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About the company

Companhia Paranaense de Energia, also known as Copel, is a Brazil-based electric utilities company. The Firm’s activities are divided into five segments: Power Generation and Transmission (GeT); Power Distribution and Sales (DiS); Telecommunications (TEL); Gas; and Holding (HOL). The GeT segment includes the generation of electric energy from hydraulic, wind and thermal projects; the transport and transformation of the power generated by the Company; and the construction, operation and maintenance of all power transmission substations and lines. The DiS segment is focused on the distribution and sale of electric energy, and the operation and maintenance of the distribution infrastructure. The TEL segment provides telecommunications services. The Gas segment is involved in the public service of piped natural gas distribution. The HOL segment consists of the participation in other companies. The Company operates in the state of Parana.

  • Revenue in USD (TTM)4.09bn
  • Net income in USD393.91m
  • Incorporated1954
  • Employees5.96k
  • Location
    Companhia Paranaense de EnergiaRua Jose Izidoro Biazetton 158 Bloco A, MossungueCURITIBA 81.200-240BrazilBRA
  • Phone+55 4 133314269
  • Fax+55 4 133312849
  • Websitehttps://www.copel.com/
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