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About the company

HUTCHMED China Ltd, formerly Hutchison China Meditech Ltd, is an investment holding company principally engaged in the manufacturing and sale of drugs. Along with subsidiaries, the Company operates its business through two segments. The Oncology and Immunology segment is engaged in discovering, developing, and commercializing targeted therapies and immunotherapies for the treatment of cancer and immunological diseases, including research and development activities covering drug discovery, development, manufacturing and regulatory functions as well as administrative activities to support research and development operations, also covering sales, marketing, manufacturing and distribution of drug developed from research and development activities. The Other Ventures segment is involved in other commercial businesses including the sales, marketing, manufacturing and distribution of other prescription drugs and over-the-counter pharmaceuticals as well as consumer health products.

  • Revenue in HKD (TTM)6.56bn
  • Net income in HKD789.27m
  • Incorporated2000
  • Employees1.99k
  • Location
    HUTCHMED (China) Ltd48Th Floor, Cheung Kong Center2 Queen's Road Central Hong KongHKG
  • Phone+852 21281188
  • Fax+852 21281778
  • Websitehttps://www.hutch-med.com/
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