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About the company

CD Projekt SA is a Poland-based company engaged in the leisure products industry. It is a player on the global digital entertainment market. The Company is active in four operating segments. The Distribution and Publishing in Poland segment is responsible for the production and marketing of computers game, movies on digital discs (DVD) and Blu-ray storage devices in the domestic market. The Production of Games segment, through CD Project Red, focuses on the production of video games, sale of licenses and products associated with the digital sector. The Global Digital Distribution of Games segment is engaged in the distribution of computer games through the Websites, and the Others segment focuses on the holding activities. The Company’s main products are The Witcher, The Witcher 2: Assasins of Kings and The Witcher 3: Wild HuntCyberpunk 2077 and Cyberpunk 2077. It operates through subsidiaries, such as GOG Poland Sp z o o, Brand Project Sp z o o and CD Project Brands SA, among others.

  • Revenue in PLN (TTM)1.23bn
  • Net income in PLN481.11m
  • Incorporated2001
  • Employees615.00
  • Location
    CD Projekt SAul. Jagiellonska 74, budynek EWARSZAWA 03-301PolandPOL
  • Phone+48 225196900
  • Fax+48 225196949
  • Websitehttps://www.cdprojekt.com/
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