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LEI: 213800LOZA69QFDC9N34
LSE share code: MNDI
JSE share code: MNP ISIN: GB00BMWC6P49
Q3 2024 Trading Update
Underlying EBITDA for the quarter was, as expected, lower than the previous quarter, at €223 million (Q2 2024: €351 million). This was primarily due to more planned maintenance shuts and a forestry fair value loss, which together resulted in a difference between the third quarter and second quarter of approximately €90 million. This was in addition to softer seasonal demand and higher input costs.
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"Our expansionary projects remain on track. We are making good progress towards completing the paper machine investments at Steti and Duino, both expected to start-up as planned. Overall, our organic growth investments are expected to deliver a meaningful EBITDA contribution from 2025.
Together with the recently announced acquisition of the Western European assets of
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Conference call dial-in details:
A conference call will be held this morning, Thursday 17 October, at 09:00 (BST) / 10:00 (CET/SAST). Please click on the link below.
Replay details:
A webcast will be available in replay mode on our website within a couple hours after the end of the live results presentation.
FTI Consulting
Editor's notes
In 2023,
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