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About the company

Prudential plc is a United Kingdom-based company, which provides life and health insurance and asset management products in Asia and Africa. Its businesses are diversified across Asia and Africa, with a health and protection focus. The Company protects its customers’ wealth, helps them grow their assets, and enables them to save for their goals. Its multi-channel distribution platform includes agents, banks, and digital. The Company provides savings and protection products in many markets challenged by low insurance penetration and pension funding in Africa. It focuses on providing regular health and protection business alongside fee-earning asset management services. Its asset management products are distributed to third-party institutions and retail clients alongside services provided to internal insurance customers. The Company has built its businesses in the markets, such as Chinese Mainland, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

  • Revenue in GBP (TTM)8.49bn
  • Net income in GBP1.35bn
  • Incorporated1978
  • Employees15.00k
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