Acuity RM Group Plc - Acquisition
This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of the
Rizikon is an automated Third Party GRC software product which allows organisations to track, manage and report on supplier compliance with company policies by providing risk scorecards and compliance dashboards to report on third-party risks, improving third-party assurance and risk management through automated, secure and standardised systems leading to increased visibility of suppliers.
For the year ended
One of the most important elements of the acquisition, in addition to the expected material resultant growth in Acuity’s revenues and customer base, is the opportunity it affords Acuity to significantly increase its connectivity and potential customer partnership with major organisations. In particular, as a result of the acquisition of the Rizikon assets, an opportunity has immediately arisen for Acuity to enter into direct commercial negotiations with two significant organisations as partners to distribute both Rizikon and Acuity’s STREAM products. These potential new partners of Acuity, one of which is a major defence contractor, have the capability to enable Acuity to grow new customer numbers and revenues materially, over and above the Rizikon assets’ anticipated contribution to Acuity’s overall future performance.
For further information:
Acuity RM Group plc 020 3582 0566Angus Forrest , Chairman Zeus (NOMAD & Joint Broker) Coe /Sarah Mather 020 3829 5000Peterhouse Capital Limited (Joint Broker) 020 7469 0936Lucy Williams /Duncan Vasey Clear Capital Markets Limited (Joint Broker) 020 3869 6080Bob Roberts
Note to Editors
The Company is focused on delivering long term, sustainable growth in shareholder value from organic growth and complementary acquisitions.