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About the company

Gold Fields Limited (Gold Fields) is a South Africa-based globally diversified gold producer with approximately eight operating mines in Australia, Peru, South Africa and Ghana and two projects in Canada and Chile. The Company is involved in underground and surface gold and surface copper mining and silver and related activities, including exploration, extraction, processing and smelting. It has a total attributable annual gold-equivalent production of approximately 2.40 million ounces (Moz), gold mineral reserves of 46.1 Moz and gold mineral resources of 42.3 Moz (excluding mineral resources). In Peru, the Company also produces copper. Its economic interest in the South Deep mine in South Africa is approximately 96.43%. The Company also owns 100% of the St Ives, Agnew, Granny Smith mines and around 50% of the Gruyere gold mine in Australia, and 90.0% of the Tarkwa and Damang mines in Ghana. It owns approximately 99.5% of the Cerro Corona mine in Peru.

  • Revenue in ZAR (TTM)85.62bn
  • Net income in ZAR13.74bn
  • Incorporated1968
  • Employees6.30k
  • Location
    Gold Fields Ltd150 Helen Road, SandownSANDTON 2196South AfricaZAF
  • Phone+27 115629700
  • Fax+27 115629829
  • Websitehttps://www.goldfields.com/
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