RiverFort Global Opportunities PLC


RiverFort Global Opportunities PLC

  • Price (GBX)0.22
  • Today's Change0.00 / 0.00%
  • Shares traded--
  • 1 Year change-10.20%
  • Beta1.4388
Data delayed at least 20 minutes, as of Mar 22 2024.
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Inc stmt in GBPIncome statement in GBPView more

Year on year RiverFort Global Opportunities PLC's revenues fell 553.43% from -642.54k to -4.20m. a loss of 866.43k to a larger loss of 5.34m.
Gross margin--
Net profit margin--
Operating margin--
Return on assets-70.57%
Return on equity-74.04%
Return on investment-74.04%
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Cash flow in GBPView more

In 2023, RiverFort Global Opportunities PLC increased its cash reserves by 10.88%, or 104.20k. The company earned 1.07m from its operations for a Cash Flow Margin of -25.53%. In addition the company used 922.55k on investing activities while cash flow from financing was even.
Cash flow per share--
Price/Cash flow per share--
Book value per share0.006
Tangible book value per share0.006
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Balance sheet in GBPView more

RiverFort Global Opportunities PLC appears to have little financial risk as the company holds a substantial amount of cash on its books with little or no debt.
Current ratio14.47
Quick ratio--
Total debt/total equity0.00
Total debt/total capital0.00
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Growth rates in GBP

Year on year, growth in earnings per share excluding extraordinary items dropped -515.18%.
EPS growth(5 years)--
EPS (TTM) vs
TTM 1 year ago
Data Provided by LSEG
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