Company Announcements

Lancashire Holdings Ltd - Director/PDMR Shareholding

Lancashire Holdings Limited

(the "Company") or ("LHL")


Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them



17 December 2024

Hamilton, Bermuda

The Company announces that on 13 December 2024, Philip Broadley, Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Board of Directors, purchased 4,415 common shares of US$0.50 each in the Company at £6.796112 per share.

Following this transaction, Philip Broadley has an interest in the Company of 51,615 common shares, representing 0.0212% of the Total Voting Rights in the Company.

The notification below, made in accordance with the requirements of UK MAR, provides further detail:

|1 |Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person  |
|  |closely associated                                                    |
|a)|Name                          |Philip Broadley                        |
|2 |Reason for the notification                                           |
|a)|Position/status               |Non-Executive Director and Chair of the|
|  |                              |Board of Directors                     |
|b)|Initial notification/Amendment|Initial notification                   |
|3 |Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction |
|  |platform, auctioneer or auction monitor                               |
|a)|Name                          |Lancashire Holdings Limited            |
|b)|LEI                           |5493002UNUYXLHOWF752                   |
|  |Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each    |
|4 |type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date;   |
|  |and (iv) each place where transactions have been conducted            |
|  |Description of the financial  |Common Shares of US$0.50 each          |
|a)|instrument, type of instrument|                                       |
|  |                              |ISIN: BMG5361W1047                     |
|  |Identification code           |                                       |
|b)|Nature of the transaction     |Purchase of common shares              |
|  |                              | ___________________                   |
|  |                              ||Price(s) |Volume(s)|                  |
|c)|Price(s) and volume(s)        ||_________|_________|                  |
|  |                              ||£6.796112|4,415    |                  |
|  |                              ||_________|_________|                  |
|  |Aggregated information        |                                       |
|  |                              |4,415                                  |
|d)|- Aggregated volume           |                                       |
|  |                              |£30,004.83                             |
|  |- Price                       |                                       |
|e)|Date of the transaction       |2024-12-13                             |
|f)|Place of the transaction      |(XLON) London Stock Exchange           |


Name of authorised official of issuer for making notification

        Christopher Head
                  +44 20 7264 4145
Company Secretary
                  chris.head@lancashiregroup.com17 December 2024