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About the company

Sony Group Corp is engaged in the games & network services (G&NS), music, movies, electronics products & solutions (EP&S), imaging & sensing solutions (I&SS), finance and other businesses. The G&NS field is involved in the network service business, the manufacture and sale of home video game consoles and software. The music field mainly includes music production, music publishing and video media platform businesses. The film field mainly includes film production, television program production and media network businesses. The EP&S field mainly includes the TV business, audio, video business, still image, video camera business, smartphone business and Internet-related service business. The I&SS field mainly includes the image sensor business. The financial field is involved in the insurance business, which mainly focuses on personal life insurance and non-life insurance, as well as the banking business. The Other fields consist of activities such as disc manufacturing business.

  • Revenue in USD (TTM)81.46bn
  • Net income in USD5.88bn
  • Incorporated1946
  • Employees113.00k
  • Location
    Sony Group Corp1-7-1, KonanMINATO-KU 108-0075JapanJPN
  • Phone+81 367482111
  • Fax+81 367482244
  • Websitehttps://www.sony.com/ja/
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