the extent that it   Stable
                                              will ban foreign
                       · Regulatory risk from investment, this risk
                       the China Security     is closely monitored.
                       Regulatory Commission
                       (“CSCR”) guidelines
                       that companies with
                       VIE structures require
                       CSCR approval to list
                       overseas and are
                       required to comply
                       with Chinese laws.

Other risks facing the Company include:

Tax and Regulatory Risks
There is a risk of the Company not complying with the tax and regulatory requirements in the UK and China. A breach of Section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 could lead to a loss of investment trust status, resulting in the Company being subject to tax on capital gains.

The Board monitors tax and regulatory changes at each Board meeting and through active engagement with regulators and trade bodies by the Manager.

Third-Party Operational Risks
The Company relies on a number of third-party service providers, principally the Manager, Registrar, Custodian and Depositary. It is dependent on the effective operation of the Manager’s control systems and those of its service providers with regard to the security of the Company’s assets, dealing procedures, accounting records and the maintenance of regulatory and legal requirements. The Registrar, Custodian and Depositary are all subject to a risk-based programme of internal audits by the Manager. In addition, service providers’ own internal control reports are received by the Board on an annual basis and any concerns are investigated. Risks associated with these service providers is rated as low, but the financial consequences could be serious, including reputational damage to the Company.

Viability Statement
In accordance with provision 31 of the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code, the Directors have assessed the prospects of the Company over a longer period than the twelve month period required by the “Going Concern” basis. The Company is an investment trust with the objective of achieving long-term capital growth. The Board considers long-term to be at least five years, and accordingly, the Directors believe that five years is an appropriate investment horizon to assess the viability of the Company, although the life of the Company is not intended to be limited to this or any other period.

In making an assessment on the viability of the Company, the Board has considered the following:

·   The ongoing relevance of the investment objective in prevailing market conditions;

·   The Company’s level of gearing;

·   The Company’s NAV and share price performance compared to its Benchmark Index;

·   The principal and emerging risks and uncertainties facing the Company and their potential impact, as set out above;

·   The future demand for the Company’s shares;

·   The Company’s share price discount to the NAV;

·   The liquidity of the Company’s portfolio;

·   The level of income generated by the Company;

·   Future income and expenditure forecasts; and

·   Introduction of a continuation vote with effect from 2029 and every five years thereafter.

The Company’s performance for the five year reporting period to 31 March 2024 was a NAV total return of -4.3% and a share price total return of -5.9%, both outperforming the Benchmark Index total return of -25.6%. The Board regularly reviews the investment policy and considers whether it remains appropriate. The Board has concluded that there is a reasonable expectation that the Company will be able to continue in operation and meet its liabilities as they fall due over the next five years based on the following considerations:

·   The Investment Manager’s compliance with the Company’s investment objective and policy, its investment strategy and asset allocation;

·   The portfolio comprises sufficient readily realisable securities which can be sold to meet funding requirements if necessary; and

·   The ongoing processes for monitoring operating costs and income which are considered to be reasonable in comparison to the Company’s total assets.

In preparing the Financial Statements, the Directors have considered the impact of climate change as detailed above. The Board has also considered the impact of regulatory changes, continuing tensions between the US and China, and China and Taiwan, unforeseen market events and also the ongoing global implications of the Russia and Ukraine war and the Middle East conflict, and how this may affect the Company.

In addition, the Directors’ assessment of the Company’s ability to operate in the foreseeable future is included in the Going Concern Statement which is included below.

Going Concern Statement
The Directors have considered the Company’s investment objective, risk management policies, liquidity risk, credit risk, capital management policies and procedures, the nature of its portfolio and its expenditure and cash flow projections. The Directors, having considered the liquidity of the Company’s portfolio of investments (being mainly securities which are readily realisable), stress testing performed, the projected income and expenditure, are satisfied that the Company is financially sound and has adequate resources to meet all of its liabilities and ongoing expenses and continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. The Board has therefore concluded that the Company has adequate resources to continue to adopt the going concern basis for the period to 30 June 2025 which is at least twelve months from the date of approval of the Financial Statements. This conclusion also takes into account the Board’s assessment of the ongoing risks from the war in Ukraine, the Middle East conflict, China’s tensions with the US and Taiwan and significant market events.

Accordingly, the Financial Statements of the Company have been prepared on a going concern basis.

The prospects of the Company over a period longer than twelve months can be found in the Viability Statement above.

Under Section 172(1) of the Companies Act 2006, the Directors of a company must act in a way they consider, in good faith, would be most likely to promote the success of the Company for the benefit of its members as a whole, and in doing so have regard (amongst other matters) to the likely consequences of any decision in the long-term; the need to foster relationships with the Company’s suppliers, customers and others; the impact of the Company’s operations on the community and the environment; the desirability of the Company maintaining a reputation for high standards of business conduct; and the need to act fairly as between members of the Company.

As an externally managed Investment Trust, the Company has no employees or physical assets, and a number of the Company’s functions are outsourced to third parties. The key outsourced function is the provision of investment management services by the Manager, but other professional service providers support the Company by providing administration, custodial, banking and audit services. The Board considers the Company’s key stakeholders to be the existing and potential shareholders, the externally appointed Manager (FIL Investment Services (UK) Limited) and other third-party professional service providers. The Board considers that the interest of these stakeholders is aligned with the Company’s objective of delivering long-term capital growth to investors, in line with the Company’s stated objective and strategy, while providing the highest standards of legal, regulatory and commercial conduct.

The Board, with the Portfolio Manager, sets the overall investment strategy and reviews this at an annual strategy day which is separate from the regular cycle of board meetings. In order to ensure good governance of the Company, the Board has set various limits on the investments in the portfolio, whether in the maximum size of individual holdings, the use of derivatives, the level of gearing and others. These limits and guidelines are regularly monitored and reviewed and are set out in the Annual Report.

The Board receives regular reports from the Company’s Broker which covers market activity, how the Company compares with its peers in the China sector on performance, discount and share repurchase activity, an analysis of the Company’s share register and market trends.

The Board places great importance on communication with shareholders. The Annual General Meeting provides the key forum for the Board and the Portfolio Manager to present to the shareholders on the Company’s performance and future plans and the Board encourages all shareholders to attend in person or virtually and raise any questions or concerns. The Chairman and other Board members are available to meet shareholders as appropriate. Shareholders may also communicate with Board members at any time by writing to them at the Company’s registered office at FIL Investments International, Beech Gate, Millfield Lane, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 6RP or via the Company Secretary at the same address or by email at investmenttrusts@ .

The Portfolio Manager meets with major shareholders, potential investors, stock market analysts, journalists and other commentators throughout the year. These communication opportunities help inform the Board in considering how best to promote the success of the Company over the long-term.

The Board seeks to engage with the Manager and other service providers and advisers in a constructive and collaborative way, promoting a culture of strong governance, while encouraging open and constructive debate, in order to ensure appropriate and regular challenge and evaluation. This aims to enhance service levels and strengthen relationships with service providers, with a view to ensuring shareholders’ interests are best served, by maintaining the highest standards of commercial conduct while keeping cost levels competitive.

Whilst the Company’s direct operations are limited, the Board recognises the importance of considering the impact of the Company’s investment strategy on the wider community and environment. The Board believes that a proper consideration of ESG issues aligns with the Company’s investment objective to deliver long-term growth in both capital and income, and the Board’s review of the Manager includes an assessment of their ESG approach, which is set out in the Annual Report.

In addition to ensuring that the Company’s investment objective was being pursued, key decisions and actions taken by the Directors during the reporting year, and up to the date of this report, have included:

·   The decision to combine assets with abrdn China Investment Company Limited on 14 March 2024 (see further details in the Chairman’s Statement above and Note 2 (a) below);

·   The decision to introduce a continuation vote with effect from 2029 and every five years thereafter;

·   The decision to hold a hybrid AGM in 2023 (and again this year) in order to make the AGM more accessible and improve the shareholder experience;

·   Authorising the repurchase of 2,900,696 shares into Treasury and 18,749,495 shares for cancellation in the reporting year when the Company’s discount widened, in line with the Board’s intention that the ordinary share price should trade at a level close to the underlying NAV. Since the year ended 31 March 2024 and up to the latest practicable date of this report, a further 2,696,249 shares have been repurchased;

·   The decision not to renew the Company’s credit facility for US$100,000,000 and to use contracts for difference for gearing purposes as they are generally a cheaper finance option and offer more flexibility;

·   Following discussions with the Manager, the reduction in the first tier of the management fee from 0.90% to 0.85% with effect from 1 July 2023, and from 14 March 2024, the reduction of the second tier management fee from 0.70% to 0.65% for Net Assets over £1.5 billion;

·   The decision to carry out an external Board evaluation using the services of Lintstock Ltd in accordance with the UK Corporate Governance Code; and

·   The decision to pay a final dividend of 6.40 pence per ordinary share.

Statement of Directors’ Responsibilities

The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the Financial Statements in accordance with applicable United Kingdom law and regulations.

Company law requires the Directors to prepare Financial Statements for each financial period. Under that law they have elected to prepare the Financial Statements in accordance with UK-adopted International Accounting Standards (“IFRS”) in conformity with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 and IFRIC interpretations. Under company law the Directors must not approve the Financial Statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company and of the profit or loss for the reporting period.

In preparing these Financial Statements the Directors are required to:

·   Select suitable accounting policies in accordance with IAS 8: Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors, and then apply them consistently;

·   Make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;

·   Present information, including accounting policies, in a manner that provides relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information;

·   Provide additional disclosures when compliance with the specific requirements in IFRS is insufficient to enable users to understand the impact of particular transactions, other events and conditions on the Company’s financial position and financial performance;

·   State whether applicable IFRS and IFRIC interpretations have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the Financial Statements; and

·   Prepare the Financial Statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to assume that the Company will continue in business.

The Directors are responsible for ensuring that adequate accounting records are kept which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and to enable them to ensure that the Financial Statements comply with the Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

Under applicable law and regulations, the Directors are also responsible for preparing a Strategic Report, a Directors’ Report, a Corporate Governance Statement and a Directors’ Remuneration Report that comply with that law and those regulations.

The Directors have delegated to the Manager the responsibility for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate and financial information included on the Company’s pages of the Manager’s website at . Visitors to the website need to be aware that legislation in the UK governing the preparation and dissemination of the Financial Statements may differ from legislation in their own jurisdictions.

The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge:

·   The Financial Statements, prepared in accordance with UK-adopted International Accounting Standards (“IFRS”) and IFRIC interpretations, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and loss of the Company; and

·   The Annual Report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties it faces.

The Directors consider that the Annual Report and Financial Statements, taken as a whole, are fair, balanced and understandable and provide the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Company’s performance, business model and strategy.

Approved by the Board on 10 June 2024 and signed on its behalf



INCOME STATEMENT for the year ended 31 March 2024


                     Year ended 31 March 2024                        Year ended 31 March 2023

                     Revenue         Capital         Total           Revenue         Capital         Total
               Notes £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000


Investment     3     26,123          –               26,123          32,704          –               32,704

Derivative     3     11,154          –               11,154          11,566          –               11,566

Other income   3     1,659           –               1,659           409             –               409

                     --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

Total income         38,936          –               38,936          44,679          –               44,679

                     =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========

Losses on
investments at
fair value     10    –               (155,001)       (155,001)       –               (6,912)         (6,912)
through profit
or loss

on derivative  11    –               (54,790)        (54,790)        –               14,971          14,971

exchange             –               (3,858)         (3,858)         –               8,167           8,167

exchange             –               1,517           1,517           –               (4,814)         (4,814)
on bank loan

                     --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

Total income
and                  38,936          (212,132)       (173,196)       44,679          11,412          56,091

                     =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========


management     4     (2,430)         (8,991)         (11,421)        (3,012)         (11,715)        (14,727)

Other expenses 5     (1,203)         (35)            (1,238)         (1,097)         (4)             (1,101)

                     --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

before finance       35,303          (221,158)       (185,855)       40,570          (307)           40,263
costs and

Finance costs  6     (6,699)         (20,098)        (26,797)        (3,956)         (11,869)        (15,825)

                     --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

before               28,604          (241,256)       (212,652)       36,614          (12,176)        24,438

Taxation       7     (812)           –               (812)           (1,149)         –               (1,149)

                     --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

after taxation       27,792          (241,256)       (213,464)       35,465          (12,176)        23,289
for the year

                     --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

(loss) per     8     5.78p           (50.18p)        (44.40p)        7.05p           (2.42p)         4.63p
ordinary share

                     =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========


The Company does not have any income or expenses that are not included in the profit/(loss) after taxation for the year. Accordingly, the profit/(loss) after taxation for the year is also the total comprehensive income for the year and no separate Statement of Comprehensive Income has been presented.

The total column of this statement represents the Income Statement of the Company. The revenue and capital columns are supplementary and presented for information purposes as recommended by the Statement of Recommended Practice issued by the AIC.

All the profit/(loss) and total comprehensive income is attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company. There are no minority interests.

On 13 March 2024, the Company combined assets with abrdn China Investment Company Limited (“ACIC”), following a Guernsey scheme of reconstruction. No other operations were acquired or discontinued during the year.

The Notes below form an integral part of these Financial Statements.

Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 March 2024


                    Share           Share           Capital         Other
                    capital         premium         redemption      reserve         Capital         Revenue         Total
                    £’000           account         reserve         £’000           reserve         reserve         equity
              Notes                 £’000           £’000                           £’000           £’000           £’000

Total equity
at 31 March         5,710           211,569         917             186,794         877,782         55,649          1,338,421

                    --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

New ordinary
shares issued
in respect of 15    590             126,198         –               –               –               –               126,788
with ACIC

in respect of
the                 –               400             –               –               –               –               400
with ACIC by
the Manager

Repurchase of
ordinary      15    –               –               –               (6,965)         –               –               (6,965)
shares into

Repurchase of
ordinary      15    (187)           –               187             (38,968)        –               –               (38,968)
shares for

after               –               –               –               –               (241,256)       27,792          (213,464)
taxation for
the year

Dividend paid
to            9     –               –               –               –               –               (30,198)        (30,198)

                    --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

Total equity
at 31 March         6,113           338,167         1,104           140,861         636,526         53,243          1,176,014

                    =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========

Total equity
at 31 March         5,710           211,569         917             244,043         889,958         48,424          1,400,621

Repurchase of
ordinary      15    –               –               –               (57,249)        –               –               (57,249)

after               –               –               –               –               (12,176)        35,465          23,289
taxation for
the year

Dividend paid
to            9     –               –               –               –               –               (28,240)        (28,240)

                    --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

Total equity
at 31 March         5,710           211,569         917             186,794         877,782         55,649          1,338,421

                    =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========


The Notes below form an integral part of these Financial Statements.

Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2024
Company number 7133583

                                                 31 March        31 March
                                                 2024            2023
                                 Notes           £’000           £’000

Non-current assets

Investments at fair value        10              1,162,265       1,318,764
through profit or loss

                                 --------------- --------------- ---------------

Current assets

Derivative instruments           11              7,103           22,313

Amounts held at futures clearing                 24,589          34,813
houses and brokers

Other receivables                12              10,066          11,939

Cash at bank                                     7,858           72,943

                                                 --------------- ---------------

                                                 49,616          142,008

                                                 =========       =========

Current liabilities

Derivative instruments           11              (13,307)        (20,892)

Bank loan                        13              –               (80,857)

Other payables                   14              (9,802)         (20,602)

Bank overdrafts                                  (12,758)        –

                                                 --------------- ---------------

                                                 (35,867)        (122,351)

                                                 =========       =========

Net current assets                               13,749          19,657

                                                 =========       =========

Net assets                                       1,176,014       1,338,421

                                                 =========       =========

Equity attributable to equity

Share capital                    15              6,113           5,710

Share premium account            16              338,167         211,569

Capital redemption reserve       16              1,104           917

Other reserve                    16              140,861         186,794

Capital reserve                  16              636,526         877,782

Revenue reserve                  16              53,243          55,649

                                                 --------------- ---------------

Total equity                                     1,176,014       1,338,421

                                                 =========       =========

Net asset value per ordinary     17              223.71p         274.08p

                                 =========       =========       =========

The Financial Statements above and below were approved by the Board of Directors on 10 June 2024 and were signed on its behalf by:



The Notes below form an integral part of these Financial Statements.

Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 March 2024

                                                 Year ended      Year ended
                                                 31 March        31 March
                                                 2024            2023
                                                 £’000           £’000

Operating activities

Cash inflow from investment income               26,240          30,352

Cash inflow from derivative income               10,891          11,484

Cash inflow from other income                    1,659           409

Cash outflow from Directors’ fees                (236)           (195)

Cash outflow from other payments                 (13,104)        (15,638)

Cash outflow from the purchase of investments    (592,266)       (429,715)

Cash outflow from the purchase of derivatives    (1,910)         (7,957)

Cash outflow from the settlement of derivatives  (301,285)       (485,760)

Cash inflow from the sale of investments         703,150         480,407

Cash inflow from the settlement of derivatives   260,351         510,263

Cash outflow from amounts held at futures        10,224          (2,593)
clearing houses and brokers

                                                 --------------- ---------------

Net cash inflow from operating activities before 103,714         91,057
servicing of finance

                                                 =========       =========

Financing activities

Cash inflow from the issuance of ordinary shares 5,156           –
in respect of the transaction with ACIC

Cash inflow from the Fidelity contribution in    400             –
respect of the transaction with ACIC

Cash outflow from loan interest paid             (5,138)         (2,242)

Cash outflow from the settlement of the bank     (79,340)        –

Cash outflow from CFD interest paid              (22,695)        (12,099)

Cash outflow from short CFD dividends paid       –               (254)

Cash outflow from the repurchase of ordinary     (7,095)         (57,119)
shares into Treasury

Cash outflow from the repurchase of ordinary     (38,789)        –
shares for cancellation

Cash outflow from dividends paid to shareholders (30,198)        (28,240)

                                                 --------------- ---------------

Cash outflow from financing activities           (177,699)       (99,954)

                                                 =========       =========

Decrease in cash at bank                         (73,985)        (8,897)

Cash at bank at the start of the year            72,943          73,673

Effect of foreign exchange movements             (3,858)         8,167

                                                 --------------- ---------------

Cash at bank at the end of the year              (4,900)         72,943

                                                 =========       =========

Represented by:

Cash at bank                                     7,858           72,943

Bank overdrafts                                  (12,758)        –

                                                 --------------- ---------------

                                                 (4,900)         72,943

                                                 =========       =========


1. Principal Activity
Fidelity China Special Situations PLC is an Investment Company incorporated in England and Wales with a premium listing on the London Stock Exchange. The Company’s registration number is 7133583, and its registered office is Beech Gate, Millfield Lane, Lower Kingswood, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 6RP. The Company has been approved by HM Revenue & Customs as an Investment Trust under Section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 and intends to conduct its affairs so as to continue to be approved.

2. Accounting Policies
The Company’s Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with UK-adopted International Accounting Standards (“IFRS”), IFRIC interpretations and as far as it is consistent with IFRS, with the Statement of Recommended Practice: Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts (“SORP”) issued by the Association of Investment Companies (“AIC”) in July 2022. The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these Financial Statements are summarised below.

a) Basis of accounting – The Financial Statements have been prepared on a going concern basis and under the historical cost convention, except for the measurement at fair value of investments and derivative instruments. The Directors have a reasonable expectation that the Company has adequate resources to continue in operational existence up to 30 June 2025 which is at least twelve months from the date of approval of these Financial Statements. In making their assessment the Directors have reviewed income and expense projections, the liquidity of the investment portfolio, stress testing performed and considered the Company’s ability to meet liabilities as they fall due. This conclusion also takes into account the Director’s assessment of the risks faced by the Company as detailed in the Going Concern Statement above.

In preparing these Financial Statements the Directors have considered the impact of climate change risk as an emerging and a principal risk as set out above, and have concluded that there was no further impact of climate change to be taken into account as the investments are valued based on market pricing. In line with IFRS 13, investments are valued at fair value, which for the Company are quoted bid prices for investments in active markets at the balance sheet date. Investments which are unlisted are priced using market-based valuation approaches. All investments therefore reflect the market participants view of climate change risk on the investments held by the Company.

The Company’s Going Concern Statement above takes account of all events and conditions up to 30 June 2025 which is at least twelve months from the date of approval of these Financial Statements.

Issue of Ordinary Shares in respect of the transaction with abrdn China Investment Company Limited (“ACIC”)
On 13 March 2024, the Company issued New ordinary shares which were provided to shareholders of ACIC, in connection with the combination of the assets of the Company with the assets of ACIC.

The Directors have considered the substance of the assets and activities of ACIC in determining whether the acquisition represents the acquisition of a business. In this case, the acquisition is not considered to be an acquisition of a business, and therefore, has not been treated as a business combination. Rather, the cost to acquire the assets and liabilities of ACIC has been allocated between the acquired identifiable assets and liabilities based on their relative fair values on the acquisition date without attributing any amount to goodwill or to deferred taxes.   A total of £126,789,000 of assets were acquired as a result of the transaction with ACIC. This comprised investments (£120,754,000), cash (£5,156,000) and receivables (£879,000).


The Manager agreed to contribute towards the transaction with ACIC, as described below.

A contribution of £715,000, representing eight months of management fees, in respect of the assets transferred by ACIC to the Company, that would otherwise be payable by the enlarged Company to the Manager in the year to 31 March 2025.

Additionally, the Manager agreed to make a cash contribution to the Company equal to £500,000. In the year to 31 March 2024, the Company has recognised an initial contribution of £400,000, with a further £100,000 being recognised in the year to 31 March 2025, to align with the reduction of management fees and the recognition of expenses relating to the transaction and issuance of shares.

The Company has recognised the contribution from the Manager in the Share premium account as described in Note 16.

Furthermore, the Manager has agreed that following the transaction with ACIC, the base management fee payable by the Company under the Management Agreement will reduce from 0.70% to 0.65% on the Company’s Net Assets in excess of £1.5 billion. This is expected to lower the ongoing costs of the Company as it grows over the longer-term.

b) Adoption of new and revised International Accounting Standards – the accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of the previous financial year.

At the date of authorisation of these Financial Statements, the following revised IAS were in issue but not yet effective:

·   IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements (amendments);

·   IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows;

·   IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting estimates and errors (amendments); and

·   IAS 12 Income Taxes (amendments).

The Directors do not expect that the adoption of the above Standards will have a material impact on the Financial Statements of the Company in future periods.

c) Segmental reporting – The Company is engaged in a single segment business and, therefore, no segmental reporting is provided.

d) Presentation of the Income Statement – In order to reflect better the activities of an investment company and in accordance with guidance issued by the AIC, supplementary information which analyses the Income Statement between items of a revenue and capital nature has been prepared alongside the Income Statement. The revenue profit after taxation for the year is the measure the Directors believe appropriate in assessing the Company’s compliance with certain requirements set out in Section 1159 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010.

e) Significant accounting estimates, assumptions and judgements – The preparation of the Financial Statements requires the use of estimates, assumptions and judgements. These estimates, assumptions and judgements affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the reporting date. While estimates are based on best judgement using information and financial data available, the actual outcome may differ from these estimates.

The key sources of estimation and uncertainty relate to the fair value of the unlisted investments.

The Directors consider whether each fair value is appropriate following detailed review and challenge of the pricing methodology. The judgement applied in the selection of the methodology used (see Note 2 (l) below) for determining the fair value of each unlisted investment can have a significant impact upon the valuation.

The key estimate in the Financial Statements is the determination of the fair value of the unlisted investments by the Manager’s Fair Value Committee (“FVC”), with support from an external valuer and Fidelity’s unlisted investments specialist, for detailed review and appropriate challenge by the Directors. This estimate is key as it significantly impacts the valuation of the unlisted investments at the Balance Sheet date. When no recent primary or secondary transaction in the company’s shares have taken place, the fair valuation process involves estimation using subjective inputs that are unobservable (for which market data is unavailable). The estimates involved in the valuation process may include the following:

(i)   The selection of appropriate comparable companies. Comparable companies are chosen on the basis of their business characteristics and growth patterns;

(ii)   The selection of a revenue metric (either historical or forecast);

(iii)   The selection of an appropriate illiquidity discount factor to reflect the reduced liquidity of unlisted companies versus their listed peers;

(iv)   The estimation of the likelihood of a future exit of the position through an initial public offering (“IPO”) or a company sale;

(v)   The selection of an appropriate industry benchmark index to assist with the valuation; and

(vi)   The calculation of valuation adjustments derived from milestone analysis and future cash flows (i.e. incorporating operational success against the plans/forecasts of the business into the valuation).

As the valuation outcomes may differ from the fair value estimates a price sensitivity analysis is provided in Other Price Risk Sensitivity in Note 18 to illustrate the effect on the Financial Statements of an over or under estimation of fair value.

The risk of an over or under estimation of fair value is greater when methodologies are applied using more subjective inputs.

The determination of fair value by the FVC involves key assumptions dependent upon the valuation techniques used. The valuation process recognises that the price of a recent investment may be an appropriate starting point for estimating fair value. The Multiples approach involves subjective inputs and therefore presents a greater risk of over or under estimation, particularly in the absence of a recent transaction.

f) Income Income from equity investments and long contracts for difference (“CFDs”) is credited to the revenue column of the Income Statement on the date on which the right to receive the payment is established, normally the ex-dividend date. Overseas dividends are accounted for gross of any tax deducted at source. Where the Company has elected to receive its dividends in the form of additional shares rather than cash, the amount of the cash dividend foregone is recognised as income. Any excess in the value of the shares received over the amount of the cash dividend foregone is recognised as a gain in the capital column of the Income Statement. Special dividends are treated as a revenue receipt or a capital receipt depending on the facts and circumstances of each particular case.

Interest on securities, interest for CFDs, collateral and bank deposits are accounted for on an accruals basis and credited to the revenue column of the Income Statement. Interest received on CFDs represent the finance costs calculated by reference to the notional value of the CFDs.

g) Functional currency and foreign exchange – The functional and reporting currency of the Company is UK sterling, which is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Company operates. Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are reported in UK sterling at the rate of exchange ruling at the date of the transaction. Assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are translated at the rates of exchange ruling at the Balance Sheet date. Foreign exchange gains and losses arising on translation are recognised in the Income Statement as a revenue or a capital item depending on the nature of the underlying item to which they relate.

h) Investment management and other expenses – These are accounted for on an accruals basis and are charged as follows:

·   The base investment management fee is allocated 25% to revenue and 75% to capital;

·   The variable investment management fee is charged/credited to capital as it is based on the performance of the net asset value per share relative to the Benchmark Index; and

·   All other expenses are allocated in full to revenue with the exception of those directly attributable to share issues or other capital events.

i) Finance costs – Finance costs comprise interest on the bank loan and overdrafts and finance costs paid on CFDs, which are accounted for on an accruals basis, and dividends paid on short CFDs, which are accounted for on the date on which the obligation to incur the cost is established, normally the ex-dividend date. Finance costs are allocated 25% to revenue and 75% to capital.

j) Taxation – The taxation charge represents the sum of current taxation and deferred taxation.

Taxation currently payable is based on the taxable profit for the year. Taxable profit differs from profit before taxation, as reported in the Income Statement, because it excludes items of income or expense that are taxable or deductible in other years and items that are never taxable or deductible. The Company’s liability for current taxation is calculated using taxation rates that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the Balance Sheet date.

Deferred taxation is the taxation expected to be payable or recoverable on differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the Financial Statements and the corresponding taxation bases used in the computation of taxable profit based on tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted when the taxation is expected to be payable or recoverable, and is accounted for using the balance sheet liability method. Deferred taxation liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences and deferred taxation assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which deductible temporary differences can be utilised.

Taxation is charged or credited to the revenue column of the Income Statement, except where it relates to items of a capital nature, in which case it is charged or credited to the capital column of the Income Statement. Where expenses are allocated between revenue and capital any tax relief in respect of the expenses is allocated between revenue and capital returns on the marginal basis using the Company’s effective rate of corporation tax for the accounting period. The Company is an approved Investment Trust under Section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 and is not liable for UK taxation on capital gains.

k) Dividend paid to shareholders – Dividends payable to equity shareholders are recognised when the Company’s obligation to make payment is established.

l) Investments – The portfolio of financial assets is managed and its performance evaluated on a fair value basis, in accordance with a documented investment strategy, and information about the portfolio is provided on that basis to the Company’s Board of Directors. Under IFRS 9 investments are held at fair value through profit or loss, which is initially taken to be their cost, and is subsequently measured at bid or last traded prices, depending upon the convention of the exchange on which they are listed, where available, or otherwise at fair value based on published price quotations.

Investments which are not quoted, or are not frequently traded, are stated at the best estimate of fair value. The Manager’s Fair Value Committee (“FVC”), which is independent of the Portfolio Manager’s team, and with support from the external valuer and Fidelity’s unlisted investments specialist, provides recommended fair values to the Directors. These are based on the principles outlined in Note 2 (e). The unlisted investments are valued at fair value following a detailed review and appropriate challenge by the Directors of the pricing methodology proposed by the FVC.

The techniques applied by the FVC when valuing the unlisted investments are predominantly market-based approaches. The market-based approaches are set out below and are followed by an explanation of how they are applied to the Company’s unlisted portfolio:

·   Multiples;

·   Industry Valuation Benchmarks; and

·   Available Market Prices.

The nature of the unlisted investment will influence the valuation technique applied. The valuation approach recognises that the price of a recent investment, if resulting from an orderly transaction, generally represents fair value as at the transaction date and may be an appropriate starting point for estimating fair value at subsequent measurement dates. However, consideration is given to the facts and circumstances as at the subsequent measurement date, including changes in the market or performance of the investee company. Milestone analysis and future cash flows are used where appropriate to incorporate the operational progress of the investee company into the valuation. Consideration is also given to the input received from the Fidelity International analyst that covers the company, Fidelity’s unlisted investments specialist and from an external valuer. Additionally, the background to the transaction must be considered. As a result, various multiples-based techniques are employed to assess the valuations particularly in those companies with established revenues. An absence of relevant industry peers may preclude the application of the Industry Valuation Benchmarks technique and an absence of observable prices may preclude the Available Market Prices approach.

The unlisted investments are valued according to a three month cycle of measurement dates. The fair value of the unlisted investments will be reviewed before the next scheduled three monthly measurement date on the following occasions:

·   At the year end and half year end of the Company; and

·   Where there is an indication of a change in fair value (commonly referred to as ‘trigger’ events).

In accordance with the AIC SORP, the Company includes transaction costs, incidental to the purchase or sale of investments within losses on investments held at fair value through profit or loss in the capital column of the Income Statement and has disclosed them in Note 10 below.

m) Derivative instruments – When appropriate, permitted transactions in derivative instruments are used. Derivative transactions into which the Company may enter include CFDs, futures, options, warrants and forward currency contracts. Under IFRS 9 derivatives are classified at fair value through profit or loss – held for trading, and are initially accounted and measured at fair value on the date the derivative contract is entered into and subsequently measured at fair value as follows:

·   CFDs – the difference between the strike price and the value of the underlying shares in the contract, calculated in accordance with accounting policy 2 (l);

·   Futures – the difference between contract price and the quoted trade price; and

·   Options – the quoted trade price for the contract.

Where such transactions are used to protect or enhance income, if the circumstances support this, the income derived is included in derivative income in the revenue column of the Income Statement. Where such transactions are used to protect or enhance capital, if the circumstances support this, the gains and losses derived are included in (losses)/gains on derivative instruments held at fair value through profit or loss in the capital column of the Income Statement. Any positions on such transactions open at the year end are reflected on the Balance Sheet at their fair value within current assets or current liabilities.

The Company obtains equivalent exposure to equities through the use of CFDs. All gains and losses in the fair value of the CFDs are included in (losses)/gains on derivative instruments held at fair value through profit or loss in the capital column of the Income Statement.

n) Amounts held at futures clearing houses and brokers – Cash deposits are held in segregated accounts on behalf of brokers as collateral against open derivative contracts. These are carried at amortised cost.

o) Other receivables – Other receivables include securities sold for future settlement, amounts receivable on settlement of derivatives, accrued income, taxation recoverable and other debtors and prepayments incurred in the ordinary course of business. If collection is expected in one year or less (or in the normal operating cycle of the business, if longer) they are classified as current assets. If not, they are presented as non-current assets. Other receivables are recognised initially at fair value and, where applicable, subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method and as reduced by appropriate allowance for estimated irrecoverable amounts.

p) Bank loans – Loans are initially included in the Financial Statements at cost, being the fair value of the consideration received net of any issue costs relating to the borrowing. After initial recognition, the loans are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. The amortised cost is calculated by taking into account any issue costs and any discount or premium on settlement.

q) Other payables – Other payables include securities purchased for future settlement, amounts payable on settlement of derivatives, investment management fees, loan interest payable, amounts payable for repurchase of shares, finance costs payable and expenses accrued in the ordinary course of business. Other payables are classified as current liabilities if payment is due within one year or less (or in the normal operating cycle of the business, if longer). If not, they are presented as non-current liabilities. Other payables are recognised initially at fair value and, where applicable, subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method.

r) Other reserve – The full cost of ordinary shares repurchased and held in Treasury and ordinary shares repurchased for cancellation is charged to the other reserve.

s) Capital reserve – The following are transferred to capital reserve:

·   Gains and losses on the disposal of investments and derivatives instruments;

·   Changes in the fair value of investments and derivative instruments, held at the year end;

·   Foreign exchange gains and losses of a capital nature;

·   Variable investment management fees;

·   75% of base investment management fees;

·   75% of finance costs;

·   Dividends receivable which are capital in nature;

·   Taxation charged or credited relating to items which are capital in nature; and

·   Other expenses which are capital in nature.

Technical guidance issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales in TECH 02/17BL, guidance on the determination of realised profits and losses in the context of distributions under the Companies Act 2006, states that changes in the fair value of investments which are readily convertible to cash, without accepting adverse terms at the Balance Sheet date, can be treated as realised. Capital reserves realised and unrealised are shown in aggregate as capital reserve in the Statement of Changes in Equity and the Balance Sheet. At the Balance Sheet date, the portfolio of the Company consisted of investments listed on a recognised stock exchange and derivative instruments contracted with counterparties having adequate credit rating, and the portfolio was considered to be readily convertible to cash, with the exception of the level 3 investments which had unrealised investment holding gains of £10,288,000 (2023: unrealised investment holding gains of £25,993,000). See Note 18 below for further details on the level 3 investments.


                                              Year ended      Year ended
                                              31 March        31 March
                                              2024            2023
                                              £’000           £’000

Investment income

Overseas dividends                            26,052          31,949

Overseas scrip dividends                      –               755

Interest on securities                        71              –

                                              --------------- ---------------

                                              26,123          32,704

                                              =========       =========

Derivative income

Dividends received on long CFDs               10,525          11,282

Interest received on CFDs                     629             284

                                              --------------- ---------------

                                              11,154          11,566

                                              =========       =========

Other income

Interest received on collateral, deposits and 1,659           409
money market funds

                                              --------------- ---------------

Total income                                  38,936          44,679

                                              =========       =========

Special dividends of £1,458,000 (2023: £1,155,000) have been recognised in capital.


           Year ended 31 March 2024                        Year ended 31 March 2023

           Revenue         Capital         Total           Revenue         Capital         Total
           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000

management 2,430           7,289           9,719           3,012           9,037           12,049
fee – base

management –               1,702           1,702           –               2,678           2,678
fee –

           --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

           2,430           8,991           11,421          3,012           11,715          14,727

           =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========

FIL Investment Services (UK) Limited is the Company’s Alternative Investment Fund Manager (“the Manager”) and has delegated portfolio management to FIL Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited (“the Investment Manager”).

The base investment management fee for the period from 1 April to 30 June 2023 was charged at an annual rate of 0.90% on the first £1.5 billion of Net Assets, reducing to 0.70% of Net Assets over £1.5 billion. Since 1 July 2023, it has been charged at an annual reduced rate of 0.85% on the first £1.5 billion of Net Assets and remained unchanged at 0.70% on Net Assets over £1.5 billion until 14 March 2024, when on completion of the transaction with ACIC, it reduced to 0.65% on Net Assets over £1.5 billion.

In addition, there is a +/-0.20% variable fee based on the Company’s NAV per share performance relative to the Company’s Benchmark Index measured daily over a three-year rolling basis.

Fees are payable monthly in arrears and are calculated on a daily basis. The base investment management fee has been allocated 75% to capital reserve in accordance with the Company’s accounting policies.

Further details of the terms of the Management Agreement are given in the Directors’ Report in the Annual Report.


                                          Year ended      Year ended
                                          31 March        31 March
                                          2024            2023
                                          £’000           £’000

Allocated to revenue:

AIC fees                                  21              21

Custody fees                              101             157

Depositary fees                           52              57

Directors’ expenses                       79              13

Directors’ fees1                          240             202

Legal and professional fees               143             77

Marketing expenses                        269             263

Printing and publication expenses         39              50

Registrars’ fees                          63              69

Other expenses                            125             131

Fees payable to the Company’s Independent
Auditor for the audit of the Financial    71              57

                                          --------------- ---------------

                                          1,203           1,097

                                          =========       =========

Allocated to capital:

Legal and professional fees               35              4

                                          --------------- ---------------

Other expenses                            1,238           1,101

                                          =========       =========

1   Details of the breakdown of Directors’ fees are provided within the Directors’ Remuneration Report in the Annual Report.

6. Finance Costs

           Year ended 31 March 2024                        Year ended 31 March 2023

           Revenue         Capital         Total           Revenue         Capital         Total
           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000

paid on
bank loan  1,117           3,352           4,469           663             1,989           2,652

paid on    5,582           16,746          22,328          3,230           9,689           12,919

paid on    –               –               –               63              191             254
short CFDs

           --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

           6,699           20,098          26,797          3,956           11,869          15,825

           =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========

Finance costs have been allocated 75% to capital reserve in accordance with the Company’s accounting policies.


         Year ended 31 March 2024                        Year ended 31 March 2023

         Revenue         Capital         Total           Revenue         Capital         Total
         £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000

of the
for the

Overseas 812             –               812             1,149           –               1,149

         --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

for the  812             –               812             1,149           –               1,149
Note 7b)

         =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========

b) Factors affecting the taxation charge for the year
The taxation charge for the year is lower than the standard rate of UK corporation tax for an investment trust company of 25% (2023: 19%). A reconciliation of the standard rate of UK corporation tax to the taxation charge for the year is shown below:

            Year ended 31 March 2024                        Year ended 31 March 2023

            Revenue         Capital         Total           Revenue         Capital         Total
            £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000

(loss)      28,604          (241,256)       (212,652)       36,614          (12,176)        24,438

by the      7,151           (60,314)        (53,163)        6,957           (2,313)         4,644
rate of UK
tax of 25%
(2023: 19%)

Effects of:

losses/     –               53,033          53,033          –               (2,168)         (2,168)
(gains) not

Income not  (6,406)         –               (6,406)         (6,116)         –               (6,116)

not         –               4,604           4,604           –               1,987           1,987

Excess      (745)           2,677           1,932           (841)           2,494           1,653

Overseas    812             –               812             1,149           –               1,149

            --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

charge      812             –               812             1,149           –               1,149
(Note 7a)

            =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========

1   The Company is exempt from UK corporation tax on capital gains as it meets the HM Revenue & Customs criteria for an investment company set out in Section 1159 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010.

c) Deferred taxation
A deferred tax asset of £39,515,000 (2023: £37,583,000), in respect of excess expenses of £158,059,000 (2023: £150,330,000) has not been recognised as it is unlikely that there will be sufficient future taxable profits to utilise these expenses.

The UK corporation tax rate increased from 19% to 25% from 1 April 2023. The rate of 25% has been applied to calculate the unrecognised deferred tax asset for the current year (2023: 25%).

8. Earnings/(Loss) per Ordinary Share

                                         Year ended      Year ended
                                         31 March        31 March
                                         2024            2023

Revenue earnings per ordinary share      5.78p           7.05p

Capital loss per ordinary share          (50.18p)        (2.42p)

                                         --------------- ---------------

Total (loss)/earnings per ordinary share (44.40p)        4.63p

                                         =========       =========

The earnings/(loss) per ordinary share is based on the profit/(loss) after taxation for the year divided by the weighted average number of ordinary shares held outside of Treasury during the year, as shown below:

                                                £’000           £’000

Revenue profit after taxation for the year      27,792          35,465

Capital loss after taxation for the year        (241,256)       (12,176)

                                                --------------- ---------------

Total (loss)/profit after taxation for the year (213,464)       23,289

                                                =========       =========


                                                        Number      Number

Weighted average number of ordinary shares held outside 480,806,725 503,045,428
of Treasury

                                                        =========   =========

9. Dividends Paid to Shareholders

                                               Year ended      Year ended
                                               31 March        31 March
                                               2024            2023
                                               £’000           £’000

Dividend paid

Dividend of 6.25 pence per ordinary share paid 30,198          –
for the year ended 31 March 2023

Dividend of 5.50 pence per ordinary share paid –               28,240
for the year ended 31 March 2022

                                               --------------- ---------------

                                               30,198          28,240

                                               =========       =========

Dividend proposed

Dividend proposed of 6.40 pence per ordinary   33,471          –
share for the year ended 31 March 2024

Dividend proposed of 6.25 pence per ordinary   –               30,199
share for the year ended 31 March 2023

                                               --------------- ---------------

                                               33,471          30,199

                                               =========       =========

The Directors have proposed the payment of a dividend for the year ended 31 March 2024 of 6.40 pence per ordinary share which is subject to approval by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on 23 July 2024 and has not been included as a liability in these Financial Statements. The dividend will be paid on 31 July 2024 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 21 June 2024 (ex-dividend date 20 June 2024).

10. Investments at Fair Value through Profit or Loss

                                              2024            2023
                                              £’000           £’000

Total investments1                            1,162,265       1,318,764

Opening book cost                             1,514,572       1,630,492

Opening investment holding losses             (195,808)       (265,007)

Opening fair value of investments             1,318,764       1,365,485

                                              --------------- ---------------

Movements in the year

Purchases at cost                             586,707         440,666

Assets acquired in respect of the transaction 120,754         –
with ACIC

Sales – proceeds                              (708,959)       (480,475)

Losses on investments                         (155,001)       (6,912)

                                              --------------- ---------------

Closing fair value                            1,162,265       1,318,764

                                              =========       =========

Closing book cost                             1,398,894       1,514,572

Closing investment holding losses             (236,629)       (195,808)

                                              --------------- ---------------

Closing fair value of investments             1,162,265       1,318,764

                                              =========       =========

1   The fair value hierarchy of the investments is shown in Note 18.

The Company received £708,959,000 (2023: £480,475,000) from investments sold in the year. The book cost of these investments when they were purchased was £823,139,000 (2023: £556,586,000). These investments have been revalued over time and until they were sold any unrealised gains/losses were included in the fair value of the investments.

Investment transaction costs incurred in the acquisition and disposal of investments, which are included in the losses on investments were as follows:

                            Year ended      Year ended
                            31 March        31 March
                            2024            2023
                            £’000           £’000

Purchases transaction costs 720             599

Sales transaction costs     740             742

                            --------------- ---------------

                            1,460           1,341

                            =========       =========

The portfolio turnover rate for the year was 57.7%, excluding the ACIC transaction (2023: 35.5%). The portfolio turnover rate measures the Company’s trading activity. It is calculated by taking the average of the total amount of securities purchased and the total amount of securities sold in the reporting year divided by the average fair value of investments.


                                                 Year ended      Year ended
                                                 31 March        31 March
                                                 2024            2023
                                                 £’000           £’000

Net change to (losses)/gains on derivative

Realised (losses)/gains on CFDs                  (74,311)        6,913

Realised gains on futures                        27,951          16,590

Realised losses on options                       (4,632)         (2,645)

Movement in investment holding (losses)/gains on (11,900)        353

Movement in investment holding gains/(losses) on 6,382           (4,466)

Movement in investment holding gains/(losses) on 1,720           (1,774)

                                                 --------------- ---------------

                                                 (54,790)        14,971

                                                 =========       =========


                                                2024            2023
                                                Fair value      Fair value
                                                £’000           £’000

Fair value of derivative instruments recognised
on the Balance Sheet1

Derivative instrument assets                    7,103           22,313

Derivative instrument liabilities               (13,307)        (20,892)

                                                --------------- ---------------

                                                (6,204)         1,421

                                                =========       =========

1   The fair value hierarchy of the derivative instruments is shown in Note 18.

                                 2024                            2023
                 Fair value      Asset           Fair value      Asset
                 £’000           exposure        £’000           exposure
                                 £’000                           £’000

At the year end
the Company held
the following

Long CFDs        (4,483)         412,237         7,409           512,674

Short CFDs       (1,246)         14,766          (1,238)         19,086

Futures (hedging (475)           (138,402)       (6,857)         (172,890)

Call options     –               –               204             2,161

Put options      –               –               (414)           5,097
(long exposure)

Put options      –               –               29              188
(short exposure)

Put options
(hedging         –               –               2,288           (26,013)

                 --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

                 (6,204)         288,601         1,421           340,303

                 =========       =========       =========       =========


                                                2024            2023
                                                £’000           £’000

Securities sold for future settlement           5,957           148

Amounts receivable on settlement of derivatives 2,161           10,135

Accrued income                                  1,726           1,513

Taxation recoverable                            12              13

Other receivables                               210             130

                                                --------------- ---------------

                                                10,066          11,939

                                                =========       =========

13. Bank Loan – repayable within one year

                                                 2024            2023
                                                 £’000           £’000

Fixed rate unsecured US dollar loan

US dollar 100,000,000 fixed at a rate of 6.335%1 –               80,857

                                                 --------------- ---------------

                                                 –               80,857

                                                 =========       =========

1   The unsecured loan with The Bank of Nova Scotia, London Branch was repaid on 13 February 2024.


                                              2024            2023
                                              £’000           £’000

Securities purchased for future settlement    6,843           12,402

Amounts payable on settlement of derivatives  1,078           4,731

Investment management fees                    678             1,266

Finance costs payable                         610             977

Accrued expenses                              414             1,096

Amounts payable for repurchase of shares for  179             –

Amounts payable for repurchase of shares into –               130

                                              --------------- ---------------

                                              9,802           20,602

                                              =========       =========


                 2024                            2023

                                 Nominal                         Nominal
                 Number of       value           Number of       value
                 shares          £’000           shares          £’000

Issued, allotted
and fully paid

Ordinary shares
of 1 pence each
held outside of

Beginning of the 488,325,628     4,884           513,957,409     5,140

New ordinary
shares issued in
respect of the   59,005,997      590             –               –
transaction with

Ordinary shares
repurchased into (2,900,696)     (29)            (25,631,781)    (256)

Ordinary shares
repurchased for  (18,749,495)    (187)           –               –

                 --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

End of the year  525,681,434     5,258           488,325,628     4,884

                 =========       =========       =========       =========

Ordinary shares
of 1 pence each
held in

Beginning of the 82,728,852      826             57,097,071      570

Ordinary shares
repurchased into 2,900,696       29              25,631,781      256

                 --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

End of the year  85,629,548      855             82,728,852      826

                 =========       =========       =========       =========

Total share                      6,113                           5,710

                                 =========                       =========

1   The ordinary shares held in Treasury carry no rights to vote, to receive a dividend or to participate in a winding up of the Company.

On 13 March 2024, the Company acquired £126.8 million of Net Assets from ACIC, in consideration for the issue of 59,005,997 new shares to ACIC shareholders in accordance with the Scheme.

During the year, the Company repurchased 2,900,696 (2023: 25,631,781) ordinary shares and held them in Treasury. The cost of repurchasing these shares of £6,965,000 (2023: £57,249,000) was charged to the Other Reserve.

The Company also repurchased 18,749,495 (2023: nil shares) ordinary shares for cancellation. The cost of repurchasing these shares of £38,968,000 (2023: £nil) was charged to the Other Reserve.

16. Capital and Reserves


                             Share           Capital
             Share           Premium         redemption      Other           Capital         Revenue         Total
             capital         account         reserve         reserve         reserve         reserve         equity
             £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000

At 1 April   5,710           211,569         917             186,794         877,782         55,649          1,338,421

Losses on
investments  –               –               –               –               (155,001)       –               (155,001)
(see Note

Losses on
instruments  –               –               –               –               (54,790)        –               (54,790)
(see Note

exchange     –               –               –               –               (3,858)         –               (3,858)

exchange     –               –               –               –               1,517           –               1,517
gains on
bank loan

management   –               –               –               –               (8,991)         –               (8,991)
fees (see
Note 4)

expenses     –               –               –               –               (35)            –               (35)
(see Note 5)

costs (see   –               –               –               –               (20,098)        –               (20,098)
Note 6)

profit after –               –               –               –               –               27,792          27,792
taxation for
the year

paid to      –               –               –               –               –               (30,198)        (30,198)
(see Note 9)

New ordinary
issued in
respect of
the          590             126,198         –               –               –               –               126,788
with ACIC
(see Note

in respect
of the

ACIC by the
Manager (see –               400             –               –               –               –               400
Note 2 (a))

of ordinary
shares into  –               –               –               (6,965)         –               –               (6,965)
(see Note

of ordinary
shares for   (187)           –               187             (38,968)        –               –               (38,968)
(see Note

             --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

At 31 March  6,113           338,167         1,104           140,861         636,526         53,243          1,176,014

             =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========

At 1 April   5,710           211,569         917             244,043         889,958         48,424          1,400,621

Losses on
investments  –               –               –               –               (6,912)         –               (6,912)
(see Note

Gains on
instruments  –               –               –               –               14,971          –               14,971
(see Note

exchange     –               –               –               –               8,167           –               8,167

exchange     –               –               –               –               (4,814)         –               (4,814)
losses on
bank loan

management   –               –               –               –               (11,715)        –               (11,715)
fees (see
Note 4)

expenses     –               –               –               –               (4)             –               (4)
(see Note 5)

costs (see   –               –               –               –               (11,869)        –               (11,869)
Note 6)

profit after –               –               –               –               –               35,465          35,465
taxation for
the year

paid to      –               –               –               –               –               (28,240)        (28,240)
(see Note 9)

of ordinary  –               –               –               (57,249)        –               –               (57,249)
shares (see
Note 15)

             --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

At 31 March  5,710           211,569         917             186,794         877,782         55,649          1,338,421

             =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========


The capital reserve balance at 31 March 2024 includes investment holding losses on investments of £236,629,000 (2023: losses of £195,808,000) as detailed in Note 10 above. See Note 2 (s) for further details. The revenue, capital and other reserves are distributable by way of dividend.

17. Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share
The calculation of the net asset value per ordinary share is based on the net assets divided by the number of ordinary shares held outside of Treasury.

                                                 2024           2023

Net assets                                       £1,176,014,000 £1,338,421,000

Ordinary shares held outside of Treasury at year 525,681,434    488,325,628

Net asset value per ordinary share               223.71p        274.08p

                                                 =========      =========

It is the Company’s policy that shares held in Treasury will only be reissued at net asset value per share or at a premium to net asset value per share so that shares held in Treasury have no dilutive effect.

18. Financial Instruments
Management of risk
The Company’s investing activities in pursuit of its investment objective involve certain inherent risks. The Board confirms that there is an ongoing process for identifying, evaluating and managing the risks faced by the Company. The Board with the assistance of the Investment Manager, has developed a risk matrix which, as part of the internal control process, identifies the risks that the Company faces. Principal risks identified are geopolitical, market and economic (including currency), investment performance (including gearing), discount management, unlisted securities, climate change, environmental, social and governance (“ESG”), key person, cybercrime and information security, business continuity, operational and variable interest entity structures. Other risks identified are tax and regulatory and operational risks, including those relating to third-party service providers covering investment management, marketing and business development, company secretarial, fund administration and operations and support functions. Risks are identified and graded in this process, together with steps taken in mitigation, and are updated and reviewed on an ongoing basis. Risks identified are shown above.

This Note is incorporated in accordance with IFRS 7: Financial Instruments: Disclosures and refers to the identification, measurement and management of risks potentially affecting the value of financial instruments.

The Company’s financial instruments may comprise:

·   Equity shares (listed and unlisted), equity linked notes, convertible bonds and rights issues;

·   Derivative instruments including CFDs, warrants, futures and options written or purchased on stocks and equity indices and forward currency contracts;

·   Cash, liquid resources and short-term receivables and payables that arise from its operations; and

·   Bank borrowings.

The risks identified by IFRS 7 arising from the Company’s financial instruments are market price risk (which comprises interest rate risk, foreign currency risk and other price risk), liquidity risk, counterparty risk, credit risk and derivative instrument risk. The Board reviews and agrees policies for managing each of these risks, which are summarised below. These policies are consistent with those followed last year.

Market price risk
Interest rate risk
The Company finances its operations through its share capital and in addition, the Company has derivative instruments. The unsecured fixed rate loan facility for US$100,000,000 expired on 13 February 2024 as disclosed in Note 13.

Interest rate risk exposure
The values of the Company’s financial instruments that are exposed to movements in interest rates are shown below:

                                                2024            2023
                                                £’000           £’000

Exposure to financial instruments that bear

Long CFDs – exposure less fair value            416,720         505,265

Bank overdrafts                                 12,758          –

Bank loan                                       –               80,857

                                                --------------- ---------------

                                                429,478         586,122

                                                =========       =========

Exposure to financial instruments that earn

Short CFDs – exposure plus fair value           13,520          17,848

Amounts held at futures clearing houses and     24,589          34,813

Cash at bank                                    7,858           72,943

                                                --------------- ---------------

                                                45,967          125,604

                                                =========       =========

Net exposure to financial instruments that bear 383,511         460,518

                                                =========       =========

Foreign currency risk
The Company’s profit/(loss) after taxation and its net assets can be affected by foreign exchange movements because the Company has income, assets and liabilities which are denominated in currencies other than the Company’s functional currency which is UK sterling.

Three principal areas have been identified where foreign currency risk could impact the Company:

·   Movements in currency exchange rates affecting the value of investments;

·   Movements in currency exchange rates affecting short-term timing differences, for example, between the date when an investment is bought or sold and the date when settlement of the transaction occurs; and

·   Movements in currency exchange rates affecting income received.

Currency exposure of financial assets
The Company’s financial assets comprise of investments, long positions on derivative instruments, short-term debtors and cash at bank. The currency exposure profile of these financial assets is shown below:

         Investments     Asset                                           2024
         held at         exposure of
         fair value      long
         through         derivative      Other           Cash
         profit or loss  instruments1    receivables2    at bank         Total
Currency £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000

Chinese  92,336          –               –               1,372           93,708

Euro     10,903          –               –               –               10,903

Kong     704,175         148,557         18,153          –               870,885

Japanese 5,787           22,134          125             341             28,387

Taiwan   7,603           –               12              –               7,615

Thai     439             –               –               –               439

UK       17,752          –               209             –               17,961

US       323,270         103,144         16,156          6,145           448,715

         --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

         1,162,265       273,835         34,655          7,858           1,478,613

         =========       =========       =========       =========       =========

1   The asset exposure of long CFDs after the netting of hedging exposures.

2   Other receivables include amounts held at futures clearing houses and brokers.

         Investments     Asset                                           2023
         held at         exposure of
         fair value      long
         through         derivative      Other           Cash
         profit or loss  instruments1    receivables2    at bank         Total

Currency £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000

Chinese  170,913         –               –               21,221          192,134

Euro     10,432          –               –               –               10,432

Kong     601,107         270,181         34,483          24,043          929,814

Japanese 35,111          –               84              –               35,195

Korean   –               –               –               1               1

Taiwan   19,621          –               72              8               19,701

UK       16,221          –               130             –               16,351

US       465,359         50,848          11,983          27,670          555,860

         --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

         1,318,764       321,029         46,752          72,943          1,759,488

         =========       =========       =========       =========       =========

1   The asset exposure of long CFDs and options after the netting of hedging exposures.

2   Other receivables include amounts held at futures clearing houses and brokers.

Currency exposure of financial liabilities
The Company finances its investment activities through its ordinary share capital, reserves and borrowings. The Company’s financial liabilities comprise short positions on derivative instruments, other payables, bank overdrafts and US dollar denominated bank loan. The currency profile of these financial liabilities is shown below:

                 Asset                                           2024
                 exposure of
                 derivative      Other           Bank
                 instruments1    payables        overdrafts      Total
Currency         £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000

Hong Kong dollar –               5,994           12,744          18,738

UK sterling      –               1,271           14              1,285

US dollar        14,766          2,537           –               17,303

                 --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

                 14,766          9,802           12,758          37,326

                 =========       =========       =========       =========


                 Asset                                           2023
                 exposure of
                 derivative      Other           US dollar
                 instruments1    payables        bank loan       Total
Currency         £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000

Hong Kong dollar 13,842          13,658          –               27,500

UK sterling      –               1,823           –               1,823

US dollar        5,432           5,121           80,857          91,410

                 --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

                 19,274          20,602          80,857          120,733

                 =========       =========       =========       =========

1   The asset exposure of short derivative instruments excluding hedging exposures.

Other price risk
Other price risk arises mainly from uncertainty about future prices of financial instruments. It represents the potential loss the Company might suffer through price movements in its investment positions. The Board meets quarterly to consider the asset allocation of the portfolio and the risk associated with particular industry sectors within the parameters of the investment objective.

The Investment Manager is responsible for actively monitoring the portfolio selected in accordance with the overall asset allocation parameters and seeks to ensure that individual stocks also meet an acceptable risk/reward profile. Other price risks arising from derivative positions, mainly due to the underlying exposures, are assessed by the Investment Manager’s specialist derivative instruments team.

Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will encounter difficulties in meeting obligations associated with financial liabilities. The Company’s assets mainly comprise readily realisable securities and derivative instruments which can be sold easily to meet funding commitments if necessary. Short-term flexibility is achieved by the use of a bank overdraft, if required.

Counterparty risk
Certain derivative instruments in which the Company may invest are not traded on an exchange but instead will be traded between counterparties based on contractual relationships, under the terms outlined in the International Swaps and Derivatives Association’s (“ISDA”) market standard derivative legal documentation. These are known as Over The Counter (“OTC”) trades. As a result, the Company is subject to the risk that a counterparty may not perform its obligations under the related contract. In accordance with the risk management process which the Investment Manager employs, this risk is minimised by only entering into transactions with counterparties which are believed to have an adequate credit rating at the time the transaction is entered into, by ensuring that formal legal agreements covering the terms of the contract are entered into in advance, and through adopting a counterparty risk framework which measures, monitors and manages counterparty risk by the use of internal and external credit agency ratings and evaluates derivative instrument credit risk exposure.

For OTC and exchange traded derivative transactions, collateral is used to reduce the risk of both parties to the contract. Collateral is managed on a daily basis for all relevant transactions. At 31 March 2024, £2,811,000 (2023: £15,601,000) was held by the brokers in cash denominated in US dollars in a segregated collateral account, on behalf of the Company, to reduce the credit risk exposure of the Company. This collateral comprised: Goldman Sachs International Ltd £2,613,000 (2023: £5,814,000), HSBC Bank plc £198,000 (2023: £5,397,000) and UBS AG £nil (2023: £4,390,000). As at 31 March 2024, £24,589,000 (2023: £34,813,000), shown as amounts held at futures clearing houses and brokers on the Balance Sheet, was held by the Company, in a segregated collateral account on behalf of the brokers, to reduce the credit risk exposure of the brokers. The collateral comprised: UBS AG £15,689,000 (2023: £24,694,000) in cash, J.P. Morgan Securities plc £5,186,000 (2023: £7,273,000) in cash and Morgan Stanley & Co.International Ltd £3,714,000 (2023: £2,846,000) in cash.

To mitigate counterparty risk for OTC derivative transactions, the ISDA legal documentation is in the form of a master agreement between the Company and the broker. This allows enforceable netting arrangements in the event of a default or termination event. Derivative instrument assets and liabilities that are subject to netting arrangements have not been offset in preparing the Balance Sheet.

The Company’s derivative instrument financial assets and liabilities recognised in the Balance Sheet and amounts that could be subject to netting in the event of a default or termination are shown below:

                                               Related amounts not set
                    Gross amount               off
                    of recognised Net amount   on balance sheet        2024
                                  of financial
                    liabilities   assets                   Margin
                    set off on    presented on             account
          Gross     the balance                Financial   received as Net
Financial amount    sheet         the balance  instruments             amount
assets    £’000     £’000         sheet                       collateral ’000
                                  £’000        £’000       £’000

CFDs      7,103     –             7,103        (3,844)     (2,389)     870

          ========= =========     =========    =========   =========   =========


                                                            Related amounts not set off
                            Gross amount                    on balance sheet                2024
                            of recognised   Net amount
                            financial       of financial
                            assets          liabilities
                            set off on      presented on                    Margin
            Gross           the balance     the balance                     account         Net
            amount          sheet           sheet           Financial       pledged as      amount
Financial   £’000           £’000           £’000              instruments     collateral   £’000
liabilities                                                 £’000           £’000

CFDs        (12,832)        –               (12,832)        3,844           8,900           (88)

(exchange   (475)           –               (475)           –               475             –

            --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

            (13,307)        –               (13,307)        3,844           9,375           (88)

            =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========


                                                          Related amounts not set off
                          Gross amount                    on balance sheet                2023
                          of recognised   Net amount
                          financial       of financial
                          liabilities     assets
                          set off on      presented on                    Margin
          Gross           the balance     the balance                     account         Net
          amount          sheet           sheet           Financial       received as     amount
Financial £’000           £’000           £’000              instruments     collateral   £’000
assets                                                    £’000           £’000

CFDs      19,792          –               19,792          (9,040)         (9,704)         1,048

Options   2,521           –               2,521           (414)           (2,107)         –

          --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

          22,313          –               22,313          (9,454)         (11,811)        1,048

          =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========


                                                            Related amounts not set off
                            Gross amount                    on balance sheet                2023
                            of recognised   Net amount
                            financial       of financial
                            assets          liabilities
                            set off on      presented on                    Margin
            Gross           the balance     the balance                     account         Net
            amount          sheet           sheet           Financial       pledged as      amount
Financial   £’000           £’000           £’000              instruments     collateral   £’000
liabilities                                                 £’000           £’000

CFDs        (13,621)        –               (13,621)        9,040           4,581           –

(exchange   (6,857)         –               (6,857)         –               6,857           –

Options     (414)           –               (414)           414             –               –

            --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

            (20,892)        –               (20,892)        9,454           11,438          –

            =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========

Credit risk
Financial instruments may be adversely affected if any of the institutions with which money is deposited suffer insolvency or other financial difficulties. All transactions are carried out with brokers that have been approved by the Investment Manager and are settled on a delivery versus payment basis. Limits are set on the amount that may be due from any one broker and are kept under review by the Investment Manager. Exposure to credit risk arises on outstanding security transactions and derivative instrument contracts and cash at bank.

Derivative instrument risk
A Derivative Instrument Charter, including an appendix entitled Derivative Risk Measurement and Management, details the risks and risk management processes used by the Investment Manager. This Charter was approved by the Board and allows the use of derivative instruments for the following purposes:

·   To gain exposure to equity markets, sectors or individual investments;

·   To hedge equity market risk in the Company’s investments with the intention of mitigating losses in the events market falls;

·   To enhance portfolio returns by writing call and put options; and

·   To take short positions in equity markets, which would benefit from a fall in the relevant market price, where the Investment Manager believes the investment is overvalued. These positions distinguish themselves from other short exposures held for hedging purposes since they are expected to add risk to the portfolio.

The risk and investment performance of these instruments are managed by an experienced, specialist derivative team of the Investment Manager using portfolio risk assessment tools for portfolio construction.

Interest rate risk sensitivity analysis
Based on the financial instruments held and interest rates at the Balance Sheet date, an increase of 1.00% in interest rates throughout the year, with all other variables held constant, would have increased the loss after taxation for the year and decreased the net assets of the Company by £3,835,000 (2023: decreased the profit after taxation and decreased the net assets by £3,797,000). A decrease of 1.00% in interest rates throughout the year would have had an equal but opposite effect.

Foreign currency risk sensitivity analysis
Based on the financial assets and liabilities held and currency exchange rates ruling at the Balance Sheet date, a strengthening of the UK sterling exchange rate by 10% against other currencies, with all other variables held constant, would have increased the loss after taxation for the year and decreased the net assets of the Company (2023: decreased the profit after taxation and decreased the net assets) by the following amounts:

                 2024            2023
Currency         £’000           £’000

Chinese renminbi 8,519           17,467

Euro             991             948

Hong Kong dollar 77,468          82,028

Japanese yen     2,581           3,200

Taiwan dollar    692             1,791

Thai baht        40              –

US dollar        39,219          42,223

                 --------------- ---------------

                 129,510         147,657

                 =========       =========

Based on the financial assets and liabilities held and the exchange rates ruling at the Balance Sheet date, a weakening of the UK sterling exchange rate by 10% against other currencies would have decreased the loss after taxation for the year and increased the net assets of the Company (2023: increased the profit after taxation and increased the net assets) by the following amounts:

                 2024            2023
Currency         £’000           £’000

Chinese renminbi 10,412          21,348

Euro             1,211           1,159

Hong Kong dollar 94,683          100,257

Japanese yen     3,154           3,911

Taiwan dollar    846             2,189

Thai baht        49              –

US dollar        47,935          51,606

                 --------------- ---------------

                 158,290         180,470

                 =========       =========

Other price risk sensitivity analysis
Changes in market prices affect the profit/(loss) after taxation for the year and the net assets of the Company. Details of how the Board sets risk parameters and performance objectives are disclosed in the Strategic Report in the Annual Report.

An increase of 10% in the share prices of the listed investments held at the Balance Sheet date would have decreased the loss after taxation for the year and increased the net assets of the Company by £100,526,000 (2023: increased the profit after taxation and increased the net assets by £112,588,000). A decrease of 10% in share prices of the investments designated at fair value through profit or loss would have had an equal but opposite effect.

An increase of 10% in the valuation of unlisted investments held at the Balance Sheet date would have decreased the loss after taxation for the year and increased the net assets of the Company by £15,701,000 (2023: increased the profit after taxation and increased the net assets by £19,288,000). A decrease of 10% in the valuation would have had an equal but opposite effect.

Derivative instruments exposure sensitivity analysis
The Company invests in derivative instruments to gain or reduce exposure to the equity market. An increase of 10% in the share prices of the investments underlying the derivative instruments at the Balance Sheet date would have decreased the loss after taxation for the year and increased the net assets of the Company by £25,907,000 (2023: increased the profit after taxation and increased the net assets by £30,176,000). A decrease of 10% in share prices of the investments underlying the derivative instruments would have had an equal but opposite effect.

Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities
Financial assets and liabilities are stated in the Balance Sheet at values which are not materially different to their fair values. As explained in Notes 2 (l) and (m), investments and derivative instruments are shown at fair value. In the case of cash at bank, book value approximates to fair value due to the short maturity of the instruments. The exception is the US dollar denominated bank loan, its fair value having been calculated by discounting future cash flows at current US dollar interest rates.

                                           2024                  2023
                                Fair value Book value Fair value Book value

                                £’000      £’000      £’000      £’000

Fixed rate unsecured loan of US –          –          81,092     80,857
dollar 100,000,0001

                                =========  =========  =========  =========

1   The unsecured fixed rate loan facility for US$100,000,000 was repaid on 13 February 2024 as disclosed in Note 13.

Fair Value Hierarchy
The Company is required to disclose the fair value hierarchy that classifies its financial instruments measured at fair value at one of three levels, according to the relative reliability of the inputs used to estimate the fair values.

Classification Input

Level 1        Valued using quoted prices in active markets for identical assets

               Valued by reference to inputs other than quoted prices included
Level 2        in level 1 that are observable (i.e. developed using market data)
               for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly

Level 3        Valued by reference to valuation techniques using inputs that are
               not based on observable market data

Categorisation within the hierarchy has been determined on the basis of the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement of the relevant asset. The valuation techniques used by the Company are explained in Notes 2 (e), (l) and (m). The table below sets out the Company’s fair value hierarchy:

Financial assets Level 1         Level 2         Level 3         Total
at fair value    £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000
through profit
or loss

Investments      980,975         24,282          157,008         1,162,265

instrument       –               7,103           –               7,103

                 --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

                 980,975         31,385          157,008         1,169,368

                 =========       =========       =========       =========

liabilities at
fair value
through profit
or loss

instrument       (475)           (12,832)        –               (13,307)

                 =========       =========       =========       =========


Financial assets Level 1         Level 2         Level 3         Total
at fair value    £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000
through profit
or loss

Investments      1,081,458       44,428          192,878         1,318,764

instrument       2,492           19,821          –               22,313

                 --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

                 1,083,950       64,249          192,878         1,341,077

                 =========       =========       =========       =========

liabilities at
fair value
through profit
or loss

instrument       (7,271)         (13,621)        –               (20,892)

                 --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

liabilities at
fair value

Bank loan        –               (81,092)        –               (81,092)

                 =========       =========       =========       =========

Level 3 investments (unlisted and delisted investments)

                                        2024            2023
                                        £’000           £’000                                 42,805          48,272

DJI International                       30,769          30,475

Chime Biologics                         27,312          29,064

Venturous Holdings                      25,602          26,015

ByteDance                               24,724          24,035

Tuhu Car (moved into Level 1)           –               14,024

Cutia Therapeutics (moved into Level 1) –               11,575

Beisen (moved into Level 1)             –               9,418

Shanghai Yiguo                          –               –

4 listed investments whose listings are 5,796           –
currently suspended

                                        --------------- ---------------

                                        157,008         192,878

                                        =========       ========= develops artificial intelligence and autonomous driving technology solutions for transportation and is an unlisted company. The valuation at 31 March 2024 is based on the company’s financial performance, the macro-environment and benchmarking the position to a range of comparable market data. As at 31 March 2024, its fair value was £42,805,000 (book cost: £24,892,000).

DJI International
DJI International is a manufacturer of drones and is an unlisted company. The valuation at 31 March 2024 is as follows: the D shares valuation is based on the strike price of the put option in place and the B shares valuation is based on the company’s performance, the macro-environment, product development and benchmarking the position to a range of comparable market data. As at 31 March 2024, its fair value was £30,769,000 (book cost: £22,416,000).

Chime Biologics
Chime Biologics is a China-based Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO) that provides a solution supporting customers from early-stage biopharmaceutical development through late-stage clinical and commercial manufacturing and is an unlisted company. The valuation at 31 March 2024 is based on analysis of the company performance, the terms of the convertible note and benchmarking the position to a range of comparable market data. As at 31 March 2024, its fair value was £27,312,000 (book cost: £25,227,000).

Venturous Holdings
Venturous Holdings is an investment company with a focus in smart city technology companies and is an unlisted company. The valuation at 31 March 2024 is based on a review of the company’s portfolio including performance, the wider macro-environment and benchmarking the position to a range of comparable market data. As at 31 March 2024, its fair value was £25,602,000 (book cost: £23,701,000).

ByteDance develops applications for smart phones and is an unlisted company. The valuation at 31 March 2024 is based on the company’s financial performance, the macro-environment and benchmarking the position to a range of comparable market data. As at 31 March 2024, its fair value was £24,724,000 (book cost: £7,361,000).

Shanghai Yiguo
Shanghai Yiguo operates an e-commerce platform, selling fruit and vegetables online to customers in China and is an unlisted company. The company has commenced liquidation proceedings and following internal review, the valuation at £nil remained appropriate as at 31 March 2024 (book cost: £11,806,000).

Companies whose listings are suspended
Four listed companies in the portfolio have had their listing suspended: DBA Telecommunication (Asia) Limited (suspended July 2014), China Animal Healthcare Limited (suspended March 2015), BNN Technology Limited (suspended September 2017) and China Renaissance Holdings (suspended April 2023). All holdings have been valued at £nil, apart from China Renaissance Holdings which has been valued at £5,796,000.

Significant holdings
Details of significant holdings are noted below in accordance with the disclosure requirements of paragraph 82 of the AIC SORP. The Company is required to provide a list of all investments at the balance sheet date with a value greater than 5% of its portfolio and at least the ten largest investments, including the value of each investment and for unlisted investments included in the list, additional detail is required as shown below. This disclosure includes turnover, pre-tax profits and net assets attributable to investors, as reported within the most recently audited financial statements of the investee companies.

                             recognised                        Net assets
                                                 Pre-tax       attributable to
                  Latest     from the   Turnover profit/(loss)
                  Financial  holding in                        shareholders
                  Statements            £’000    £’000         £’000
                             the year           n/a        nil        Information not publicly available

DJI International n/a        nil        Information not publicly available

Chime Biologics   n/a        nil        Information not publicly available

                  =========  =========  =========


                                                 2024            2023
                                                 Level 3         Level 3
Movements in level 3 investments during the year £’000           £’000

Level 3 investments at the beginning of the year 192,878         194,650

Purchases at cost                                –               –

Sales proceeds - Venturous Holdings              (2,943)         –

Sales gain - Venturous Holdings                  615             –

Transfers into level 3 at cost – China           17,316          –
Renaissance Holdings

Transfers out of level 3 at cost1                (35,153)        (9,971)

Unrealised (loss)/profit recognised in the       (15,705)        8,199
Income Statement

                                                 --------------- ---------------

Level 3 investments at the end of the year       157,008         192,878

                                                 =========       =========

1   Financial instruments are transferred out of level 3 when they become listed. See above for more information.

19. Capital Resources and Gearing
The Company does not have any externally imposed capital requirements. The financial resources of the Company comprise its share capital, reserves and gearing, which are disclosed on the Balance Sheet. The Company is managed in accordance with its investment policy and in pursuit of its investment objective, both of which are detailed in the Strategic Report on in the Annual Report. The principal risks and their management are disclosed above and in Note 18 above.

The Company’s gearing at the year-end is set out below:


                 Gross gearing                   Net gearing

                 Exposure                        Exposure
                 £’000           %1              £'000           %1

Investments      1,162,265       98.8            1,162,265       98.8

Long CFDs        412,237         35.1            412,237         35.1

                 --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

Total long
exposures before 1,574,502       133.9           1,574,502       133.9

                 =========       =========       =========       =========

less: short
instruments      (138,402)       (11.8)          (138,402)       (11.8)
hedging the

                 --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

Total long
exposures after  1,436,100       122.1           1,436,100       122.1
the netting of

                 =========       =========       =========       =========

Short CFDs       14,766          1.3             (14,766)        (1.3)

Gross Asset
Exposure/net     1,450,866       123.4           1,421,334       120.8
market exposure*

                 --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

Net Assets       1,176,014                       1,176,014

                 =========                       =========

Gearing2                         23.4%                           20.8%

                                 =========                       =========



                 Gross gearing                   Net gearing

                 Exposure                        Exposure
                 £’000           %1              £'000           %1

Investments      1,318,764       98.5            1,318,764       98.5

Long CFDs        512,674         38.3            512,674         38.3

Call options     2,161           0.2             2,161           0.2

Put options      5,097           0.4             5,097           0.4
(long exposure)

                 --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

Total long
exposures before 1,838,696       137.4           1,838,696       137.4

                 =========       =========       =========       =========

less: short
instruments      (198,903)       (14.9)          (198,903)       (14.9)
hedging the

                 --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

Total long
exposures after  1,639,793       122.5           1,639,793       122.5
the netting of

                 =========       =========       =========       =========

Short CFDs       19,086          1.4             (19,086)        (1.4)

Put options      188             –               (188)           –
(short exposure)

                 --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

Gross Asset
Exposure/net     1,659,067       123.9           1,620,519       121.1
market exposure*

                 =========       =========       =========       =========

Net Assets       1,338,421                       1,338,421

                 ---------------                 ---------------

Gearing2                         23.9%                           21.1%

                                 =========                       =========

*   Defined in the Glossary of Terms in the Annual Report.

1   Exposure to the market expressed as a percentage of Net Assets.

2   Gearing is the amount by which Gross Asset Exposure/net market exposure exceeds Net Assets expressed as a percentage of Net Assets.

20 Transactions with the Managers and Related Parties
FIL Investment Services (UK) Limited is the Company’s Alternative Investment Fund Manager and has delegated portfolio management to FIL Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited. Both companies are Fidelity group companies.

Details of the current fee arrangements are given in the Directors’ Report in the Annual Report. During the year, management fees of £11,421,000 (2023: £14,727,000) were payable to Fidelity. At the Balance Sheet date, management fees of £678,000 (2023: £1,266,000) were accrued and included in other payables. Fidelity also provides the Company with marketing services. The total amount payable for these services was £269,000 (2023: £263,000). At the Balance Sheet date, marketing services of £91,000 (2023: £43,000) were accrued and included in other payables.

FIL Investment Services (UK) Limited agreed to contribute towards the costs of the transaction with ACIC and an amount equal to eight months of management fees in the year to 31 March 2025, that would otherwise be payable by the enlarged Company to the AIFM in respect of the assets transferred by ACIC to the Company pursuant to the Scheme was waived. In the financial period ended 31 March 2024, the Company has recognised an initial contribution of £400,000 in respect of the transaction with ACIC, with the balance being recognised in the year ending 31 March 2025.

Disclosures of the Directors’ interests in the shares of the Company and fees and taxable expenses, relating to reasonable travel expenses, payable to the Directors are given in the Directors’ Remuneration Report in the Annual Report. In addition to the fees and taxable expenses disclosed in the Directors’ Remuneration Report, £23,000 (2023: £22,000) of employers’ National Insurance contributions were paid by the Company. At the Balance Sheet date, Directors’ fees of £26,000 (2023: £22,000) were accrued and payable.


The discount/premium is considered to be an Alternative Performance Measure. It is the difference between the Net Asset Value (“NAV”) per Ordinary Share of the Company and the Ordinary Share price expressed as a percentage of the NAV per Ordinary Share. Details of the Company’s discount/premium are in the Financial Highlights in the Annual Report and are both defined in the Glossary of Terms in the Annual Report.

Gearing (both gross and net) is considered to be an Alternative Performance Measure. See Note 19 above for details of the Company’s gearing.

Net Asset Value (“NAV”) per Ordinary Share
The NAV per Ordinary Share is considered to be an Alternative Performance Measure. See the Balance Sheet and Note 17 above for further details.

Ongoing Charges Ratio
The ongoing charges ratio is considered to be an Alternative Performance Measure. It has been calculated in accordance with guidance issued by the AIC as the total of management fees and other expenses expressed as a percentage of the average net assets throughout the year.

                                         2024            2023

Investment management fees (£’000)       9,719           12,049

Other expenses (£’000)                   1,238           1,101

                                         --------------- ---------------

Ongoing charges (£’000)                  10,957          13,150

                                         =========       =========

Variable management fees (£’000)         1,702           2,678

Average net assets (£’000)               1,122,589       1,338,770

                                         --------------- ---------------

Ongoing charges ratio                    0.98%           0.98%

                                         --------------- ---------------

Ongoing charges ratio including variable 1.13%           1.18%
management fees

                                         =========       =========

The ongoing charges ratio represents the total expenses of the Company, excluding transaction costs, interest payments, tax and non-recurring expenses expressed, as a percentage of the average daily net asset value, in accordance with guidance issued by the AIC. The ongoing charges ratio, excluding the variable management fee, for the year ended 31 March 2024 was 0.98%. It is estimated that the ongoing charges ratio for the year ending 31 March 2025 will be 0.88%, the significant reduction reflecting the management fees waived by the Manager in lieu of its contribution to the costs of the Company’s transaction with ACIC.

Revenue, Capital and Total Earnings per Share
Revenue, capital and total earnings per share are considered to be Alternative Performance Measures. See the Income Statement and Note 8 above for further details.

Total Return Performance
Total return performance is considered to be an Alternative Performance Measure. NAV per share total return includes reinvestment of the dividend in the NAV of the Company on the ex-dividend date. Share price total return includes the reinvestment of the net dividend in the month that the share price goes ex-dividend.

The tables below provide information relating to the NAV per share and share prices of the Company, the impact of the dividend reinvestments and the total returns for the years ended 31 March 2024 and 31 March 2023.

                                Net asset
                                value per       Share
2024                            share           price

31 March 2023                   274.08p         247.50p

31 March 2024                   223.71p         201.00p

Change in the year              -18.4%          -18.8%

Impact of dividend reinvestment +2.1%           +2.4%

                                --------------- ---------------

Total return for the year       -16.3%          -16.4%

                                =========       =========


                                Net asset
                                value per       Share
2023                            share           Price

31 March 2022                   272.52p         252.00p

31 March 2023                   274.08p         247.50p

Change in the year              +0.6%           -1.8%

Impact of dividend reinvestment +2.0%           +2.1%

                                --------------- ---------------

Total return for the year       +2.6%           +0.3%

                                =========       =========


The Annual Financial Report Announcement is not the Company's statutory accounts. The above results for the year ended 31 March 2024 are an abridged version of the Company's full Annual Report and Financial Statements, which have been approved and audited with an unqualified report. The 2023 and 2024 statutory accounts received unqualified reports from the Company's Auditor and did not include any reference to matters to which the Auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying the reports and did not contain a statement under s.498 of the Companies Act 2006. The financial information for 2023 is derived from the statutory accounts for 2023 which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The 2024 Financial Statements will be filed with the Registrar of Companies in due course.

A copy of the above results announcement will be available on the Company's website at within two working days.

A copy of the Annual Report will shortly be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will be available for inspection at:

The Annual Report will be posted to shareholders later this month and additional copies will be available from the registered office of the Company and on the Company's website: where up to date information on the Company, including daily NAV and share prices, factsheets and other information can also be found.

Neither the contents of the Company's website nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the Company's website (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.