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About the company

Alumina Limited is an Australia-based company, which invests in bauxite mining and alumina refining through Alcoa World Alumina and Chemicals (AWAC), its joint venture with Alcoa Corporation (Alcoa). The principal activities of the Company relate to its 40% interest in the series of operating entities forming AWAC. AWAC has interests in bauxite mining, alumina refining and aluminum smelting. The Company is the 40% partner in the AWAC joint venture whose assets comprise global bauxite mines and alumina refineries in Australia, Brazil, Spain, Saudi Arabia and Guinea. AWAC also has a 55% interest in the Portland aluminum smelter in Victoria, Australia. AWAC has an international network of alumina refineries in Australia, Brazil, and Spain and approximately 90% of this alumina goes to feed smelters that produce the aluminum used in transport, aerospace, building, construction and packaging.

  • Revenue in USD (TTM)-118.90m
  • Net income in USD-150.10m
  • Incorporated1970
  • Employees7.47k
  • Location
    Alumina LtdLevel 36, 2 Southbank BoulevardSOUTHBANK 3006AustraliaAUS
  • Phone+61 38699-2600
  • Fax+61 38699-2699
  • Websitehttp://www.aluminalimited.com
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