
Floridienne SA

Floridienne SA

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About the company

Floridienne SA is a Belgium-based diversified holding company. The Company operates in three sectors such as food, life sciences and chemicals. It aims to invest in niche business lines which have a beneficial impact on the environment. It focuses on the environment and in all the sectors in which it operates electric battery recycling, food, and life sciences. The Company e invests regularly in its production tools to make them more efficient (automation of tedious tasks), more ergonomic (to avoid risks of accidents and heavy loads) and less polluting (flue gas treatment, excipient recovery) and to improve their energy performance. Its activity of the Food Division mainly involves the preparation of snails and frozen specialties (scallops, stuffed mussels, flaky pastry appetizers, etc.) at several plants in France and eastern Europe.

  • Revenue in EUR (TTM)599.29m
  • Net income in EUR1.54m
  • Incorporated1898
  • Employees3.80k
  • Location
    Floridienne SADreve Richelle 161 Box 4, Building PWATERLOO 1410BelgiumBEL
  • Phone+32 23530028
  • Fax+32 23530581
  • Websitehttps://www.floridienne.be/
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