  • Price (EUR)4.95
  • Today's Change-0.029 / -0.58%
  • Shares traded0.00
  • 1 Year change+19.62%
  • Beta--
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About the company

GrainCorp Limited is an Australia-based diversified agribusiness company. The Company operates through two segments: Agribusiness and Processing. The Agribusiness segment provides a grains and oil supply chain business with diversified international grains and oils. Its Agribusiness segment also provides commodities and products, including wheat, coarse grains (such as barley, sorghum and corn), oilseeds, pulses, organics, animal fats, used cooking oils and vegetable oils for animal feed purposes. The Processing segment is engaged in a vertically integrated edible oils crushing, processing, manufacturing and distribution business with a footprint across both Australia and New Zealand. The Company sells and delivers grains annually to more than 50 countries through its trading desks and offices in Australia, Canada, China, India, New Zealand, Singapore, the United Kingdom and Ukraine. Its subsidiaries include Auscol Pty Ltd, CropConnect Pty Ltd, Champion Liquid Feeds Pty Ltd and others.

  • Revenue in AUD (TTM)8.23bn
  • Net income in AUD249.70m
  • Incorporated1992
  • Employees2.38k
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