
Marimaca Copper Corp

Marimaca Copper Corp

  • Price (EUR)3.24
  • Today's Change-0.16 / -4.71%
  • Shares traded0.00
  • 1 Year change+43.36%
  • Beta--
Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Mar 10 2025.
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About the company

Marimaca Copper Corp. is a Canada-based exploration and development company focused on base metal projects in Chile. The Company’s principal asset is the Marimaca Copper Project, located in the Antofagasta Region of northern Chile. The Marimaca Copper Project is situated at a low altitude in Chile’s Coastal Copper Belt, 25 kilometers (km) east of the port of Mejillones and 45 km north of Antofagasta, Marimaca has access to water and power, road and rail networks supplying sulphuric acid and other consumables, as well as deepwater ports. The Marimaca Copper Project comprises a set of concessions (the 1-23 Claims), properties 100% owned and optioned by the Company, combined with the adjacent La Atomica and Atahualpa claims, over which Marimaca Copper has the right to explore and exploit resources. The Company also has an option agreement to acquire the Pampa Medina project (Pampa Medina), which consists of four mining concessions totaling 144 hectares.

  • Revenue in CAD (TTM)0.00
  • Net income in CAD-14.73m
  • Incorporated2016
  • Employees23.00
  • Location
    Marimaca Copper Corp66 Wellington Street West, Suite 5300TORONTO M5K 1E6CanadaCAN
  • Phone+56 22431 7608
  • Fax+1 (604) 682-5542
  • Websitehttps://marimaca.com/
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