
Pashupati Cotspin Ltd


Pashupati Cotspin Ltd

Basic MaterialsIndustrial Materials
  • Price (INR)600.95
  • Today's Change-8.55 / -1.40%
  • Shares traded400.00
  • 1 Year change+597.97%
  • Beta0.5178
Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Mar 11 2025 03:53 BST.
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About the company

Pashupati Cotspin Limited is an India-based company. The Company is engaged in cotton ginning and manufacturing, and processing of yarn. It exports its products to approximately 35 countries across the globe. The Company’s products include cotton bales, yarns, cotton seed, oil mill, cotton cake, wash oil, and Eli twist and Lycra. The Company has a fully automatic ginning plant with a production capacity of over 2.5 Lakh cotton bales (40,000 metric tons (MT)) per annum with 112 double roller gins. Its spinning unit houses a fully integrated production plant, built on sprawling approximately 40 acres of land, with an installed capacity of over 37,000 spindles which can produce over 10,950 tons of cotton yarn per annum. The Company’s subsidiary is Pashupati Cotyarn LLP.

  • Revenue in INR (TTM)7.42bn
  • Net income in INR134.01m
  • Incorporated2017
  • Employees342.00
  • Location
    Pashupati Cotspin LtdSurvey No. 404At- Balasar, Kadi-Detroj Road, Ta- KadiMAHESANA 382715IndiaIND
  • Phone+91 2 764262200
  • Websitehttps://pashupaticotspin.com/
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Peer analysis

Key Information
CompanyRevenue (TTM)Net income (TTM)Market capEmployeesPrice/earnings (TTM)Price/book value (MRQ)Price/cash flow (TTM)Price/sales (TTM)EPS (excl. extraordinary items, TTM)EPS (incl. extraordinary items, TTM)Revenue per share (TTM)Book value per share (MRQ)Asset turnover (TTM)Inventory turnover (TTM)Receivables turnover (TTM)Revenues per employee (TTM)Return on avg assets (TTM)Return on avg assets (5 yr avg)Return on investment (TTM)Return on investment (5 yr avg)Gross margin (TTM)Gross margin
(5 yr avg)
Net profit margin (TTM)Net Profit margin
(5 yr avg)
Quick ratio (MRQ)Interest coverage (TTM)Total debt to capital (MRQ)Payout ratio
(5 yr avg)
(YOY change %)
(5 yr growth rate)
Net income
(YOY change %)
Net income
(5 yr growth rate)
Capital expenditure
(5 yr growth rate)
(5 yr growth rate)
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Ambika Cotton Mills Ltd7.72bn659.64m7.86bn1.80k11.91--8.721.02115.23115.231,347.81--------4,281,631.00--12.18--13.8935.4536.388.5512.40--4.77--18.68-1.974.55-43.72-0.066410.453.13
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Pashupati Cotspin Ltd7.42bn134.01m9.62bn342.0070.437.5239.631.308.658.65482.2981.052.2216.068.0521,707,000.004.00--7.56--10.83--1.80--0.93881.670.4829--49.20--114.10------
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AYM Syntex Ltd15.02bn289.70m10.80bn1.33k64.48--12.020.71882.862.86169.50--------11,278,330.00--2.07--3.3446.2023.851.931.46--1.58--0.00-6.836.49-71.52-19.03-11.59--
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Data as of Mar 11 2025. Currency figures normalised to Pashupati Cotspin Ltd's reporting currency: Indian Rupee INR
Data Provided by LSEG
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