BlackRock Income and Growth Investment Trust Plc - Half-year Report

BlackRock Income and Growth Investment Trust plc

LEI:   5493003YBY59H9EJLJ16


Half Yearly Financial Report for the Six Months Ended 30 April 2024

Performance record

                                           As at     As at
                                           30 April  31 October

Net assets (£’000)1                        43,809    40,156

Net asset value per ordinary share (pence) 217.79    194.90

Ordinary share price (mid-market) (pence)  186.50    178.00

Discount to net asset value2               14.4%     8.7%

FTSE All-Share Index                       9611.01   8413.70

                                           ========= =========


                                               For the six     For the
                                               months ended    year ended
                                               30 April 2024   31 October 2023

Performance (with dividends reinvested)

Net asset value per share2                     14.4%           5.2%

Ordinary share price2                          7.6%            8.1%

FTSE All-Share Index                           14.2%           5.9%

                                               --------------- ---------------

Performance since 1 April 20123(with dividends

Net asset value per share2                     130.0%          101.1%

Ordinary share price2                          118.9%          103.5%

FTSE All-Share Index                           128.2%          99.8%

                                               =========       =========


                              For the six     For the six
                              months ended    months ended    Change
                              30 April 2024   30 April 2023   %


Net profit on ordinary
activities after taxation     806             722             11.6

Revenue earnings per ordinary 3.94            3.44            14.5
share (pence)4

                              --------------- --------------- ---------------

Dividends (pence)

Interim                       2.70            2.60            3.8

                              =========       =========       =========


1   The change in net assets reflects portfolio movements, the purchase of the Company’s own shares and dividends paid.

2   Alternative Performance Measures, see Glossary within the Half Yearly Financial Report.

3   Since BlackRock's appointment as Investment Manager on 1 April 2012.

4   Further details are given in the Glossary within the Half Yearly Financial Report.

Chairman’s statement

I am pleased to report that our portfolio has performed well during the six months to 30 April 2024, delivering strong absolute NAV returns, and marginally outperforming the Benchmark Index, which also performed well as UK equity markets rose.

Overall market sentiment was once again heavily influenced by the path of inflation and interest rates. In the US, the anticipated easing of monetary policy at the start of 2024 did not materialise as the Federal Reserve grappled with the challenge of deteriorating growth and a possible recession, while also seeking to quell stubborn price inflation. Following a shallow technical recession in the second half of 2023, UK GDP returned to growth in 2024, although to date progress remains relatively muted.   However, the market was buoyed by declining inflation, attractive valuations, and the prospect of a cut in interest rates in the summer.

Demand for UK equities appeared to improve during the period, with investors’ interest in UK assets aided by a combination of attractive valuations, relatively high yields and steadily reducing inflation. The rate of inflation for the 12-months to May 2024 came in at 2.0%, the lowest level since July 2021 and hitting the Bank of England’s inflation target.

The Company’s net asset value per share (NAV) returned 14.4%, compared with the Company’s Benchmark Index, the FTSE All-Share Index (total return), which returned 14.2%. The Company’s share price returned 7.6% as the discount widened from 8.7% at the start of the period to 14.4% as at 30 April 2024. (All percentages in Pound Sterling with dividends reinvested).

Subsequent to the period end and as at 19 June 2024, the net asset value per share of the Company has increased by 2.2% from 217.79 pence per share to 222.59 pence per share and the Company’s share price has risen by 6.4% from 186.50 pence per share to 198.50 pence per share. By comparison, the Company’s Benchmark Index has increased by 1.6% over the same period.

Further information on the significant components of overall performance and the changes to portfolio composition are set out in the Investment Manager’s report below.

Revenue profit and dividends
Revenue profit for the period was 3.94 pence per share (six months to 30 April 2023: 3.44 pence per share), a year on year increase of 14.5%. The Board is declaring an increased interim dividend of 2.70 pence per share which will be paid on 3 September 2024 to shareholders on the Company’s register at the close of business on 26 July 2024 (the ex-dividend date is 25 July 2024). I am pleased to report that our interim dividend is fully covered by the revenue generated during the six-month period to 30 April 2024.

Share capital

The Directors recognise the importance to investors that the Company’s share price should not trade at a significant discount to NAV, and therefore, in normal market conditions, looks to use the Company’s share buy back, sale of shares from treasury and share issuance powers to seek to ensure that the share price does not differ excessively from the underlying NAV. We used our powers to buy back almost half a million shares during the period, despite which the discount proved stubborn, having traded at an average level of 12.7% throughout and ending the period at 14.4%. Following the end of the period, at the close of business on 19 June 2024 the discount was 10.8%.


A total of 488,228 ordinary shares were bought back and cancelled during the period at an average price of 181.68 pence and for a total consideration of £887,000.


Fees and charges
The Board is mindful of the need to ensure that shareholders receive good value from the Company and regularly reviews its costs and charges. Following the discussion below, effective from 1 November 2023, the Company is entitled to a rebate from the investment management fee charged by the Manager in the event the Company’s ongoing charges exceed 1.15% per annum of average daily net assets. Further information is set out within the Half Yearly Financial Report.

The Company operates a flexible gearing policy which depends on prevailing conditions and the outlook for the market. Gearing is subject to a maximum level of 20% of net assets at the time of investment. As at 30 April 2024 the Company had net gearing of 5.5%. Gearing levels and sources of funding are reviewed regularly to ensure that the Company has access to the most competitive borrowing rates available to it. The Company has a one-year unsecured Sterling Revolving Credit Facility of £8,000,000 with The Bank of New York Mellon (International) Limited, of which £4,000,000 is currently drawn.

Shareholder communication
The Board appreciates how important access to regular information is to our shareholders. To supplement our Company website, we now offer shareholders the ability to sign up to the Trust Matters newsletter which includes information on the Company as well as news, views and insights.

Further information on how to sign up is included on the inside cover of the Half Yearly Financial Report

Following the period end, the Government’s announcement of an early General Election took many by surprise. There has since been a great deal written on the potential economic ramifications of an incumbent or opposition victory, analysis of the respective monetary and fiscal policies, and the potential impact on various sectors of the UK market. What we do know is that whichever political party is elected, the resulting political certainty should be broadly positive for UK equities.

As you will read in their report which follows below, your portfolio managers believe the UK stock market continues to offer an attractive value, both in absolute terms and relative to other developed markets. They are excited about the opportunities available and have added several new positions in both domestic large-cap and mid-cap companies during the period. With UK equity valuations at historical lows, and with an improving macroeconomic backdrop providing a more fertile environment for growth, they believe the outlook for the remainder of the year and beyond is positive.

Your Board remains fully supportive of our portfolio managers’ investment philosophy. Their consistent investment approach focuses on identifying high-quality, well-capitalised, cash generative companies that can compound returns over time. We trust they will continue to generate long term capital growth and an attractive level of income for the Company’s shareholders.

20 June 2024


Investment Manager’s report

For the six months to 30 April 2024, the Company’s NAV returned 14.4%, performing broadly in-line with its benchmark, the FTSE All-Share Index (the Benchmark Index), which returned 14.2% over the same period. (All percentages are in Pound Sterling with dividends reinvested.)

Investment approach
In assembling the Company’s portfolio, we adopt a concentrated investment approach to ensure that our best ideas contribute significantly to returns. We believe that it is the role of the portfolio overall to generate an attractive and growing yield alongside capital growth rather than every individual company within the portfolio. This gives the Company increased flexibility to invest where returns are most attractive. This approach results in a portfolio which differs substantially from the index and in any individual year the returns will vary, sometimes significantly from those of the index. Our objective is to achieve returns greater than the index through time. The foundation of the portfolio, approximately 70%, is in ’income generators’ that we believe will sustain strong cash generation and pay an attractive and growing dividend whilst aiming to deliver a double-digit total return. Additionally, we look to identify and invest 20% of the portfolio in ‘growth’ companies that have significant barriers to entry and scalable business models that enable them to grow consistently. We also look for turnaround companies, accounting for up to 10% of portfolio value, which represent those companies that are out of favour with the market, facing temporary challenges yet offer significant recovery potential.

Market overview
Despite the late euphoria of 2023, US interest rates have remained higher than initially forecasted with policy makers faced with a challenging situation of having to balance the risk of an impending recession with persistent high levels of inflation. In the US, the Federal Reserve (Fed) held interest rates steady as inflation remained sticky but assuaged market concerns towards the end of the period as it signalled the intention to cut and revise up growth and inflation forecasts. In the Eurozone, inflation eased but remained above the European Central Bank’s (ECB) target of 2%. The ECB held interest rates steady as policymakers balanced concerns over a looming recession with persistently elevated underlying inflationary pressures.

The UK market showed resilience as signs of easing inflation, expectations of early interest rate cuts by the Bank of England and attractive prices have helped boost investor interest in UK equities. The FTSE 100 rose steadily over the period, before reaching a record high of 8,147 points in April, buoyed by the substantial exposure to mining and energy sectors which benefitted from the strength in oil, copper, and precious metals. The health care and consumer staples sectors, which are significant US Dollar earners, also contributed to the UK market’s strong relative performance, aided by Pound Sterling's weakness against the US currency. The strong performance also trickled down to UK small and mid-caps, although not to the same extent as blue-chip stocks.

Contributors to and detractors from performance
The Company benefitted from its large position in 3i Group whose annual results provided welcome news on both current trading and the future prospects of its largest asset, Action, the European discount retailer. Like-for-like growth continues to exceed expectations as customers benefit from reinvestment in prices and as the group continues to open stores in existing and new countries. With 2,566 stores in existence at the end of 2023 and potential to open a further 4,000+ stores in Europe, we continue to see sustainable like-for-like growth and growing returns to investors. Intermediate Capital Group performed well during the period as returning risk appetite and continued strong fund-raising led to a positive re-evaluation of its prospects. Similarly, good execution of their strategy at Next led to strong performance in the shares. Despite a fairly patchy backdrop for the UK consumer, the investments Next has made in online capabilities, including its Label platform serving third parties and in small brand acquisitions, are paying dividends. The portfolio also benefitted from not owning Diageo or Prudential as weaker trading in both saw the share prices fall.

The Company's holding in Reckitt performed poorly over the period. The company’s results for 2023 were worse than expected: volume weakness was compounded by a product recall and an understatement of trade spend in the Middle East led to a further shortfall. The news flow deteriorated as the quarter progressed with an adverse jury ruling in the US. The company has staunchly defended its position and intends to appeal. However, we have seen that litigation can create an overhang for many months and the shares are likely to remain optically cheap whilst this remains. Similarly, Hays , the staffing company, issued a profit warning following a deceleration in activity in December with net fees falling c. 15% in December versus 7-8% in September-November due to weakness in their permanent placements division alongside a muted seasonal pick- up in temporary placements. The shares have been derating for some time in anticipation of this downturn. Hays remains cash generative and operates with a net cash balance sheet and we believe the company should emerge in a strong competitive position when the macroeconomic backdrop improves. We continue to own Hays as we see significant long-term value. The Company's overweight position in Centrica also suffered as the shares gave up some of the strong gains it made during the early part of 2023. Not owning Rolls Royce was also a headwind given the shares saw very strong performance during the period as fears of further capital raising were eased by strong trading and cash generation.

The Company purchased a new holding in Weir Group . This is a mining equipment supplier with a well-established installed base which generates significant aftermarket revenue and profit. The outlook for mining capex looks reasonable, especially in their key commodities (copper, gold, iron ore) which should allow original equipment orders to improve from a low base. Offering attractive free-cash-flow generation with a robust balance sheet and modest valuation, we perceive a very attractive risk reward.

We also started a new position in SGS . This is a global testing business with a new and well-regarded CEO. We would expect the new CEO to reinvigorate the organic and inorganic prospects of the organisation and to improve operational effectiveness. We view this as an attractive industry and company which have both struggled, with the new CEO as a potential catalyst for a turnaround.

The Company increased its positions in both NatWest and HSBC as we expect the outlook for earnings and returns to continue to positively surprise. We also took part in the placing at Segro to enable it to execute on its exciting growth prospects.

To fund these purchases the Company sold its positions in Schneider Electric and Centrica. Schneider Electric has been a hugely successful holding for the portfolio since purchase. With the shares up 35% in 2023 and with recent expectations raised again, we felt the risk-reward was now more balanced with better opportunities elsewhere. Centrica has performed strongly since its purchase in 2021 and again we have higher conviction elsewhere following its +c. 80% move.

Our investment case for Watches of Switzerland has been impacted by several factors including the weaker-than-expected demand recovery in China along with the Rolex acquisition of Bucherer. At this point, we believe there are more questions than answers for the company, therefore, we have decided to exit the position.

Reckitt was reduced following the emergence of potential litigation: Unfortunately, this development is an overhang that is likely to persist for some time and we moderated our position to manage this expected dynamic. We also reduced our position in 3i Group and Shell , following the strong run in the shares.

Historically, we have managed the Company with a modest and consistent level of gearing, typically between 5-8% to enhance income generation and capital growth. However, as market volatility has picked up, we have been more active over the last 2 years, varying both the level of gearing and using a broader range (0-10%) depending on the opportunities or risks presenting themselves at the time. As at 30 April 2024, the Company had employed net gearing of 5.5%.

Equity markets entered 2024 in a buoyant mood following a strong and broad rally in the latter part of 2023. The outlook, and optimism, is a far cry from 12 months ago, when supply chains were hugely disrupted, and inflation was in double digits and well ahead of central banks’ targets prompting rapid and substantial interest rates hikes despite an uncertain demand environment. Despite this, equities had one of their best years on record outperforming bonds with double digit increases, in US Dollar terms, across most of the developed world and some emerging markets. In the US, the Nasdaq was the standout rising 54% driven by the largest seven companies that rebounded strongly (+c. 70%) after a poor 2022, when they had fallen 39% as a group. The FTSE All-Share Index returned 7.9% in 2023. Whilst China was the surprise negative in 2023, with no noticeable COVID-19 re-opening recovery and lacklustre growth despite government attempts to stimulate.

As we pass the first quarter of 2024, we believe markets have shifted into ‘goldilocks’ territory whereby slowing inflation has signalled the peak for interest rates while broad macroeconomic indicators that have been weak are not expected to deteriorate further. This is also helpful for the cost and availability of credit which has recently improved having been deteriorating through most of 2023. During December, bond markets had begun to price in 130bps of easing in the US and a not dissimilar amount in the UK and Europe. We believed that this quantum of cuts will prove to be overly aggressive without a significant deterioration in the economy which we don’t expect. That said, despite these expectations moderating significantly during Q1, stock markets have continued to make progress in the developed world. Labour markets remain resilient for now with low levels of unemployment while real wage growth is supportive of consumer demand albeit presenting a challenge to corporate profit margins.

Notably in 2024, geopolitics will play a more significant role in asset markets. This year will see the biggest election year in history with more than 60 countries representing over half of the world’s population going to the polls. While most, such as the UK’s are unlikely to have globally significant economic or geopolitical ramifications, others, such as the US elections in November, could have a material impact. We believe political certainty may be helpful for the UK and address the UK’s elevated risk premium that has persisted since the damaging Autumn budget of 2022. Whilst we do not position the portfolios for any particular election outcome, we are mindful of the potential volatility and the opportunities that may result.

The UK stock market continues to remain depressed in valuation terms relative to other developed markets offering double-digit discounts across a range of valuation metrics. This valuation ‘anomaly’ saw further reactions from UK corporates with the buyback yield of the UK, at the end of 2023, standing at a respectable c. 2.5%. Combining this with a dividend yield of c. 3.7% (FTSE All Share Index yield as at 30 April 2024. Source: The Investment Association ) the cash return of the UK market is attractive in absolute terms and comfortably higher than other developed markets. Although we anticipate further volatility ahead as earnings estimates moderate, we know that in the course of time risk appetite will return and opportunities are emerging. We have identified a number of opportunities with new positions initiated throughout the year in both UK domestic and midcap companies.

We continue to focus the portfolio on cash generative businesses with durable, competitive advantages as we believe these companies are best placed to drive returns over the long-term. Whilst we anticipate economic and market volatility will persist throughout the year, we are excited by the opportunities this will likely create; by identifying the companies that strengthen their long-term prospects as well as attractive turnaround situations.

Adam Avigdori and David Goldman
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited
20 June 2024


Ten largest investments

Together, the Company’s ten largest investments represented 46.6% of the Company’s portfolio as at 30 April 2024 (31 October 2023: 48.0%)

1 AstraZeneca (2023: 2nd)
Sector: Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology
Market value: £3,670,000
Share of investments: 7.9% (2023: 7.2%)

AstraZeneca is an Anglo-Swedish multinational pharmaceutical group with its headquarters in the UK. It is a science-led biopharmaceutical business with a portfolio of products for major disease areas including cancer, cardiovascular infection, neuroscience and respiration.

2 ▼ Shell (2023: 1st)
Sector: Oil & Gas Producers
Market value: £3,566,000
Share of investments: 7.7% (2023: 8.9%)

Shell is a global oil and gas company. The company operates in both upstream and downstream industries. The upstream division is engaged in searching for and recovering crude oil and natural gas, the liquefaction and transportation of gas. The downstream division is engaged in manufacturing, distribution and marketing activities for oil products and chemicals.

3 ▲ RELX (2023: 4th)
Sector: Media
Market value: £2,470,000
Share of investments: 5.3% (2023: 5.5%)

RELX is a global provider of professional information solutions that includes publication of scientific, medical, technical and legal journals. It also has the world’s leading exhibitions, conference and events business.

4 ▼ Rio Tinto (2023: 3rd)
Sector: Mining
Market value: £2,281,000
Share of investments: 4.9% (2023: 5.9%)

Rio Tinto is a metals and mining group operating in approximately 36 countries around the world, producing iron ore, copper, diamonds, gold and uranium.

5 3i Group (2023: 6th)
Sector: Financial Services
Market value: £2,222,000
Share of investments: 4.8% (2023: 4.2%)

3i Group is a leading international investor focused on mid-market private equity and infrastructure.

6 ▲ HSBC (2023: 15th)
Sector: Banks
Market value: £2,010,000
Share of investments: 4.3% (2023: 2.2%)

HSBC, a bank and financial services institution, has a multinational footprint with a meaningful presence in Asia. It operates through retail banking and wealth management, commercial banking, global banking and markets, and global private banking businesses.

7 ► Unilever (2023: 7th)
Sector: Personal Goods
Market value: £1,475,000
Share of investments: 3.2% (2023: 3.5%)

Unilever is a consumer staples business operating in food, home and personal care and has strong positions in emerging markets, where long-term growth trends in various countries that currently generate the majority of revenues.

8 Tate & Lyle (2023: 11th)
Sector: Food Producers
Market value: £1,393,000
Share of investments: 3.0% (2023: 2.5%)

Tate & Lyle is a British-headquartered, global supplier of food and beverage products to food and industrial markets.

9 Segro (2023: 21st)
Sector: Real Estate Investment Trusts
Market value: £1,282,000
Share of investments: 2.8% (2023: 1.8%)

Segro is an industrial real estate investment trust with a high-quality portfolio of assets.

10 ▼ Reckitt (2023: 5th)
Sector: Household Goods & Home Construction
Market value: £1,271,000
Share of investments: 2.7% (2023: 4.7%)

Reckitt is a global leader in consumer health, hygiene and household products. Its products are sold in 200 countries and its 19 most profitable brands are responsible for the majority of net revenues.

All percentages reflect the value of the holding as a percentage of total investments.

Percentages in brackets represent the value of the holding as at 31 October 2023.

Distribution of investments as at 30 April 2024

Analysis of portfolio by sector

|                                   |% of investments by market value|Benchmark|
|                                   |                                |Index    |
|Financial Services                 |10.6                            |4.8      |
|Banks                              |10.6                            |9.9      |
|Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology    |9.4                             |11.4     |
|Oil & Gas Producers                |9.3                             |11.6     |
|Support Services                   |8.5                             |3.4      |
|Media                              |6.8                             |3.9      |
|Mining                             |6.3                             |0.3      |
|Household Goods & Home Construction|6.0                             |1.2      |
|General Retailers                  |4.4                             |3.1      |
|Real Estate Investment Trusts      |4.0                             |2.5      |
|Non-Life Insurance                 |3.5                             |0.9      |
|Travel & Leisure                   |3.4                             |3.2      |
|Personal Goods                     |3.2                             |0.2      |
|Food Producers                     |3.0                             |0.7      |
|Industrial Engineering             |2.7                             |0.6      |
|Life Insurance                     |2.4                             |2.1      |
|Tobacco                            |1.7                             |2.6      |
|Electronic & Electrical Equipment  |1.6                             |1.0      |
|Health Care Equipment & Services   |1.4                             |0.5      |
|Leisure Goods                      |1.1                             |0.2      |
|General Industrials                |0.1                             |1.6      |


Sources: BlackRock and Datastream.

Investment size

|          |Number of investments|% of investments by market value|
|<£1m      |29                   |40.7                            |
|£1m to £2m|9                    |24.4                            |
|£2m to £3m|4                    |19.3                            |
|£3m to £4m|2                    |15.6                            |


Source: BlackRock.

Investments as at 30 April 2024

                                    value           % of
                                    £’000           investments

Financial Services

3i Group                            2,222           4.8

London Stock Exchange Group         941             2.0

Intermediate Capital Group          820             1.8

Ashmore Group                       567             1.2

Premier Asset Management Group      383             0.8

                                    --------------- ---------------

                                    4,933           10.6

                                    =========       =========


HSBC                                2,010           4.3

Standard Chartered                  1,147           2.5

NatWest                             959             2.1

Lloyds Banking Group                791             1.7

                                    --------------- ---------------

                                    4,907           10.6

                                    =========       =========

Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology

AstraZeneca                         3,670           7.9

GSK                                 712             1.5

                                    --------------- ---------------

                                    4,382           9.4

                                    =========       =========

Oil & Gas Producers

Shell                               3,566           7.7

BP Group                            747             1.6

                                    --------------- ---------------

                                    4,313           9.3

                                    =========       =========

Support Services

Mastercard1                         1,261           2.7

Hays                                1,138           2.5

Rentokil Initial                    844             1.8

SGS1                                671             1.5

                                    --------------- ---------------

                                    3,914           8.5

                                    =========       =========


RELX                                2,470           5.3

Pearson                             718             1.5

                                    --------------- ---------------

                                    3,188           6.8

                                    =========       =========


Rio Tinto                           2,281           4.9

Anglo American                      627             1.4

                                    --------------- ---------------

                                    2,908           6.3

                                    =========       =========

Household Goods & Home Construction

Reckitt                             1,271           2.7

Taylor Wimpey                       803             1.7

Berkeley Group                      758             1.6

                                    --------------- ---------------

                                    2,832           6.0

                                    =========       =========

General Retailers

Next                                865             1.9

Howden Joinery                      587             1.3

WH Smith                            576             1.2

                                    --------------- ---------------

                                    2,028           4.4

                                    =========       =========

Real Estate Investment Trusts

Segro                               1,282           2.8

Big Yellow Group                    533             1.2

                                    --------------- ---------------

                                    1,815           4.0

                                    =========       =========

Non-Life Insurance

Admiral Group                       824             1.8

Hiscox                              765             1.7

                                    --------------- ---------------

                                    1,589           3.5

                                    =========       =========

Travel & Leisure

Compass Group                       1,185           2.6

Fuller Smith & Turner – A Shares    363             0.8

Patisserie Holdings2                –               –

                                    --------------- ---------------

                                    1,548           3.4

                                    =========       =========

Personal Goods

Unilever                            1,475           3.2

                                    --------------- ---------------

                                    1,475           3.2

                                    =========       =========

Food Producers

Tate & Lyle                         1,393           3.0

                                    1,393           3.0

                                    =========       =========

Industrial Engineering

Weir Group                          771             1.7

Spirax-Sarco Engineering            469             1.0

                                    --------------- ---------------

                                    1,240           2.7

                                    =========       =========

Life Insurance

Phoenix Group                       1,100           2.4

                                    --------------- ---------------

                                    1,100           2.4

                                    =========       =========


British American Tobacco            778             1.7

                                    --------------- ---------------

                                    778             1.7

                                    =========       =========

Electronic & Electrical Equipment

Oxford Instruments                  721             1.6

                                    --------------- ---------------

                                    721             1.6

                                    =========       =========

Health Care Equipment & Services

Smith & Nephew                      638             1.4

                                    --------------- ---------------

                                    638             1.4

                                    =========       =========

Leisure Goods

Games Workshop                      495             1.1

                                    --------------- ---------------

                                    495             1.1

                                    =========       =========

General Industrials

Coats Group                         29              0.1

                                    --------------- ---------------

                                    29              0.1

                                    =========       =========

Total investments                   46,226          100.0

                                    =========       =========

1   Non-UK listed investments.

2   Company under liquidation.

All investments are in ordinary shares unless otherwise stated. The total number of investments held at 30 April 2024 was 44 (31 October 2023: 46).

As at 30 April 2024, the Company did not hold any equity interests comprising more than 3% of any company’s share capital.


Interim Management Report and Responsibility Statement

The Chairman’s Statement and the Investment Manager’s Report above give details of the important events which have occurred during the period and their impact on the financial statements.

Principal risks and uncertainties
The principal risks faced by the Company can be divided into various areas as follows:

·   Investment performance;

·   Income/dividend;

·   Gearing;

·   Legal & regulatory compliance;

·   Operational;

·   Political;

·   Market; and

·   Financial.

The Board reported on the principal risks and uncertainties faced by the Company in the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 October 2023. A detailed explanation can be found in the Strategic Report on pages 35 to 38 and in note 16 on pages 97 to 103 of the Annual Report and Financial Statements which are available on the website maintained by BlackRock at: .

Certain financial markets have been negatively impacted by the ongoing geopolitical tensions arising from the hostilities in the Middle East and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the impact of the subsequent range of sanctions, regulations and other measures which impaired normal trading in Russian securities. The Board and the Investment Manager continue to monitor investment performance in line with the Company’s investment objectives, and the operations of the Company and the publication of net asset values are continuing.

In the view of the Board, other than those matters noted above, there have not been any material changes to the fundamental nature of these risks since the previous report and these principal risks and uncertainties, as summarised, are as applicable to the remaining six months of the financial year as they were to the six months under review.

Going concern
The Board remains mindful of the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the extent of the hostilities in the Middle East and the potential duration of the war in Ukraine and its longer-term effects on the global economy and the current heightened geopolitical risk. Nevertheless, the Directors, having considered the nature and liquidity of the portfolio, the Company’s investment objective and the Company’s projected income and expenditure, are satisfied that the Company has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future and is financially sound.

For this reason, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements. The Company has a portfolio of investments which are considered to be readily realisable and is able to meet all of its liabilities from its assets and income generated from these assets. Ongoing charges (calculated as a percentage of average daily net assets and based on the management fee and all other operating expenses, excluding finance costs, direct transaction costs, custody transaction charges, VAT recovered, taxation, prior year expenses written back and certain non-recurring items) for the year ended 31 October 2023 were approximately 1.28%. Effective 1 November 2023 the ongoing charges of the Company are capped at the rate of 1.15% per annum of average daily net assets.

Related party disclosure and transactions with the Manager
BlackRock Fund Managers Limited (BFM) was appointed as the Company’s Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) with effect from 2 July 2014. BFM has, with the Company’s consent, delegated certain portfolio and risk management services, and other ancillary services, to BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited (BIM (UK)). Both BFM and BIM (UK) are regarded as related parties under the Listing Rules. Effective from 1 November 2023, the Company is entitled to a rebate from the investment management fee charged by the Manager in the event the Company’s ongoing charges exceed the cap of 1.15% per annum of average daily net assets. Details of the management fee payable are set out in note 3 and note 12 below. The related party transactions with the Directors are set out in note 11 below.

Directors’ responsibility statement
The Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules of the UK Listing Authority require the Directors to confirm their responsibilities in relation to the preparation and publication of the Interim Management Report and Financial Statements.

The Directors confirm to the best of their knowledge that:

·   the condensed set of financial statements contained within the Half Yearly Financial Report has been prepared in accordance with the applicable UK Accounting Standard FRS 104 ‘Interim Financial Reporting’; and

·   the Interim Management Report, together with the Chairman’s Statement and Investment Manager’s Report, include a fair review of the information required by 4.2.7R and 4.2.8R of the FCA’s Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules.

The Half Yearly Financial Report has not been audited or reviewed by the Company’s Auditors.

The Half Yearly Financial Report was approved by the Board on 20 June 2024 and the above responsibility statement was signed on its behalf by the Chairman.

For and on behalf of the Board
20 June 2024


Income statement for the six months ended 30 April 2024


                     Six months ended                                Six months ended                                Year ended
                     30 April 2024                                   30 April 2023                                   31 October 2023
                     (unaudited)                                     (unaudited)                                     (audited)

                     Revenue         Capital         Total           Revenue         Capital         Total           Revenue         Capital         Total
               Notes £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000

Gains on
held at fair         –               4,892           4,892           –               5,340           5,340           –               1,119           1,119
value through
profit or loss

on foreign           –               (3)             (3)             –               5               5               –               2               2

Income from
held at fair   2     971             –               971             900             –               900             1,723           7               1,730
value through
profit or loss

Other income   2     39              –               39              42              –               42              81              –               81

                     --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

Total income         1,010           4,889           5,899           942             5,345           6,287           1,804           1,128           2,932

                     =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========


Investment     3     (8)             (74)            (82)            (30)            (89)            (119)           (59)            (176)           (235)
management fee

operating      4     (160)           (3)             (163)           (161)           (2)             (163)           (317)           (6)             (323)

                     --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

operating            (168)           (77)            (245)           (191)           (91)            (282)           (376)           (182)           (558)

                     =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========

Net profit on
activities           842             4,812           5,654           751             5,254           6,005           1,428           946             2,374
before finance
costs and

Finance costs        (31)            (94)            (125)           (23)            (70)            (93)            (54)            (163)           (217)

                     --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

Net profit on
activities           811             4,718           5,529           728             5,184           5,912           1,374           783             2,157

Taxation             (5)             –               (5)             (6)             –               (6)             (7)             –               (7)

                     --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

Net profit on
ordinary       6     806             4,718           5,524           722             5,184           5,906           1,367           783             2,150
after taxation

Earnings per
ordinary share 6     3.94            23.09           27.03           3.44            24.67           28.11           6.54            3.75            10.29

                     =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========


The total columns of this statement represent the Company’s profit and loss account. The supplementary revenue and capital accounts are both prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies (AIC). All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued during the period. All income is attributable to the equity holders of the Company.

The net profit on ordinary activities for the period disclosed above represents the Company’s total comprehensive income.

Statement of changes in equity for the six months ended 30 April 2024


                   Called          Share           Capital
                   up share        premium         redemption      Capital         Special         Revenue
                   capital         account         reserve         reserve         reserve         reserve         Total
              Note £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000

For the six
months ended
30 April 2024

At 31 October      307             14,819          242             10,266          12,391          2,131           40,156


Net profit
for the            –               –               –               4,718           –               806             5,524

with owners,
directly to

shares             (5)             –               5               –               (881)           –               (881)
purchased for

purchase           –               –               –               –               (6)             –               (6)

Dividends     5    –               –               –               –               –               (984)           (984)

                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

At 30 April        302             14,819          247             14,984          11,504          1,953           43,809

                   =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========

For the six
months ended
30 April 2023

At 31 October      313             14,819          236             9,483           13,427          2,294           40,572


Net profit
for the            –               –               –               5,184           –               722             5,906

with owners,
directly to

shares             (2)             –               2               –               (401)           –               (401)
purchased for

purchase           –               –               –               –               (2)             –               (2)

Dividends          –               –               –               –               –               (986)           (986)

                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

At 30 April        311             14,819          238             14,667          13,024          2,030           45,089

                   =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========

For the year
ended 31
October 2023

At 31 October      313             14,819          236             9,483           13,427          2,294           40,572


Net profit         –               –               –               783             –               1,367           2,150
for the year

with owners,
directly to

shares             (6)             –               6               –               (1,029)         –               (1,029)
purchased for

purchase           –               –               –               –               (7)             –               (7)

Dividends          –               –               –               –               –               (1,530)         (1,530)

                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

At 31 October      307             14,819          242             10,266          12,391          2,131           40,156

                   =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========


1   Final dividend paid in respect of the year ended 31 October 2023 of 4.80p per share, declared on 21 December 2023 and paid on 15 March 2024.

2   Final dividend paid in respect of the year ended 31 October 2022 of 4.70p per share, declared on 2 February 2023 and paid on 15 March 2023.

3   Interim dividend paid in respect of the six months ended 30 April 2023 of 2.60p per share was declared on 21 June 2023 and paid on 1 September 2023. Final dividend paid in respect of the year ended 31 October 2022 of 4.70p per share was declared on 2 February 2023 and paid on 15 March 2023.

For information on the Company’s distributable reserves, please refer to note 9 below

Balance sheet as at 30 April 2024

                                 30 April        30 April        31 October
                                 2024            2023            2023
                                 (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (audited)
                           Notes £’000           £’000           £’000

Non current assets

Investments held at fair
value through profit or    10    46,226          47,486          43,267

                                 --------------- --------------- ---------------

Current assets

Current tax asset                35              26              27

Debtors                          391             373             133

Cash and cash equivalents        1,708           1,623           1,110

                                 --------------- --------------- ---------------

Total current assets             2,134           2,022           1,270

                                 =========       =========       =========

Current liabilities

Bank loan                        (4,000)         (4,000)         (4,000)

Other creditors                  (551)           (419)           (381)

                                 --------------- --------------- ---------------

Total current liabilities        (4,551)         (4,419)         (4,381)

                                 =========       =========       =========

Net current liabilities          (2,417)         (2,397)         (3,111)

Net assets                       43,809          45,089          40,156

                                 --------------- --------------- ---------------

Total equity

Called up share capital    8     302             311             307

Share premium account            14,819          14,819          14,819

Capital redemption reserve       247             238             242

Capital reserve                  14,984          14,667          10,266

Special reserve                  11,504          13,024          12,391

Revenue reserve                  1,953           2,030           2,131

                                 --------------- --------------- ---------------

Total shareholders’ funds  6     43,809          45,089          40,156

                                 =========       =========       =========

Net asset value per        6     217.79          215.22          194.90
ordinary share (pence)

                                 =========       =========       =========


Statement of cash flows for the six months ended 30 April 2024

                                 Six months      Six months      Year
                                 ended           ended           ended
                                 30 April        30 April        31 October
                                 2024            2023            2023
                                 (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (audited)
                                 £’000           £’000           £’000

Operating activities

Net profit on ordinary           5,529           5,912           2,157
activities before taxation

Add back finance costs           125             93              217

Gains on investments held at
fair value through profit or     (4,892)         (5,340)         (1,119)

Losses/(gains) on foreign        3               (5)             (2)

Special dividends allocated to   –               –               (7)

Sale of investments held at fair 8,260           7,070           11,482
value through profit or loss

Purchase of investments held at
fair value through profit or     (6,317)         (7,124)         (11,632)

(Increase)/decrease in debtors   (239)           (206)           22

Increase in other creditors      104             59              134

Taxation on investment income    (13)            (16)            (18)

                                 --------------- --------------- ---------------

Net cash generated from          2,560           443             1,234
operating activities

                                 =========       =========       =========

Financing activities

Ordinary shares purchased for    (844)           (401)           (1,029)

Share purchase costs paid        (6)             (2)             (7)

Interest paid                    (125)           (93)            (217)

Dividends paid                   (984)           (986)           (1,530)

                                 --------------- --------------- ---------------

Net cash used in financing       (1,959)         (1,482)         (2,783)

                                 =========       =========       =========

Increase/(decrease) in cash and  601             (1,039)         (1,549)
cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents at the 1,110           2,657           2,657
beginning of the year

Effect of foreign exchange rate  (3)             5               2

                                 --------------- --------------- ---------------

Cash and cash equivalents at end 1,708           1,623           1,110
of the year

                                 =========       =========       =========

Comprised of:

Cash at bank                     72              59              44

Cash Fund1                       1,636           1,564           1,066

                                 --------------- --------------- ---------------

                                 1,708           1,623           1,110

                                 =========       =========       =========

1   Cash Fund represents funds held on deposit with the BlackRock Institutional Cash Series plc - Sterling Liquid Environmentally Aware Fund.

Notes to the financial statements for the six months ended 30 April 2024

1. Principal activity and basis of preparation
The principal activity of the Company is that of an investment trust company within the meaning of Section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010.

The financial statements of the Company are prepared on a going concern basis in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 104 Interim Financial Reporting (FRS 104) applicable in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland and the revised Statement of Recommended Practice – ‘Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts’ (SORP) issued by the Association of Investment Companies (AIC) in October 2019 and updated in July 2022, and the provisions of the Companies Act 2006.

The accounting policies and estimation techniques applied for the condensed set of financial statements are as set out in the Company’s Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 October 2023.

2. Income

                                 Six months      Six months      Year
                                 ended           ended           ended
                                 30 April        30 April        31 October
                                 2024            2023            2023
                                 (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (audited)
                                 £’000           £’000           £’000

Investment income:

UK dividends                     870             789             1,494

UK special dividends             –               –               27

UK property income distributions 40              8               19

Overseas dividends               61              103             183

                                 --------------- --------------- ---------------

Total investment income          971             900             1,723

                                 =========       =========       =========

Other income:

Interest from Cash Fund          38              41              80

Deposit interest                 1               1               1

                                 --------------- --------------- ---------------

                                 39              42              81

                                 =========       =========       =========

Total income                     1,010           942             1,804

                                 =========       =========       =========

Dividends and interest received in cash during the year amounted to £777,000 and £37,000 respectively (six months ended 30 April 2023: £746,000 and £43,000; year ended 31 October 2023: £1,789,000 and £83,000).

No special dividends have been recognised in capital (six months ended 30 April 2023: £nil; year ended 31 October 2023: £7,000).

3. Investment management fee


           Six months ended                                Six months ended                                Year ended
           30 April 2024                                   30 April 2023                                   31 October 2023
           (unaudited)                                     (unaudited)                                     (audited)

           Revenue         Capital         Total           Revenue         Capital         Total           Revenue         Capital         Total
           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000           £’000

management 28              83              111             30              89              119             59              176             235

management (20)            (9)             (29)            –               –               –               –               –               –
fee rebate

           --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

Total      8               74              82              30              89              119             59              176             235

           =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========       =========


Under the terms of the investment management agreement, BFM is entitled to a fee of 0.6% per annum of the Company’s quarter end market capitalisation. The investment management fee is allocated 25% to the revenue account and 75% to the capital account. There is no additional fee for company secretarial and administration services.

In addition, effective from 1 November 2023, the Company is entitled to a rebate from the investment management fee charged by the Manager in the event the Company’s ongoing charges exceed the cap of 1.15% per annum of average daily net assets. The amount of rebate accrued for the six months ended 30 April 2024 amounted to £29,000 (six months ended 30 April 2023: £nil; year ended 31 October 2023: £nil). The rebate, if any, is offset against management fees and is allocated between revenue and capital in the ratio of total ongoing charges (as defined on pages 126 and 127 of the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 October 2023) allocated between revenue and capital during the period.

4. Other operating expenses

                            Six months      Six months      Year
                            ended           ended           ended
                            30 April        30 April        31 October
                            2024            2023            2023
                            (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (audited)
                            £’000           £’000           £’000

Allocated to revenue:

Custody fees                –               –               1

Depositary fees             2               2               5

Audit fees1                 18              15              29

Registrars’ fee             13              12              26

Directors’ emoluments       50              50              103

Marketing fees              7               7               14

Printing and postage fees   33              17              32

Legal and professional fees 21              34              56

London Stock Exchange fee   6               6               12

FCA fee                     4               4               7

Prior year expenses written (10)            (1)             (3)

Other administration costs  16              15              35

                            --------------- --------------- ---------------

                            160             161             317

                            =========       =========       =========

Allocated to capital:

Custody transaction costs3  3               2               6

                            --------------- --------------- ---------------

                            163             163             323

                            =========       =========       =========

1   No non-audit services were provided by the Company’s auditors in the six months ended 30 April 2024 (six months ended 30 April 2023: none; year ended 31 October 2023: none).

2   Relates to printing and postage fees and other administration costs written back in the six months ended 30 April 2024 (six months ended 30 April 2023: other administration costs; year ended 31 October 2023: audit fees and other administration costs).

3   For the six months ended 30 April 2024, expenses of £3,000 (six months ended 30 April 2023: £2,000; year ended 31 October 2023: £6,000) were charged to the capital account of the Income Statement. These relate to transaction costs charged by the custodian on sale and purchase trades.

The transaction costs incurred on the acquisition of investments amounted to £30,000 for the six months ended 30 April 2024 (six months ended 30 April 2023: £30,000; year ended 31 October 2023: £53,000). Costs relating to the disposal of investments amounted to £4,000 for the six months ended 30 April 2024 (six months ended 30 April 2023: £3,000; year ended 31 October 2023: £5,000). All transaction costs have been included within capital reserves.

5. Dividend
The Directors have declared an interim dividend of 2.70p per share for the period ended 30 April 2024 payable on 3 September 2024 to shareholders on the register on 26 July 2024. The total cost of the dividend based on 20,112,289 ordinary shares in issue at 12 June 2024 was £543,000 (30 April 2023: £544,000).

In accordance with Section 32 of FRS 102, Events After the End of the Reporting Period, the interim dividend payable on the ordinary shares has not been included as a liability in the financial statements, as interim dividends are only recognised when they have been paid.

6. Earnings and net asset value per ordinary share
Revenue, capital earnings and net asset value per ordinary share are shown below and have been calculated using the following:

                                 Six months      Six months      Year
                                 ended           ended           ended
                                 30 April        30 April        31 October
                                 2024            2023            2023
                                 (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (audited)

Net revenue profit attributable  806             722             1,367
to ordinary shareholders (£’000)

Net capital profit attributable  4,718           5,184           783
to ordinary shareholders (£’000)

                                 --------------- --------------- ---------------

Total profit attributable to     5,524           5,906           2,150
ordinary shareholders (£’000)

                                 =========       =========       =========

Total shareholders’ funds        43,809          45,089          40,156

                                 =========       =========       =========

Earnings per share

The weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue during
the period on which the earnings 20,433,281      21,008,269      20,913,124
per ordinary share was
calculated was:

The actual number of ordinary
shares in issue at the period
end on which the net asset value 20,115,258      20,949,796      20,603,486
per ordinary share was
calculated was:

                                 --------------- --------------- ---------------

Calculated on weighted average
number of ordinary shares:

Revenue earnings per share       3.94            3.44            6.54
(pence) - basic and diluted

Capital earnings per share       23.09           24.67           3.75
(pence) - basic and diluted

                                 --------------- --------------- ---------------

Total earnings per share (pence) 27.03           28.11           10.29
- basic and diluted

                                 =========       =========       =========


                                           As at       As at       As at
                                           30 April    30 April    31 October
                                           2024        2023
                                           (unaudited) (unaudited) 2023

Net asset value per ordinary share (pence) 217.79      215.22      194.90

Ordinary share price (mid-market) (pence)  186.50      191.00      178.00

                                           =========   =========   =========

There were no dilutive securities at 30 April 2024 (30 April 2023: none; 31 October 2023: none).

7. Reconciliation of liabilities arising from financing activities

                                        Six months     Six months     Year ended
                                        ended 30 April ended 30 April
                                                                      31 October
                                        2024           2023
                                        (unaudited)    (unaudited)    2023

Debt arising from financing activities

Debt arising from financing activities  4,000          4,000          4,000
at beginning and end of the period/year

                                        =========      =========      =========

8. Called up share capital

                 Ordinary        Treasury        Total           Nominal
                 shares          shares          shares          value
                 number          number          number          £’000

Allotted, called
up and fully
paid share

Ordinary shares
of 1 pence each:

At 31 October    20,603,486      10,081,532      30,685,018      307

Shares purchased (488,228)       –               (488,228)       (5)
for cancellation

                 --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

At 30 April 2024 20,115,258      10,081,532      30,196,790      302

                 =========       =========       =========       =========

In the six months ended 30 April 2024, 488,228 ordinary shares (six months ended 30 April 2023: 222,118; year ended 31 October 2023: 568,428) were purchased and subsequently cancelled for a total consideration including expenses of £887,000 (six months ended 30 April 2023: £403,000; year ended 31 October 2023: £1,036,000).

Since the period end and up to 19 June 2024, a further 2,969 ordinary shares have been bought back and cancelled for a total cost including expenses of £6,000.

9. Reserves
The Company’s share premium account was cancelled pursuant to shareholders’ approval of a special resolution at the Company’s Annual General Meeting in 2002 and Court approval on 24 January 2002. The share premium account which totalled £61,852,000 was transferred to a special reserve. This action was taken, in part, to ensure that the Company had sufficient distributable reserves.

The share premium account and capital redemption reserve are not distributable reserves under the Companies Act 2006. In accordance with ICAEW Technical Release 02/17BL on Guidance on Realised and Distributable Profits under the Companies Act 2006, the special reserve and capital reserve may be used as distributable reserves for all purposes and, in particular, the repurchase by the Company of its ordinary shares and for payments such as dividends. In accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association, the special reserve, capital reserve and revenue reserve may be distributed by way of dividend. The gain on the capital reserve arising on the revaluation of investments of £7,035,000 (six months ended 30 April 2023: gain of £7,153,000; year ended 31 October 2023: gain of £2,793,000) is subject to fair value movements and may not be readily realisable at short notice; as such it may not be entirely distributable. The investments are subject to financial risks; as such the capital reserve (arising on investments sold) and the revenue reserve may not be entirely distributable if a loss occurred during the realisation of these investments.

10. Financial risks and valuation of financial instruments
The Company’s investment activities expose it to the various types of risk which are associated with the financial instruments and markets in which it invests. The following information is not intended to be a comprehensive summary of all risks and shareholders should refer to the Alternative Investment Fund Managers’ Directive FUND 3.2.2R Disclosures which can be found at for a more detailed discussion of the risks inherent in investing in the Company.

Market risk arising from price risk
Price risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market prices (other than those arising from interest rate risk or currency risk), whether those changes are caused by factors specific to the individual financial instrument or its issuer, or factors affecting similar financial instruments traded in the market. Local, regional or global events such as war, acts of terrorism, the spread of infectious illness or other public health issues, recessions, climate change or other events could have a significant impact on the Company and the market price of its investments and could result in increased premiums or discounts to the Company’s net asset value.

Valuation of financial instruments
Financial assets and financial liabilities are either carried in the Balance Sheet at their fair value (investments) or at an amount which is a reasonable approximation of fair value (due from brokers, dividends and interest receivable, due to brokers, accruals, cash and cash equivalents, bank overdrafts and bank loans). Section 34 of FRS 102 requires the Company to classify fair value measurements using a fair value hierarchy that reflects the significance of inputs used in making the measurements. The valuation techniques used by the Company are explained in the accounting policies note on pages 88 and 89 of the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 October 2023.

Categorisation within the hierarchy has been determined on the basis of the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement of the relevant asset.

The fair value hierarchy has the following levels:

Level 1 - Quoted market price for identical instruments in active markets
A financial instrument is regarded as quoted in an active market if quoted prices are readily available from an exchange, dealer, broker, industry group, pricing service or regulatory agency and those prices represent actual and regularly occurring market transactions on an arm’s length basis. The Company does not adjust the quoted price for these instruments.

Level 2 - Valuation techniques using observable inputs
This category includes instruments valued using quoted prices for similar instruments in markets that are considered less active, or other valuation techniques where all significant inputs are directly or indirectly observable from market data.

Level 3 - Valuation techniques using significant unobservable inputs
This category includes all instruments where the valuation technique includes inputs not based on market data and these inputs could have a significant impact on the instrument’s valuation.

This category also includes instruments that are valued based on quoted prices for similar instruments where significant entity determined adjustments or assumptions are required to reflect differences between the instruments and instruments for which there is no active market. The Investment Manager considers observable data to be that market data that is readily available, regularly distributed or updated, reliable and verifiable, not proprietary and provided by independent sources that are actively involved in the relevant market.

The level in the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurement is categorised in its entirety is determined on the basis of the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement. If a fair value measurement uses observable inputs that require significant adjustment based on unobservable inputs, that measurement is a Level 3 measurement.

Assessing the significance of a particular input to the fair value measurement in its entirety requires judgement, considering factors specific to the asset or liability, including an assessment of the relevant risks including but not limited to credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, business risk and sustainability risk. The determination of what constitutes ‘observable’ inputs requires significant judgement by the Investment Manager and these risks are adequately captured in the assumptions and inputs used in measurement of Level 3 assets or liabilities.

Fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities
The table below is the analysis of the Company’s financial instruments measured at fair value at the balance sheet date.

                                       Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total
Financial assets at fair value through £’000     £’000     £’000     £’000
profit or loss

Equity investments at 30 April 2024    46,226    –         –         46,226

Equity investments at 30 April 2023    47,486    –         –         47,486

Equity investments at 31 October 2023  43,267    –         –         43,267

                                       ========= ========= ========= =========

The Company held one Level 3 security during the six months ended 30 April 2024 (six months ended 30 April 2023: one; year ended 31 October 2023: one).

The investment in Patisserie Holdings has been valued at £nil as the company is under liquidation.

There were no transfers between levels of financial assets and financial liabilities recorded at fair value during the six months ended 30 April 2024, six months ended 30 April 2023 and the year ended 31 October 2023.

For exchange listed equity investments, the quoted price is the bid price. Substantially, all investments are valued based on unadjusted quoted market prices. Where such quoted prices are readily available in an active market, such prices are not required to be assessed or adjusted for any business risk, including climate change risk, in accordance with the fair value related requirements of the Company’s financial reporting framework.

11. Related party disclosure
Directors’ emoluments
The Board consists of three non-executive Directors, all of whom are considered to be independent of the Manager by the Board. None of the Directors has a service contract with the Company. With effect from 1 November 2023, the Chairman receives an annual fee of £32,750, the Audit Committee Chairman receives an annual fee of £27,000 and each of the other Directors receives an annual fee of £23,500.

At the period end and as at 20 June 2024 members of the Board held ordinary shares in the Company as set out below:

                            Ordinary shares Ordinary shares Ordinary shares

                            20 June 2024    30 April 2024   31 October 2023

Graeme Proudfoot (Chairman) 60,000          60,000          60,000

Nicholas Gold               43,175          43,175          43,175

Charles Worsley1            987,539         987,539         987,539

Win Robbins2                N/a             N/a             12,106

                            =========       =========       =========

1   Including a non-beneficial interest of 655,500 ordinary shares.

2   Win Robbins retired as a Director of the Company on 7 March 2024.

Significant holdings
The following investors are:

a.   funds managed by the BlackRock Group or are affiliates of BlackRock Inc. (Related BlackRock Funds); or

b.   investors (other than those listed in (a) above) who held more than 20% of the voting shares in issue in the Company and are as a result, considered to be related parties to the Company (Significant Investors).

                                      Total % of shares   Number of
                                      held by Significant Significant Investors
                    Total % of shares Investors
                                      who are not         who are not
                    held by Related   affiliates of       affiliates of
                    BlackRock Funds   BlackRock Group or  BlackRock Group or
                                      BlackRock, Inc.     BlackRock, Inc.

As at 30 April 2024 nil               n/a                 n/a

As at 31 October    nil               n/a                 n/a

As at 30 April 2023 nil               n/a                 n/a

                    =========         =========           =========

12. Transactions with the Investment Manager and AIFM
BlackRock Fund Managers Limited (BFM) provides management and administration services to the Company under a contract which is terminable on six months’ notice. BFM has (with the Company’s consent) delegated certain portfolio and risk management services, and other ancillary services, to BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited (BIM (UK)). Further details of the investment management contract are disclosed in the Directors’ Report on page 47 in the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 October 2023.

The investment management fee is levied quarterly, based on 0.6% per annum of the Company’s market capitalisation. The investment management fee due for the six months ended 30 April 2024 amounted to £82,000 (six months ended 30 April 2023: £119,000; year ended 31 October 2023: £235,000). At the period end, £227,000 was outstanding in respect of the investment management fee (30 April 2023: £119,000; 31 October 2023: £175,000). The Company is entitled to a rebate from the investment management fee charged by the Manager in the event the Company’s ongoing charges exceed the cap of 1.15% per annum of average daily net assets. The rebate for the six months period ended 30 April 2024 amounted to £29,000 (six months ended 30 April 2023: £nil; year ended 31 October 2023: £nil) and has been adjusted against the investment management fee charged by the Manager. Any final rebate for the full year ending 31 October 2024 will not crystallise and fall due until the calculation date of 31 October 2024.

In addition to the above services, BIM (UK) provided the Company with marketing services. The total fees paid or payable for these services for the six months ended 30 April 2024 amounted to £7,000 including VAT (six months ended 30 April 2023: £7,000; year ended 31 October 2023: £14,000). At the period end, £18,000 was outstanding in respect of marketing fees (30 April 2023: £18,000; 31 October 2023: £24,000).

The Company holds an investment in the BlackRock Institutional Cash Series plc - Sterling Liquid Environmentally Aware Fund of £1,636,000 (30 April 2023: £1,564,000; 31 October 2023: £1,066,000) which has been presented in the financial statements as a cash equivalent. This is a fund managed by a company within the BlackRock Group.

The ultimate holding company of the Manager and the Investment Manager is BlackRock, Inc., a company incorporated in Delaware, USA.

13. Contingent liabilities
There were no contingent liabilities at 30 April 2024 (30 April 2023: none; 31 October 2023: none).

14. Publication of non statutory accounts
The financial information contained in this Half Yearly Financial Report does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 435 of the Companies Act 2006. The financial information for the six months ended 30 April 2024 and 30 April 2023 has not been audited.

The information for the year ended 31 October 2023 has been extracted from the latest published audited financial statements, which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditor on those accounts contained no qualification or statement under Sections 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

15. Annual results
The Board expects to announce the annual results for the year ended 31 October 2024 in December 2024. Copies of the results announcement can be obtained from the Secretary on 020 7743 3000 or by email at . The Annual Report and Financial Statements should be available in December 2024, with the Annual General Meeting being held in March 2025.

BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited
12 Throgmorton Avenue

20 June 2024


The Half Yearly Financial Report will also be available on the BlackRock website at .   Neither the contents of the Manager’s website nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the Manager’s website (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.

For further information please contact:

Charles Kilner, Director, Closed End Funds – Tel:   020 7743 3000

Press enquires:

Ed Hooper, Lansons Communications
Tel:   020 7294 3620
E-mail:   or