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About the company

Deutsche Wohnen SE is a Germany-based real estate Company, which focuses on the management and development of it's residential property portfolio. The Company divides it's activities into three segments: Residential Property Management; Disposals, and Nursing and Assisted Living. The Residential Property Management segment's core activity is the management of residential properties, including modernization and maintenance of the property portfolio. The Disposals segment includes all aspects of the preparation and execution of the sale of apartments within the Company's portfolio. The Nursing and Assisted Living segment is operated by KATHARINENHOF Seniorenwohn- und Pflegeanlage GmbH and offers residential and care facilities in Berlin, Brandenburg, Saxony and Lower Saxony in Germany.

  • Revenue in EUR (TTM)--
  • Net income in EUR--
  • Incorporated2017
  • Employees796.00
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