
Cycliq Group Ltd


Cycliq Group Ltd

Consumer DiscretionaryLeisure Goods
  • Price (AUD)0.003
  • Today's Change0.00 / 0.00%
  • Shares traded761.28k
  • 1 Year change-25.00%
  • Beta1.2448
Data delayed at least 20 minutes, as of Mar 11 2025 00:20 BST.
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About the company

Cycliq Group Limited is an Australia-based smart safety, action and sport cycling company, manufacturing and marketing the cycling light and camera safety systems for the Fly6, Fly6 Pro and Fly12 Sport. It operates predominantly in the technology industry, manufacturing high-definition bike cameras and safety lights. It has operations in Australia and China, with direct-to-consumer sales from its Website and Amazon, and access to more than 6,000 retail points of presence through a network of regional distributors and retail partners in the United States, United Kingdom, European Union (EU) and Asia-Pacific. The Company provides various accessories, including Duo Mount, Saddle Rail Mount, Fly6 - Rear Pannier Mount Pack, Fly12 - Handlebar Mount, Universal Adapter Pack, Cycliq Security Tag Holder, Microphone Filters and Fly6 Gen 3 Silicone Case. It also offers lumiere unisex reflective jackets. Its subsidiaries include Cycliq Products Pty Ltd and Cycliq Research and Development (HK) Ltd.

  • Revenue in AUD (TTM)5.05m
  • Net income in AUD-942.91k
  • Incorporated2006
  • Employees--
  • Location
    Cycliq Group LtdUnit 14, 513 Hay StreetSUBIACO 6008AustraliaAUS
  • Phone+61 86558-0886
  • Fax+61 86316-3337
  • Websitehttps://cycliq.com/
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Peer analysis

Key Information
CompanyRevenue (TTM)Net income (TTM)Market capEmployeesPrice/earnings (TTM)Price/book value (MRQ)Price/cash flow (TTM)Price/sales (TTM)EPS (excl. extraordinary items, TTM)EPS (incl. extraordinary items, TTM)Revenue per share (TTM)Book value per share (MRQ)Asset turnover (TTM)Inventory turnover (TTM)Receivables turnover (TTM)Revenues per employee (TTM)Return on avg assets (TTM)Return on avg assets (5 yr avg)Return on investment (TTM)Return on investment (5 yr avg)Gross margin (TTM)Gross margin
(5 yr avg)
Net profit margin (TTM)Net Profit margin
(5 yr avg)
Quick ratio (MRQ)Interest coverage (TTM)Total debt to capital (MRQ)Payout ratio
(5 yr avg)
(YOY change %)
(5 yr growth rate)
Net income
(YOY change %)
Net income
(5 yr growth rate)
Capital expenditure
(5 yr growth rate)
(5 yr growth rate)
TTA Holdings Ltd1.19m-1.45m412.27k--------0.3467-0.0106-0.01060.0087-0.00271.172.369.78---142.97-32.70-402.77-45.74-41.19-2.15-122.33-37.590.189-1,863.74----1.47-38.10-16.03------
Vivanco Gruppe AG54.61m-12.82m855.52k256.00------0.0157-1.35-1.355.74-0.35090.92092.326.52103,081.30-21.71-1.48-36.10-3.1047.8844.81-23.58-1.390.8017--1.11---20.92-13.55-575.52---25.02--
Cycliq Group Ltd5.05m-942.91k1.84m----12.31--0.3648-0.0025-0.00250.01290.00032.285.9244.88---38.87-59.11-233.56-246.8649.4942.45-17.03-30.840.7887-125.440.00---11.98-0.4098-106.20--6.65--
Veom Group SA40.10m-4.87m3.07m81.00----10.000.0766-0.8097-0.80976.50-0.04250.88321.5715.41270,197.70-10.79-2.67-24.10-5.2443.6037.20-12.21-2.980.333-2.250.9911---11.395.90-178.60---9.40--
Audeara Ltd4.20m-1.98m7.02m----4.68--1.67-0.0146-0.01460.03040.00831.1811.6716.83---55.75-49.34-101.23-77.3322.9238.58-47.16-98.341.54--0.2489--9.6040.5057.18--21.42--
Atomos Ltd36.89m-21.47m7.29m--------0.1976-0.1893-0.18930.057-0.00311.452.3710.75---84.55-33.09-496.11-48.8730.8735.71-58.19-40.680.3494-5.641.50---16.47-7.8463.38---57.97--
Algorhythm Holdings Inc41.62m-18.04m8.12m27.00--0.0361--0.1951-349.24-349.24715.9059.,793.70-44.25---137.56--18.40---44.19--0.4293-20.170.268--------------
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Data as of Mar 11 2025. Currency figures normalised to Cycliq Group Ltd's reporting currency: Australian Dollar AUD
Data Provided by LSEG
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