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About the company

Fresenius SE & Co KGaA is a Germany-based healthcare group. It operates through four business segments. Fresenius Medical Care runs a global network of dialysis clinics, providing treatment for patients with chronic kidney failure. It also offers dialyzers, dialysis machines and renal pharmaceuticals. Fresenius Kabi specializes in intravenously administered generic drugs (IV drugs), clinical nutrition and infusion therapies. It also supplies hospitals with medical devices and products of transfusion technology. Fresenius Helios is a private hospital operator, with over 130 facilities in Germany, including maximum care hospitals and rehabilitation centers and, through Quironsalud, over 80 hospitals and outpatient centers, as well as approximately 300 Occupational Risk Prevention Centers in Spain. Fresenius Vamed manages projects and provides services for health care facilities worldwide, from development and turnkey construction to maintenance and total operational management.

  • Revenue in EUR (TTM)22.30bn
  • Net income in EUR353.00m
  • Incorporated2011
  • Employees193.87k
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