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About the company

GDS Holdings Ltd is a China-based holding company mainly engaged in developing and operating high-performance data centers. The Company is neutral to operators and cloud service providers, which enables its customers to access all the major telecommunications networks in China, as well as Chinese and global public clouds which it hosts in many of its facilities. It offers colocation and managed services, including direct private connection to public clouds, a service platform for managing hybrid clouds, and where required, the resale of public cloud services. It also provides outsourced data center services. Its customers, which consist of cloud service providers, Internet companies, financial institutions, telecommunications carriers, information technology (IT) service providers, large enterprises and public services customers. The Company mainly conducts its businesses in the Chinese market.

  • Revenue in HKD (TTM)10.77bn
  • Net income in HKD-4.70bn
  • Incorporated2006
  • Employees2.19k
  • Location
    GDS Holdings LtdF4/F5, Building C, Sunland InternationalNo. 999 Zhouhai Road,Pudong DistrictSHANGHAI 200137ChinaCHN
  • Phone+86 2 120292200
  • Websitehttps://www.gds-services.com/zh_cn/
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