
GDB Holdings Bhd


GDB Holdings Bhd

IndustrialsConstruction and Materials
  • Price (MYR)0.300
  • Today's Change-0.015 / -4.76%
  • Shares traded574.80k
  • 1 Year change+53.85%
  • Beta--
Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Mar 10 2025.
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About the company

GDB Holdings Berhad is a Malaysia-based investment holding company. It has two subsidiaries, namely, the 100%-owned Grand Dynamic Builders Sdn Bhd (GDBSB) and the 70%-owned GDB Geotechnics Sdn Bhd (GDB Geotechnics). GDBSB is principally involved in the provision of construction services, focusing on high-rise residential, commercial, and mixed development projects as the main contractor and principal works contractor. It also provides certain services such as the supply and installation of construction materials, machinery, and equipment, as well as other specialized trade work such as mechanical and electrical engineering works, piping and plumbing works, external paint works, waterproofing works, and other related works. GDB Geotechnics is engaged in the provision of construction services, specializing in geotechnical and foundation engineering works. Its portfolio of projects includes BBCC Show Units, One Central Park Desa ParkCity, KL Eco City, Etiqa Office Tower, among others.

  • Revenue in MYR (TTM)258.23m
  • Net income in MYR26.76m
  • Incorporated2013
  • Employees197.00
  • Location
    GDB Holdings BhdA-02-01, F-02-01 & F-02-02,Sekitar 26 Enterprise, Persiaran Hulu SeSELANGOR DARUL EHSAN 40400MalaysiaMYS
  • Phone+60 351038162
  • Fax+60 351036621
  • Websitehttps://www.gdbhb.com.my/
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Peer analysis

Key Information
CompanyRevenue (TTM)Net income (TTM)Market capEmployeesPrice/earnings (TTM)Price/book value (MRQ)Price/cash flow (TTM)Price/sales (TTM)EPS (excl. extraordinary items, TTM)EPS (incl. extraordinary items, TTM)Revenue per share (TTM)Book value per share (MRQ)Asset turnover (TTM)Inventory turnover (TTM)Receivables turnover (TTM)Revenues per employee (TTM)Return on avg assets (TTM)Return on avg assets (5 yr avg)Return on investment (TTM)Return on investment (5 yr avg)Gross margin (TTM)Gross margin
(5 yr avg)
Net profit margin (TTM)Net Profit margin
(5 yr avg)
Quick ratio (MRQ)Interest coverage (TTM)Total debt to capital (MRQ)Payout ratio
(5 yr avg)
(YOY change %)
(5 yr growth rate)
Net income
(YOY change %)
Net income
(5 yr growth rate)
Capital expenditure
(5 yr growth rate)
(5 yr growth rate)
Pintaras Jaya Bhd363.94m15.56m240.50m293.0015.460.61975.030.66080.09380.09382.192.340.688314.232.18--2.944.743.766.497.8511.
Inta Bina Group Bhd690.78m33.18m246.16m739.007.591.275.320.35640.05860.05861.220.35011.2237.641.94--5.843.9416.6010.259.948.714.783.521.309.600.368--6.2610.9145.118.1374.63--
Mitrajaya Holdings Bhd378.91m21.92m248.37m253.0011.070.34787.240.65550.02890.02890.49980.92010.38011.181.64--2.090.70853.001.0713.1814.105.502.381.1213.500.0849--28.54-8.8055.38--47.09--
LFE Corporation Bhd172.94m23.35m256.09m127.0011.602.4228.731.480.0190.0190.14210.09081.15--3.01--15.930.327424.310.503718.9317.7713.800.5412.0462.540.0912--56.16--2,305.79------
JAKS Resources Bhd50.50m56.57m262.63m124.004.340.16814.335.200.0230.0230.02070.59490.021292.400.1335--1.55-0.11821.92-0.158911.5916.2273.22-2.471.03--0.2374--27.67-45.51237.86-12.14-8.20--
Mudajaya Group Bhd372.82m84.53m265.74m295.003.440.47632.440.71280.02910.02910.16350.20990.17752.600.6626--4.520.669111.141.4318.1915.4425.453.091.484.830.4626---19.08-1.09274.21--11.29--
Salcon Bhd298.73m16.46m289.92m410.0017.430.703811.670.97050.01610.01610.29280.39780.48652.312.48--2.86-1.704.00-2.2611.7112.185.88-4.531.63--0.1511--93.219.32177.65--42.47--
Sunmow Holding Bhd154.19m7.34m290.09m--40.134.7927.871.880.03090.03090.64570.25871.004.842.60--4.784.4712.0310.6712.1314.454.765.281.1412.260.1158--33.898.28-13.9645.923.14--
GDB Holdings Bhd258.23m26.76m295.31m197.0011.04--
KTI Landmark Berhad175.36m8.53m304.00m113.0035.681.7330.811.730.01070.01070.21920.2202----------------24.09--4.86--0.49261.890.6744--45.93---38.29------
Critical Holdings Bhd277.76m19.37m304.83m77.0013.134.3115.091.100.06240.06240.81950.19032.02--3.673,607,223.0014.08--29.03--17.39--6.97----89.210.0871--77.74--101.29------
Kimlun Corporation Bhd1.21bn50.32m323.35m192.006.430.4253.960.26780.14240.14243.422.150.66953.751.47--2.760.76115.
Citaglobal Bhd291.67m14.90m338.25m336.0022.810.854914.861.160.03490.03490.68360.93250.4754.041.25--2.37--3.50--24.26--4.98--1.32--0.2065--41.93--60.02------
Varia Bhd407.91m7.79m346.00m36.0077.150.84336.970.84820.01040.01041.070.9490.658452.913.25--1.26--1.64--10.45--1.91--1.211.820.2477--------------
MGB Bhd1.03bn60.11m360.91m718.006.000.59944.370.34970.10160.10161.741.020.91898.316.60--5.493.359.645.9316.6915.485.984.421.3515.840.1247--6.196.4224.7834.8328.28--
Eversendai Corporation Bhd1.24bn14.10m363.21m12.00k27.191.053.640.29180.01710.01711.510.44370.49554.300.9831--0.6766-4.472.68-13.5018.687.851.37-10.440.81191.430.7014---14.60-4.40-47.160.8837-3.29--
Data as of Mar 10 2025. Currency figures normalised to GDB Holdings Bhd's reporting currency: Malaysian Ringgit MYR

Institutional shareholders

0.32%Per cent of shares held by top holders
HolderShares% Held
TA Investment Management Bhd.as of 08 Apr 20242.96m0.32%
Data from 30 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024Source: FactSet Research Systems Inc.
Data Provided by LSEG
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