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About the company

Hieneken NV is the Netherlands-based company engaged in the brewing and selling of beer. The product range of HEINEKEN mainly consists of beer, soft drinks and cider. The Company operates through five segments: Africa, Middle East & Eastern Europe; Americas; Asia Pacific, Europe, and Head Office and Other/eliminations. The Africa, Middle East and Eastern Europe segment includes brands, such as Heineken, Primus, Amstel, Walia and Goldberg. The Americas segment includes brands, such as Heineken, Tecate, Amstel, Sol and Dos Equis. The Asia Pacific segment includes brands, such as Heineken, Anchor, Larue, Tiger and Bintang. The Europe segment includes brands, such as Heineken, Cruzcampo, Birra Moretti, Zywiec and Strongbow Apple Ciders. The Company owns, markets and sells in more than 190 countries.

  • Revenue in USD (TTM)32.31bn
  • Net income in USD2.45bn
  • Incorporated1873
  • Employees89.73k
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