Company Announcements

Pan African Resources Plc - Director/PDMR Shareholding

          Pan African Resources PLC

(Incorporated and registered in England
and Wales under the Companies Act 1985     Pan African Resources Funding Company
with registered number 3937466 on 25       Limited
February 2000)
                                           Incorporated in the Republic of South
Share code on AIM: PAF                     Africa with limited liability

Share code on JSE: PAN                     Registration number: 2012/021237/06

ISIN: GB0004300496                         Alpha code: PARI

ADR ticker code: PAFRY

(“Pan African Resources” or the “Company”)







The Company announces it has received notification that Chief Executive Officer, Cobus Loots, disposed of 300,000 ordinary shares of 1p each in Pan African Resources on 27 June 2024.

The Company also announces that it has received notification that on 28 June 2024, LTS Ventures (Pty) Ltd, an entity associated with Chief Executive Officer Cobus Loots, entered into the following transactions:

    --  Collar transactions for 500,000 ordinary shares of 1p each in Pan
        African Resources
    --  The advance of a loan of ZAR 2,085,932 for a term of 2 years with
        500,000 shares pledged as security for the loan and the dividend on
        these secured shares sacrificed for the loan’s tenure.

Following these transactions, Mr Loots has an indirect beneficial interest of 5,896,248 ordinary shares, representing 0.2653 % of the Company's issued share capital and a direct beneficial interest of 1,573,982 ordinary shares, representing 0.0708% of the Company's issued share capital and 314,280 open contracts for differences (CFDs).

The below information and notification are made in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the JSE Listings Requirements.


|  ||Details of the person discharging    |                                    |
|1.||managerial responsibilities/person   |                                    |
|  ||closely associated                   |                                    |
|a)||Name:                                |Cobus Loots                         |
|  ||Reason for the notification          |                                    |
|2.||                                     |                                    |
|a)||Position/status:                     |Chief Executive Officer             |
|b)||Initial notification/Amendment:      |Initial notification                |
|  ||Details of the issuer, emission      |                                    |
|  ||allowance market participant, auction|                                    |
|3.||platform, auctioneer or auction      |                                    |
|  ||monitor                              |                                    |
|a)||Company name:                        |Pan African Resources PLC           |
|b)||LEI:                                 |213800EAXURCXMX6RL85                |
|  ||Details of the transaction(s):       |                                    |
|  ||section to be repeated for (i) each  |                                    |
|  ||type of instrument; (ii) each type of|                                    |
|4.||transaction; (iii) each date; and    |                                    |
|  ||(iv) each place where transactions   |                                    |
|  ||have been conducted                  |                                    |
|  ||Description of the financial         |Ordinary shares of 1p each          |
|a)||instrument, type of instrument:      |                                    |
|  ||                                     |Identification code: GB0004300496   |
|  ||                                     |Trade 1: Disposal of shares         |
|  ||                                     |                                    |
|b)||Nature of the transaction:           |Trade 2: Collar structure           |
|  ||                                     |                                    |
|  ||                                     |Trade 3: Security for loan          |
|  ||                                     |Trade 1: Disposal of 300,000 shares.|
|  ||                                     |VWAP ZA 612.97 cents per share.     |
|  ||                                     |                                    |
|  ||                                     | ______________________________     |
|  ||                                     ||Price(s)            |         |    |
|  ||                                     ||                    |Volume(s)|    |
|  ||                                     ||(ZA cents per share)|         |    |
|  ||                                     ||____________________|_________|    |
|  ||                                     ||612.45              |200,000  |    |
|  ||                                     ||____________________|_________|    |
|  ||                                     ||614.00              |100,000  |    |
|c)||Price(s) and volume(s):              ||____________________|_________|    |
|  ||                                     |                                    |
|  ||                                     |Trade 2: Collar structure over      |
|  ||                                     |500,000 shares. Put option strike   |
|  ||                                     |price (bought) ZA494.4 cents per    |
|  ||                                     |share. Call option strike price     |
|  ||                                     |(sold) ZA 959.0 cents per share.    |
|  ||                                     |                                    |
|  ||                                     |Trade 3: Pledged 500,000 shares with|
|  ||                                     |a dividend sacrifice as security for|
|  ||                                     |a 2 year term loan of ZAR           |
|  ||                                     |2,085,932.00.                       |
|  ||                                     |Trade 1: Disposal value of          |
|  ||                                     |ZAR1,838,902                        |
|  ||                                     |                                    |
|d)||Aggregated information:              |Trade 2: Collar structure over      |
|  ||                                     |                                    |
|  ||                                     |Trade 3: Loan amount ZAR2,085,932.00|
|  ||                                     |Trade 1: 27 June 2024               |
|e)||Dates of the transactions:           |                                    |
|  ||                                     |Trade 2 and 3: 28 June 2024         |
|f)||Place of the transaction:            |Johannesburg Stock Exchange         |


Additional information disclosed in accordance with the JSE Listings Requirements:

|  |                                     |Trade 1: Direct beneficial          |
|  |                                     |                                    |
|a)|Nature of interest of executive:     |Trade 2: Indirect beneficial        |
|  |                                     |                                    |
|  |                                     |Trade 3: Indirect beneficial        |
|  |                                     |Trade 1: On-market                  |
|  |                                     |                                    |
|b)|On-market or off-market:             |Trade 2: Off-market                 |
|  |                                     |                                    |
|  |                                     |Trade 3: Off-market                 |
|  |Clearance given in terms of paragraph|                                    |
|c)|3.66 of the JSE Listings             |Yes                                 |
|  |Requirements:                        |                                    |
|  |                                     |Trade 1: ZAR1,838,902.00            |
|  |                                     |                                    |
|d)|Total value of transactions          |Trade 2: No premium                 |
|  |                                     |                                    |
|  |                                     |Trade 3: ZAR2,085,932.00            |
|  |                                     |Indirect beneficial 5,896,248       |
|  |                                     |ordinary shares                     |
|  |                                     |                                    |
|e)|Holding following transactions:      |Direct beneficial 1,573,982 ordinary|
|  |                                     |shares                              |
|  |                                     |                                    |
|  |                                     |314,280 open CFDs                   |





2 July 2024


For further information on Pan African, please visit the Company's website at

|Corporate information                                                      |
|Corporate office                      |Registered office                   |
|                                      |                                    |
|The Firs Building                     |2nd Floor                           |
|                                      |                                    |
|2nd Floor, Office 204                 |107 Cheapside                       |
|                                      |                                    |
|Cnr. Cradock and Biermann Avenues     |London                              |
|                                      |                                    |
|Rosebank, Johannesburg                |EC2V 6DN                            |
|                                      |                                    |
|South Africa                          |United Kingdom                      |
|                                      |                                    |
|Office: + 27 (0)11 243 2900           |Office: + 44 (0)20 7796 8644        |
|                                      |                                    |
||                      |
|Chief executive officer               |Financial director                  |
|                                      |                                    |
|Cobus Loots                           |Deon Louw                           |
|                                      |                                    |
|Office: + 27 (0)11 243 2900           |Office: + 27 (0)11 243 2900         |
|Head: Investor relations              |                                    |
|                                      |                                    |
|Hethen Hira                           |Website:|
|Tel: + 27 (0)11 243 2900              |                                    |
|E-mail:               |                                    |
|Company secretary                     |Nominated adviser and joint broker  |
|                                      |                                    |
|Jane Kirton                           |Ross Allister/Georgia Langoulant    |
|                                      |                                    |
|St James's Corporate Services Limited |Peel Hunt LLP                       |
|                                      |                                    |
|Office: + 44 (0)20 7796 8644          |Office: +44 (0)20 7418 8900         |
|JSE Sponsor and JSE debt sponsor      |Joint broker                        |
|                                      |                                    |
|Ciska Kloppers                        |Thomas Rider/Nick Macann            |
|                                      |                                    |
|Questco Corporate Advisory Proprietary|BMO Capital Markets Limited         |
|Limited                               |                                    |
|                                      |Office: +44 (0)20 7236 1010         |
|Office: + 27 (0)11 011 9200           |                                    |
|                                      |Joint broker                        |
|                                      |                                    |
|                                      |Matthew Armitt/Jennifer Lee         |
|                                      |                                    |
|                                      |Joh. Berenberg, Gossler & Co KG     |
|                                      |                                    |
|                                      |Office: +44 (0)20 3207 7800         |