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About the company

Valneva SE is a France-based company that specializes in the development, manufacture and commercialization of vaccines to protect people from infectious diseases through preventative medicine. The Company's portfolio includes two commercial vaccines for travelers: IXIARO/JESPECT, for the prevention of Japanese Encephalitis, and DUKORAL, which is indicated for the prevention of cholera and, in some countries, prevention of diarrhea caused by Enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (ETEC). The Company has also vaccines in development, including candidates against Lyme disease, COVID-19 and chikungunya. Its technologies and services segment cooperates with various pharmaceutical companies using its platform: EB66 vaccine production cell line and IC31 adjuvant. The Company is focused on research and development (R&D) programs, as well as holds investment in product candidates and commercial products.

  • Revenue in EUR (TTM)153.71m
  • Net income in EUR-101.43m
  • Incorporated1999
  • Employees684.00
  • Location
    Valneva SE6 rue Alain BombardSAINT-HERBLAIN 44800FranceFRA
  • Phone+33 228073710
  • Fax+33 144217078
  • Websitehttps://valneva.com/
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